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#180144271Wednesday, December 23, 2015 5:31 AM GMT

meow Also this is for Franky's NFL. Js. 10. Washington Redskins The Redskins just aren't getting it done. Gtg is doing his best but they still don't have a solid QB or any real groundbreaking players. Drunkencloud is the only player that sticks out but he can't do it all, this team needs to figure things out and fast if it wants to win, still hope, but it's dwindling for a playoff spot. 9. Seattle Seahawks The Seahawks are currently in a playoff spot, but that doesn't mean they can keep it. They have Wullop, but when I think of the Seattle that's really it besides Naz and Jodi. This team needs some people to break out. 8. New England Patriots The Pats weren't that far from a win against the Broncos, but weren't really there either. Fire is at QB, he made a few plays and could move the ball, but was nothing special. They got some nice WRs in Revy, Sgt and Tort. Gotta get the Wins now though. 7. Miami Dolphins The Dolphins are coming off a close loss to the Packers, with Sunslingers nice sacks, Steam's INT of the year (6j doe) they just need more of these plays. Icesky is a solid QB, but he's either pretty good or really bad. The Dolphins almost gave the Packers a real fit in their second chance game (first game voided) They need to continue that energy building into week 3. In their tough conference though, they will need a miracle to make the playoffs. 6. San Francisco 49ers Well I mean in the first game they were tied 49-49 with 2 minutes left, but that's a whole nother world now. Taking a FF as I snapped and looking to rebound with their now easy schedule, more than talented, just need to work together. Solidall around, nice WRs, just a team that needs to get it done. 5. Detroit Lions Tis but a scoreboard glitch away from nearly playing spoiler to the Raiders. I really don't know many of the names here besides Flyboy, Expose and Dep but a near win is a near win despite being a loss. If they keep it up they can rack up the wins. 4. Green Bay Packers Won the first time, this team is too talented to be sitting here, but the Dolphins nearly upset them. Hollowpaw, Trent, Mark, Ray and multiple others just need to step up and take these wins in a convincing fashion and they can trickle back up into the power rankings. Big matchup this week. 3. Oakland Raiders Franky is still probably the best QB in the league, maybe he is degrading but that is too early to tell. Team is ok, somewhat inactive, but incred, drgodder and franky are a big three that need to step up more and put these games out of reach. 2. Pittsburg Steelers i got the salt for real though, this is a good team that desperately underperformed but took their secobd chance and ran with it. 1. Denver Broncos The Broncos are solid all around, a great QB in york. Matt, base, coolio and others and this team is a real contender. Underperforming a tad but plenty of time to fix that and honestly I think this team is just looking weak on purpose. Also have a big game this weekend so time will tell.
#180144552Wednesday, December 23, 2015 5:36 AM GMT

Calvin Johnson · Works at Detroit Lions Aaron Rodgers pro bowl? Ok! G@yest qb ever Unlike · Reply · 1 · 17 mins Aj Avila · Newman Smith High School RODGER CAN GO UP MY A$$ I was like ROFL when calvin said that
#180144642Wednesday, December 23, 2015 5:38 AM GMT

Forgets about base in said big 3 ;-;
#180144782Wednesday, December 23, 2015 5:41 AM GMT

I must admit I did miss you base, like i thought of you then got distracted and thought of incred. I also forgot bosshawked for Seattle
#180144820Wednesday, December 23, 2015 5:42 AM GMT

owait no i'm dumb I just reffered to you as a Bronco aren't I the smartest
#180145371Wednesday, December 23, 2015 5:53 AM GMT

you also forgot about imamanatee too, who had 3 sacks and my 2, then me at center who kept r2 and feel to .5 sacks each, w0w0w
#180147220Wednesday, December 23, 2015 6:33 AM GMT

Silly base, i'm not writing a list of every player
#180147351Wednesday, December 23, 2015 6:36 AM GMT

but franky and matt would be dead without me.....
#180152284Wednesday, December 23, 2015 8:54 AM GMT

icesky is basically the eli manning of this league lol.
#180156278Wednesday, December 23, 2015 11:27 AM GMT

but incred, drgodder and franky are a big three that need to step up more and put these games out of reach. i lost more braincells by reading this than watching yourself qb
#180163060Wednesday, December 23, 2015 2:57 PM GMT

We haven't gone tryhard all year because the Dolphins and the Pats were our first match ups lol
#180164996Wednesday, December 23, 2015 3:40 PM GMT

When im not mentioned ;(
#180165277Wednesday, December 23, 2015 3:45 PM GMT

My Sb int was the int of the year )): i went highhhhh
#180166211Wednesday, December 23, 2015 4:04 PM GMT

Ice mentioned me in his PR's I'm finally a star!!!!!!

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