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#180047460Monday, December 21, 2015 9:36 PM GMT

1. Different servers: All of the people playing Roblox are logging on to 1 single server causing problems in the game. 2.Hackers/Exploiters: There has been a rise in Hackers/Exploiters lately. The developers need to stop this and patch the things that the E/H's are doing. 3.Events: I believe problems with Roblox before this one caused this one. Roblox for the past 2 years has been doing MOSTLY sponsored events. Atleast they never took away our fun tradition of the egg hunt. And nice job on the Admin egg it looks amazing! I think that the Roblox staff needs to get ideas on what the players want in the events and have help from the devs but not have the devs do all of the work. This might be a big problem. 4. This one lies within the players themselves. The players have not been giving Roblox enough time to fix its problems and they just quit. They have no patience. They have no compassion. They have no integrity. This needs to change. I encourage the Roblox Players to have more maturity even if this is a kids game.
#180047505Monday, December 21, 2015 9:37 PM GMT

This forum was also not meant to offend the roblox staff.
#180048255Monday, December 21, 2015 9:46 PM GMT

You can't just say:Hackers and exploiters, you need to know what they are using to hack/exploit and tell roblox. Not giving any examples is pointless. The server thing isn't as easy as it sounds. Events, YES roblox NEEEDS to listen to the community but personally egg hunt 2014 was a blast for me especially with the teamwork egg etc. With the community, this is the roblox community you are talking about. It won't get any better. If people are ODing, how are they going to become mature? Especially when they know the lego girl they are talking to could be a man
#180091030Tuesday, December 22, 2015 2:44 PM GMT

Interesting thoughts. Well I will name some of the exploits I have seen lately. -Destroying maps(R2D)(TM) -Immortality(R2D)(TM) - teleportation(R2D) -Speed(R2D) -Kicking people from server(R2D) There were some more that I forgot I will add more examples as I see them.
#180091317Tuesday, December 22, 2015 2:53 PM GMT

Most of these can be solved not with the actual staff, but the community and developers.

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