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#180446435Sunday, December 27, 2015 2:54 PM GMT

LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 You stand within a church building looking from the spire at the daunting surroundings of the French countryside. You could hear the tracks of the advancing panzer tanks yet they weren't in sight. This not only petrified you but alerted you to their everlasting presence. They were taunting you. You hear a noise coming from the other room and go ahead to inspect it. There you see a man with the stripes of a Lieutenant across his arm. "Ah, Lieutenant. Are you okay?" You'd ask. He'd nod. "Wait.. who are you?" He'd question. >State your name to continue.
#180446564Sunday, December 27, 2015 2:59 PM GMT

Joseph Wickes.
#180447418Sunday, December 27, 2015 3:25 PM GMT

NAME: PVT. JOSEPH WICKES LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 TIME: 04:43 (PM) "Joseph Wickes, Sir, Private with the West Riding of Yorkshire regiment, Sir." You'd quickly respond with a quick salute. The Lieutenant would nod and mumble; "at ease" and then would continue to construct a metallic object on the bedroom floor. "What are you doing, Sir?" You ask but he tuts. "A Communications relay." He'd reply, "Now please leave me be!" He'd command. You took the hint and quickly left back to the original room which had now filled with Officers and normal soldiers alike. "Right; the plan." General Alanbrooke began. "We simply defend this manor and hope for the best. All good chaps?" He asked, this was met by a flurry of nods. "Very good." He finished. The enemy attack is predicted to happen before nightfall. Your issued watch reads the time as 04:43 PM. You have around two hours spare time before the sky becomes dark, what would you like to do?
#180447474Sunday, December 27, 2015 3:26 PM GMT

Set up defenses such as sandbags and MG positions for the first 30 minutes. Spend the next 30 minutes on target practice. The final hour, eat and solve any personal issues first.
#180569115Tuesday, December 29, 2015 3:28 AM GMT

NAME: PVT. JOSEPH WICKES LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 TIME: 06:35 (PM) You create defensive positions circling the entire house with sandbags and manage, with the assistance of around 40 other Tommies, to dig a knee deep trench outside of the sandbags. Multiple MG positions are stationed across the building and the entrenched position including each 4 corners of the house and two stationed within the upper floors aiming north and west. You begin to feel exhausted but ignore your body's plea for rest and head downstairs, to the defensive position, where you begin to use a nearby signpost for target practice. Click. Whizz. Click. Bang. Click. Whizz. You hit the target once out of three tries - impressive. The Lee Enfield is known for quick reload and usage times, not accuracy, which allows equal deadliness with that of the German Karabiner 98k. You turn and notice General Alanbrooke preparing his armoured car. "General, you're leaving?" You ask, slightly puzzled by this sudden appearance. "Indeed, the French have called upon me for the planning of the defensive positions around the Paris. You're being led by Captain Harris now." He said, before adding; "Oh, please don't waste your ammunition on signposts." He finishes. You laugh, slightly, and turn back heading towards the house. You spend the final hour tucking into your meal, a nice roast chicken dinner with peas, carrots, gravy, Yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes. It's a final delicacy, but a nice one. You recount tales with the rest of your brigade and, basically, enjoy what could be the final hour of your life. Time, however, goes by quickly and within moments you are sent back to your position as rifleman 12 of the upper floors. You are to assist the machine-gunner with taking out long-range targets with your rifle towards the north side - the brunt of the German war machine. You look to your watch. ====={06:42 PM}===== The enemy are spotted encircling your position however the small forest, located behind the country manor, seems to be abandoned by the German mechanized division. From the first glance and scouting parties; it appears that the division has no tanks however it is heavily compensated for the loss in artillery and highly mobile, skilled and trained infantry units - the German elite. Within moments you find yourself encircled and the enemy are quickly moving in. The machine gunner, located to your left, begins opening fire and quickly, in your vision, you see six, no seven... No; eight; Germans fall to the floor. By now the entire household and the defences had opened fire and both Germans and Britons alike were falling down due to artillery and gunfire. >How would you like to use your rifle against the advancing Germans? >[ Information ] >[ Armoury ] >[ RADIO ]
#180569665Tuesday, December 29, 2015 3:36 AM GMT

#180699474Wednesday, December 30, 2015 11:55 PM GMT

NAME: PVT. JOSEPH WICKES LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 TIME: 06:45 (PM) You quickly rush across the house shouting around "ammo count!" and, as proceedings go, you being to realise that the small division, no matter the size, had plenty of ammunition. [STOCK COUNT] +60 H.E. Mortar Shell(s) +3 W.P. Mortar Shell(s) +1 W.SMOKE. Mortar Shell(s) +1 R.SMOKE. Mortar Shell(s) +516 Lee Enfield magazine(s) {6 PER PERSON} +25 L.M.G. Belt(s) {100 PER L.M.G} +86 Fragmentation Grenade(s) {1 PER PERSON} [END STOCK COUNT] You return to your original position to see a gigantic hole in the side of the room and to find that the eastern-directed gunner had been killed along with the three riflemen beside him. You signal to the floor commandant, Sergeant Harrison, whoever shrugs his shoulders. >What do you do?
#180719001Thursday, December 31, 2015 4:14 AM GMT

Find his MG and keep firing, or if no MG is found, run up to a higher position and cover the east.
#180740647Thursday, December 31, 2015 1:30 PM GMT

NAME: PVT. JOSEPH WICKES LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 TIME: 06:38 (PM) You look across the rubble, slightly dazed from all the constant firing, and find what looks to be an empty MG. You shout, "I need an MG belt!", and quickly a young bespectacled rifleman runs from the stairwell to your position holding a belt of ammunition. You lift the flap and push the first round into the MG, sealing the flap you then begin to ram back to mechanism and continue firing. You count six, seven... eighth... nine. Nine Germans have been downed by yourself, so far, just through the machine-gun fire. It doesn't take long before German artillery restarts the pounding into the countryside manor. You look down the field and right on the horizon you can see a piece of German field artillery, a 115mm howitzer, prepare to fire. You watch as the crew, out of reach from your machine-gun, quickly place a shell into chamber and then, suddenly, you see the end of the artillery piece light up with fire and smoke and suddenly a piece of artillery is coming towards you.
#180802202Friday, January 01, 2016 4:07 AM GMT

If it's a Heavy MG, then leave it and run for the nearest cover, if a LMG, grab it and run. Also, there are no 115mm howitzers, only 105 or 155. Also, what MG am I carrying?
#180843809Friday, January 01, 2016 7:15 PM GMT

(I apologise for the miscalculation of the Howitzer size. It's a 105 mm (10.5 cm) leFH 18.) NAME: PVT. JOSEPH WICKES LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 TIME: 06:38 {LAST TIME CHECKED} (PM) You grab the Besal by the grip and run from the top floor down the stairs, narrowly avoiding a dangerous, and hear a massive explosion. The entire top floor releases a thick cloud of dangerous smoke, ash and wooden splinters. Soldiers groan from the top floor and blood begins to trickle towards the steps. You think about going up but, in the end, decide against it; you need to remain alive for your family back at home and for the sake of your troops. You quickly wipe your eyes, removing the specks of ash and the dust from blinding you, and begin to approach the sandbag defences surrounding the house. Your hearing is worst than usual due to the thunderous explosion and the constant hail of gunfire from both sides. You look around and notice that the Germans were approaching a lightning-quick speeds. "Captain; do you have a plan?" You cry, looking to him. He shakes his head. "Alanbrooke needed this place defending to hold back the Germans from capturing our main force. We're a rearguard action!" He shouts; his voice muzzled by the constant sound of battle. Whizz! You duck your head, just in time. A stray bullet comes flying within inches of hitting your skull. You see the bullet hit the cobbled house and dust release itself from the crumbled structure. "Listen; Wickes; there is an opening within the forest to the West that the Germans have failed to close down. I'll issue you a squad of three, maybe four, men and you take them." The Captain begins, you try to intervene but he quickly shuts your argument down. "It's an order. The first British or French unit you come across you tell them what has happened and that we held out till we couldn't afford to. Alright, good. Richards, Waddington and Silman quickly over here. Follow Wickes!" The Captain commands; they immediately obey. You, and your men, quickly sprint across the open grassland towards the opening of the forest. The Germans aren't interested in your retreat; much; they fire a few rounds but nothing dangerous and you quickly find yourself in the forest. >What would you like to do?
#180875384Saturday, January 02, 2016 1:59 AM GMT

Dig in and fire on advancing Germans.
#180956340Sunday, January 03, 2016 2:07 AM GMT

NAME: PVT. JOSEPH WICKES LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 TIME: 06:38 {LAST TIME CHECKED} (PM) WITH: L-CPL. WADDINGTON | PVT. RICHARDS | PVT. SILMAN You quickly order the three followers to lower themselves to the ground and attempt to blend into their surroundings. They succeed, in the short period of time, to a level of satisfactory camouflage. You plant the Besal (LMG) onto the ground and begin short bursts of fire, followed by the distinctive bursts of fire from the three riflemen, towards the advancing Germans. After what you imagine to be 10 or so minutes (check the watch when you wish) you perceive the idea that the German advance has been stopped towards the forest and that you are safe.
#180959662Sunday, January 03, 2016 2:52 AM GMT

(that moment when you realize I just gave orders to a Lt. Corporal as a Pvt.) Check watch now, wait for about 2 minutes, then send Private Silman back to the front to investigate and return to give a SITREP. Meanwhile, stay on guard.
#180966678Sunday, January 03, 2016 4:22 AM GMT

(L-CPL is a British rank for Lance Corporal) NAME: PVT. JOSEPH WICKES LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 TIME: 07:12 {LAST TIME CHECKED} (PM) WITH: L-CPL. WADDINGTON | PVT. RICHARDS | PVT. SILMAN You check your watch; ====={07:12 (PM)}===== It reads the distinctive time which the nighttime sky also dimly shows. The sun is beginning to falter on this calm spring evening. You no longer hear gunshots but you do not assume the worst; "Surely the Germans have halted their advance for the night!" you assure the men, the nod in hopeful belief. After a couple of minutes you look to the men and smile. "I'm sorry but somebody has to do this; Silman; head back to the manor and look for any British survivors, bring them if you can and report the situation back to me." You command, Silman nods and quickly, grasping onto his rifle with one hand and his helmet, atop his head, with another, sprints out of the forest and towards the believed to-be British household. You, Richards and Waddington remain on guard looking around for possible hostile movements. You see nothing, for now.
#180970614Sunday, January 03, 2016 5:15 AM GMT

(May i ask for the link to the ISRP for this?) "I ғᴇᴇʟ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜᴅᴅᴇɴ ᴜʀɢᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴍʙɪʙᴇ ᴠᴀsᴛ ᴀᴍᴏᴜɴᴛs ᴏғ ᴀʟᴄᴏʜᴏʟɪᴄ ʙᴇᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇs." - Tailsdahfox | 2015
#180971050Sunday, January 03, 2016 5:22 AM GMT

#180994526Sunday, January 03, 2016 4:03 PM GMT

NAME: PVT. JOSEPH WICKES LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 TIME: 07:12 {LAST TIME CHECKED} (PM) WITH: L-CPL. WADDINGTON | PVT. RICHARDS | PVT. SILMAN (MISSION) You sit and count your ammunition hoping that you have enough to cover a retreat back to the secured Anglo-French lines. [AMMUNITION SUPPLIES] x6 Lee-Enfield Magazine(s) {20 ROUND(S) EACH PERSON(S)} x1 Fragmentation Grenade(s) x2 Besal Magazine(s) {30 ROUND(S) PER MAGAZINE(S)} x1 White Smoke Grenade(s) [CEASED SUPPLY CHECK] "We have about enough for the breakthrough. We're already clear of the German sentries for the ngiht; we keep moving towards the Anglo-French zone when Silman returns" You say, taking a drink of ice-cold water from your canteen. The night brought in an chilly coldness which sent shivers down your spine. Your uniform, although quite thick, didn't keep the coldness from breaching to your skin. You hear the crunching of boots through the leaves, twigs and ammunition shells across the floor of the forest and immediately look to the dark figure of a man approaching the dug-in position. You quickly respond by aiming your Besal towards it. "Hold fire!" He yelps, very quietly, in a British accent. You immediately recognise the voice. "Silman!" You proclaim, happy that he arrived back safely. After a few minutes of conversation you figure that the British country manor had fallen and that the Germans had left the area to commit a pincer movement against the French 2nd Army at Reims. Silman identified 63 British dead, the rest most likely captured. You look at the floor for a few minutes drenched in sorrow. "God bless their souls..." You murmur, flooded with distraught emotions. Time passes by a further into the night you see yourself heading through the forest towards the Anglo-French line. Given the intelligence returned by Silman you decide that it is best to head towards the French 2nd Army in the hope that their force may be big enough to drive the advancing Germans away; however Waddington and Richards both see this plan as stupid and an unnecessary risk to their lives. They announce that they wish to travel to Metz, an Anglo-French held city, in the hope of survival. >Choose Reims (French 2nd Army) >Choose Metz (Anglo-French Held City) >Also perform action as well as upper choice
#181059252Monday, January 04, 2016 11:46 AM GMT

Choose Mets. Also, search for vehicle.
#181071136Monday, January 04, 2016 6:30 PM GMT

NAME: PVT. JOSEPH WICKES LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 TIME: 07:12 {LAST TIME CHECKED} (PM) WITH: L-CPL. WADDINGTON | PVT. RICHARDS | PVT. SILMAN (MISSION) You decide that Waddington's idea is the most likely to succeed and immediately take the decision, being the unlikely leader of the squad, to head towards the city of Metz; guarded by the well-built defences of the Maginot Line. Rumours circulated at the beginning of British deployment that France was impenetrable and that, however unlikely a German attack, they would repulse the Jerries at all fronts. You begin the immediate hike towards Metz from the forest outskirts of Sedan. A normal hike, with no pauses, would take 26 hours but this is far too long. You decide to look for transport, any bicycles, left over trucks or even a Universal Carrier. It doesn't take too long until you reach a small unnamed village on the outskirts of the forest located near Sedan; taking around 40 minutes marching time from your original, dug-in position. You managed to locate two military standard motorcycles; German. You decide that these motorcycles are your best chance to reach Metz quickly and to join in the defensive. You climb onto the back of the motorcycle, driven by Richards, and immediately begin speeding towards Metz. The travel will take around 1 hour and 35 minutes; best keep your eyes open for enemy movement.
#181090807Monday, January 04, 2016 11:42 PM GMT

Pull out a sidearm or borrow a sidearm and watch for enemy movement that way.
#181091525Monday, January 04, 2016 11:53 PM GMT

NAME: PVT. JOSEPH WICKES LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 TIME: 07:12 {LAST TIME CHECKED} (PM) WITH: L-CPL. WADDINGTON | PVT. RICHARDS | PVT. SILMAN (MISSION) After pulling out your sidearm, a Webley revolver, you are pleased to confirm that you needn't shoot anybody along the trip. You check your watch as you see the bright light of Metz on the horizon. It reads: ====={09:40 (PM)}===== You quickly keep the sidearm ready as you approach the city which looks to still be held by the Anglo-French forces however it had, definitely, suffered some serious bombing campaigns by the German Luftwaffe. After a few minutes you quickly disembark the motorcycle and head towards the British Command Offices within the city. You enter the office of Field Marshal Douglas Haig and notice him standing beside three Officers, one French two British, planning the next move against a predicted German offensive. "Field Marshal, Sir!" You snap to attention, saluting and clicking your right heel to the floor. "At ease, soldier. What is it?" He asks. You begin to converse and relay information of the fallen city of Sedan and that the rearguard action, led valiantly by Captain Harris, managed to hold all day against a greater force of German artillery, air force and infantry units. You then begin to notify the Field Marshal of how you were issued a direct order to relay the information to the nearest command post and that is why you decided to come directly to the fortified city of Metz. He nods to you with a smile. "Private Wickes; you're being promoted. You're now issued the rank of Lance Corporal. Please wait out by the trenches and help repair any damages." He requests; you nod and leave the room. >Insert action >[GAINED RANK: LANCE CORPORAL | L-CPL]
#181117664Tuesday, January 05, 2016 9:44 AM GMT

Move outside, grab a few more magazines, get a few more men under my command if I can, set up trenches.
#181233232Thursday, January 07, 2016 6:49 PM GMT

NAME: L-CPL. JOSEPH WICKES LOCATION: SEDAN HP: 100/100 TIME: 09:47 {LAST TIME CHECKED} (PM) WITH: L-CPL. WADDINGTON | PVT. RICHARDS | PVT. SILMAN | PVT. THOMSON | PVT. JAMES | PVT. ALLEN You head towards an open-backed lorry filled with crates of ammunition. Reaching inside you grab a few more magazines for your Besal and two magazines, which you slide into your knee-side pockets, for a Lee-Enfield that you may find across the future battlefield when ammunition for your Besal ceases to exist. You head towards a group of ill-mannered men and you figure that they, laughing and joking around, are recent conscripts from the British mainland who have arrived to support France. Being conscripts; they are all Privates and you have a form of assertive command over them. You begin to talk to them, they inform you that their commanding officer died on the approach to the fortress city of Metz, and they accept your deal for them to join your squad. >['WITH' GAINED: PVT. THOMSON | PVT. JAMES | PVT. ALLEN] You begin disciplinary actions against the entire squad for slacking. You take the position of an Officer (whilst a proper one isn't watching!) and command the soldiers who have agreed to serve under you to dig the defensive trench alongside the fortress-city walls. The trench is to be 10-foot deep and 12-foot wide to ensure that any German armour attempting to pass over would get stuck and the cannons would be too deep to have a major impact from the trenches. However, the trenches are also to be used for defensive positions by the British - the original idea being the plan for a German offensive when they overrun the British-French defences. The trench takes about five hours, constantly, way past midnight. The watchers, on the city towers and tall buildings (including a magnificent cathedral tower!) keep a look out whilst the men, including your squad, sleep. >Insert action
#181245468Thursday, January 07, 2016 11:04 PM GMT

Move to a good position for my MG, set up there and bring a chair there so I could doze off if there aren't any threats.

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