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#180285317Friday, December 25, 2015 1:45 AM GMT

{Table Of Contents} {1} Obey {2} Rules {3} Combat Rules {4) Penalty {5} More Information --------------------------------------------------------- {1} Obey These rules are final, It is Obligated that you follow them. If one were to break the rule, He/She/They will be penalized. --------------------------------------------------------- {2} Rules 1. It is compulsory that Anbu uniforms are worn when taking on a mission or to a meeting. 2. No high ranks are allowed to free rank, caught doing so will result in an automatic exile. 3. ANBU Members must follow a HRs commands no matter what, unless they are giving you a command that breaks the rules. If they give you a command that breaks the rule, you must tell the high rank that they're breaking the rule and that you won't follow it. BUT if you do follow a command that breaks a rule, then both of you will be punished. 4. No high ranks are allowed to demote anyone without consent from the Captain or Commander. 5. Getsukagure rules must be followed at all times. --------------------------------------------------------- {3} Combat rules: These rules will be followed every time you're in a NRPG server: -No Gen -No spam 3X -No modes -No ninshu -No Flaming kick/Lotus -No aircamp 5sec -No shurikens -No summoning -No companion --------------------------------------------------------- {4} Penalty If one does anything that goes against the rules and if caught doing so, you shall be punished in the following order: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Written Warning (PM) 3. Demotion 4. Exile Keep in mind that at times, the punishment will match the severity of the violation. --------------------------------------------------------- {5} More Information If you have any questions comments or suggestions, please feel free to Pm me(EliteDexterity), Ajanisensei5 and Shadow28664

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