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#180194390Wednesday, December 23, 2015 11:00 PM GMT

OT UP TO GO TO DA BATHROOM AND LOOKED IN THE TOILET AND A SKELLETON POPPED OUT AND STABED ME IN THE NECK!!!!!! I THEN WENT TO DA KITCHEN TO CLEAN THE RED BLOOD OFF OF ME!!! I THEN OPENED THE CABNINTS TO FIND A CLOTH, BUT ALL OF A SUDDEN JEFF THE KILLER CAME OUT AND STABED ME IN THE STOMACH!!!! OOOOWWWCCCHHH!!!! IT HURTS SO BBBAAAAADDDD!!!!!!!!! I TURENED ON THE TV TO SCARE JEFF THE KILLER, WHEN I TUREND ON THE TV THE INFAMOS LAVENDUR TOWN MUSIC FROM PUKYMON WAS PLAYING FORM DA SPEAKERS!!!!! I RAN OUTSIDE SO I DON'T HAVE TO HEAR THAT AWFUL MUSIC!!!!! I LOOKED UP AND SAW DA SLENDAMAN!!!! OH CRAP I'M DEAD!!! THERE IS NO POINT OF GOING ON ANYMORE!!! I MUST DIE RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!!!! BEFORE I DIE, I MUST GO CHECK DA MAIL!!! WHATS THIS?! ITS A DISK THAT SAYS "SONIC.EXE" OH CRAP I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!! AS I WAS RUNNING THE SLENDAMAN,JEFF DA KILLA AND THAT SKELLETON WAS CHASING ME!!!!! THEN I TRIPED OVER SOMETHING!!! IT WAS A SONIC PLUSH WITH BLOOD RED EYES!!!!!!!! OH SSSHHHHHEETTTTTT!!!!!! I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!! AS I WAS RUNNING FOR MY LIFE, I SAW A LEGEND OF ZELDA MAJORAS MASK LAYING ON DA ROAD!!!! I TOCHED IT AND ALL OF A SUDDEN BEN POPPED OUT!!!! THEN I SAW SQUIDWARD IN REAL LIFE!!!! HE WAS BY SOME CAR SITTING DOWN AND CRYING!!! I WENT TO TALK TO HIM, BUT THEN............... WHEN HE TUREND AROUND HIS FACE LOOKED DIFFERENT!!! HE HAD BLOOD RED EYES AND THE THING THAT SHOCKED ME THE MOST WAS THAT IS FACE WAS VERY HYPER REALISTIC!!!!!! I SCREAMED AND RAN OFF!!! I FOUND A HOUSE WITH A COMPUTER IN IT!!!! I LOCKED THE DOORS AND WINDOWS!!! Now i have calmed down. I want right in all caps anymore. Instead i will write in BIRGHT BOLD TEXT!!! I was on this computer and saw somthing strange on the desktop. It was a file dat said "Bros Mario Super 4." I clicked the file and took me to the game. I started out as Mario. (DUH!) I made Mario walk to the right for about 25 seconds. The screed started to shake and get all static-ey. Mario looked very worried and scared. I kept making Mario move to the right for about 10 seconds. The screen got darker and darker each step i took. The screen finally went deep dark black. I heard a very low laugh come from the speakers. I was very SCARED!!! A sprite appeard on the screen. It looked like my friend who died 3 years ago. Except his eyes looked tired.........AND BLEEDING!!! I made Mario jump on the sprite that looked like my friend. Then da screen CRASHED and text appeard that said "You should'nt have done that!"OH CRAP!!! I HEAR JEFF AND THOSE MONSTERS BANGING ON DA DOOR!!! I WILL WRITE IN ALL CAPS NOW BECAUSE I'M SCARED!!! THEY FINALLY BUST DOWN THE DOOR!!! I WILL JUST LET THEM KILL ME!!! SLENDAMAN GOT HIS HAND ON MY CHEST AND SAID "Why are you running away from us?" I SAID "BECAUSE YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!!!" JEFF GOT SOMETHING FROM HIS POCKET!!! IT WAS A CAKE THAT SAID "Happy birthday!" I SAID "YOU GUYS KNOW WHEN MY MY BIRTHDAY IS?" THEY ALL SAID "Yep." Jeff started to cut the cake and slenda gave me a piece of cake. The skelleton had a hard time eating the cake. I said "What is your name skelleton?" He said "Pop" We all laughed out of stupidity. THE END OH WAIT!!!! I also died that night THE REAL END
#180194833Wednesday, December 23, 2015 11:07 PM GMT

soren did u drink like, 30 red bulls??
#180195139Wednesday, December 23, 2015 11:11 PM GMT

This is the best creepypasta ever my life is complete
#180200996Thursday, December 24, 2015 12:33 AM GMT

u you know soren is probably the best troll so far fights with some peoplem makes us have a laugh good guy
#180201401Thursday, December 24, 2015 12:39 AM GMT

My name isn't Soren. Quit calling me that.
#180202283Thursday, December 24, 2015 12:51 AM GMT

well it's how i know you it's your past account that you used on the forums sorry man :/
#180210975Thursday, December 24, 2015 2:56 AM GMT

Creepypastas are horror-related legends or images that have been copy-and-pasted around the Internet.[1][2][3] These Internet entries are often brief, user generated ghost or alien stories intended to scare readers. They include gruesome tales of murder, suicide, and otherworldly occurrences.[1] According to TIME magazine, the genre had its peak audience in 2010 when it was covered by The New York Times.[1] In the mainstream media, creepypastas relating to the fictitious Slender Man character came to public attention after the 2014 "Slender Man stabbing", in which a twelve-year-old girl from Waukesha, WI was stabbed by two of her friends; the perpetrators claimed they "wanted to prove the [Slender Man] skeptics" wrong.[1][4][5] After the murder attempt, some creepypasta website administrators made statements reminding readers of the "line between fiction and reality".[1] Other notable creepypasta characters and stories include Jeff the Killer, Ted the Caver, and Psychosis.[1][6][7] In October 2014, a book called Creepypasta: Spökhistorier från Internet (Creepypasta: Ghost Stories from the Internet) was published in Sweden.[8] In May 2015, Machinima announced plans for a live action web series curated by Clive Barker, titled Clive Barker's Creepy Pasta.[9] The term originates from "copypasta", a word used on 4chan in 2006 to describe viral copy-and-pasted text.[1]
#180211437Thursday, December 24, 2015 3:02 AM GMT

soren soune ds like th enaime name i love the namie
#180211558Thursday, December 24, 2015 3:03 AM GMT

CreepyPasta: Have you ever woken up at 3:00AM? If you have it's because you think someone is watching you. I have woken up at 3:00AM before. #2Spooky4Me!
#180214339Thursday, December 24, 2015 3:42 AM GMT

RIP Jingle wikipedia bought him out
#180214427Thursday, December 24, 2015 3:43 AM GMT

"u you know soren is probably the best troll so far fights with some peoplem makes us have a laugh good guy" does it ever occur to you that some people are just stupid, and not trolls? it's pretty hard to fake soren's level of stupidity tbh.
#180214728Thursday, December 24, 2015 3:48 AM GMT

@Forumses Wow at least I'm not wearing nothing but colors And at least I have a more creative username If you hate my posts then leave Making an ass out of yourself just because you hate something makes YOU the troll.
#180215643Thursday, December 24, 2015 4:02 AM GMT

"Wow at least I'm not wearing nothing but colors And at least I have a more creative username" what is an alt lol "If you hate my posts then leave Making an ass out of yourself just because you hate something makes YOU the troll." Are you implying I care if people think I'm a troll? You're making an ass out of yourself anyway, so I figured you'd want someone else to make an ass out of themselves. And no, I'm not leaving. Like you have the freedom to make a thread on the forum, I have the freedom to reply.
#180215890Thursday, December 24, 2015 4:07 AM GMT

Forumses@ But you don't have the freedom to be a total d0uche.
#180215924Thursday, December 24, 2015 4:07 AM GMT

yes he does, if he lives in the good ol' 'murica
#180215953Thursday, December 24, 2015 4:08 AM GMT

"But you don't have the freedom to be a total d0uche." Actually I do. The thing is; it takes more than being rude to some guy to be a "total d0uche".
#180215971Thursday, December 24, 2015 4:08 AM GMT

also it's the internet therefore freedom to be a total doooche
#180255199Thursday, December 24, 2015 6:49 PM GMT

@Finn So basically, you just called everyone American a d0uche.
#180257289Thursday, December 24, 2015 7:19 PM GMT

@Jason what no I said we have to freedom to be a doooche
#180502461Monday, December 28, 2015 6:09 AM GMT

This is why we can't have nice things. :/
#180517404Monday, December 28, 2015 3:30 PM GMT

yeah because of people like you lol!!!!
#180598056Tuesday, December 29, 2015 4:23 PM GMT

Or dumbass trolls like you!
#180600179Tuesday, December 29, 2015 5:00 PM GMT

at least i have friends :))))))))
#180602360Tuesday, December 29, 2015 5:37 PM GMT

I do too.
#180605215Tuesday, December 29, 2015 6:35 PM GMT


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