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#180490435Monday, December 28, 2015 2:59 AM GMT

If you don't mind listing some, I'd be most grateful. I'm wanting to make a cliché, but opportunistic, RP about elves and humans, but I'd first like to know what you guys look for in a fantasy rp. So, by all means.
#180491277Monday, December 28, 2015 3:10 AM GMT

Personally? Free-roam/sandbox oriented plot- By this I mean there is a straight-plot, where we have to fight a warlock or find a goblet or whatever you have planned but we are free to essentially do as we please as long as they pertain to the rules. Fantasy+Medieval- I feel a good medieval RP includes the liberal use of fantasy beings. Not just dwarves, orcs, and elves either. I mean dragons, satyrs, hydras, real creative stuff. Unlimited (Wide) choice of race- I pretty much always choose Satyr, but I hate seeing three options of race. Elf, human, dwarf...With the occasional goblin or orc. It just limits creativity so much. Gods and Lore- I feel the use of gods and lore, including lore relating to gods, really fleshes out a story and allows for people to build their character around gods and lore more closely. I always liked the: 2 serious gods for every silly god rule. _____ That's just me though.
#180491452Monday, December 28, 2015 3:12 AM GMT

what creative said just not quite as good xbob's alt - 3 dayer for inappropriate content
#180491760Monday, December 28, 2015 3:16 AM GMT

i agree with creative http://www.roblox.com/aaaaaaaaaaaaa-item?id=298902944 [who do you think ya are bub]
#180491853Monday, December 28, 2015 3:18 AM GMT

Today we'll be cooking a good fantasy RP. Fantasy RP's are easy to make, but hard to make well. First you're going to need a solid base. Remember that Tolkien brand will get you labelled as a bad chef, be creative and mix things up. The same goes for mix-ins, you need a good balance of flora, fauna, and species, but Tolkien type mix-ins are lazy. Add spices, your flour, and sugar, and slap all of that in the oven and set your house on fire. Wait until the grimdark future and try again.
#180491880Monday, December 28, 2015 3:18 AM GMT

Going on what Creative said, having legendary creatures such as a dragon or hydra with a good background story is another good way to enrich your world. Make sure your races have a deep background lore behind each one. What is the strength of being a Dwarf? What is Dwarven culture like? What are Dwarven cities like, and why? Who do the Dwarven people call their gods, and why? Unique, fantasy names are always a plus as well. Personally, I like to look up common phrases in Old Norse, Latin, Greek, ect. such as 'Fire', 'Wing' and see which words have a good base. Then, I take the base word and adjust the letters around, adding and removing some to make it more name-like; Or simply taking pre-existing names and changing them up. Pyrilis, for example, or Thorudon.
#180492653Monday, December 28, 2015 3:29 AM GMT

I appreciate all the feedback. This RP I had in mind is limited to only a small belt of this nameless fictional world, and it revolves largely around Tolkien-esque elves, so it'll probably be breaking some of the "rules" you guys mentioned.
#180494736Monday, December 28, 2015 4:04 AM GMT

I'll actually go ahead and leave the premise here in case you'd like to critique it or enlarge on it according to your own standards for a quality fantasy rp: The RP will take place on an island in some unspecified world. This island is largely inhabited by four species elves (among some other lesser races and minorities) that have dwelt in mutual tolerance of each other's existence, if not in complete harmony. However, when word spreads that the fabled "humans" have landed on the eastern shores en masse, the four species of elves convene to determine what to do. After some altercations among the representatives, it is thusly decided that an escort (comprised of various characters from all four categories of elves) will be sent with some diplomats to determine the business of the humans and construct a pact or settlement or treaty (as they expect only the worse from the humans since this event falls close to the date of an ancient elven prophecy/omen). The journey to the eastern shores is no walk in the park, however, as elvenkind has never journeyed that far (it's a fair-sized island). And from there, hell begins to unfold- maybe because the humans are more belligerent than the elves had thought, or maybe because the escort chances upon some unspeakable evil on their journey, or maybe because the escort constituents are carrying ulterior motives. But that's the gist of it.
#180494980Monday, December 28, 2015 4:07 AM GMT

likey likey so i could be a human coming to reside here and like learn the ways of da elf peeps yo http://www.roblox.com/aaaaaaaaaaaaa-item?id=298902944 [who do you think ya are bub]
#180495116Monday, December 28, 2015 4:10 AM GMT

If you wanted to, yes. I probably shouldn't call it an island, though. It's far too regionally diverse to be considered one.
#180495160Monday, December 28, 2015 4:10 AM GMT

how about small continent http://www.roblox.com/aaaaaaaaaaaaa-item?id=298902944 [who do you think ya are bub]
#180495217Monday, December 28, 2015 4:11 AM GMT

yeah that works
#180496022Monday, December 28, 2015 4:24 AM GMT

"...elvenkind has never journeyed that far ..." Only thing I would say is not include that; The whole island geography must be charted if it's known that humans have arrived in the area, right? Other than that small hole, seems interesting.
#180497463Monday, December 28, 2015 4:46 AM GMT

"Only thing I would say is not include that; The whole island geography must be charted if it's known that humans have arrived in the area, right? Other than that small hole, seems interesting." Fair point. Do you have any proposals?
#180497682Monday, December 28, 2015 4:50 AM GMT

Also elves are worst fantasy race.
#180497709Monday, December 28, 2015 4:50 AM GMT

the eastern side of the island consists mostly of thick jungles and swamps that would be annoying and require lots of effort to live in xbob's alt - 3 dayer for inappropriate content
#180497880Monday, December 28, 2015 4:53 AM GMT

Aye, jungle, or perhaps tundra/mountainous if you are wanting more barbaric, hard-living humans.
#180497955Monday, December 28, 2015 4:54 AM GMT

Or hell, going on that; Mountainous border with a desert-effect caused on the opposite side.
#180498065Monday, December 28, 2015 4:56 AM GMT

the eastern coastline could also have some sort of historical sentiment to the elves, being considered a sort of sacred ground, giving the elves even more of an incentive to find out the human's intentions xbob's alt - 3 dayer for inappropriate content
#180527873Monday, December 28, 2015 6:22 PM GMT

All good ideas. @Bebi, They're probably the least interesting (at least in some canon fiction), but I hope to change that with this RP.
#180528068Monday, December 28, 2015 6:25 PM GMT

can you give me a pm when u actually make this and post it http://www.roblox.com/aaaaaaaaaaaaa-item?id=298902944 [who do you think ya are bub]
#180528313Monday, December 28, 2015 6:28 PM GMT

"can you give me a pm when u actually make this and post it" Sure, although I don't know when I'll get around to making this. My break ends in a week, and there's no chance I'll be able to manage a RP during my second semester. But we'll have to wait and see.
#180546143Monday, December 28, 2015 10:21 PM GMT

Creative has it right, I'd say.
#180547277Monday, December 28, 2015 10:36 PM GMT

If you are basing your story around elves, make each species distinct. In this book I read there are four types of elves: 2 types are on the main world. The "main" elves- They live in a huge beautiful city in the trees made from the trees. They rarely allow non-elves in their domain. They have very long lives and were at one time slaves for a long extinct species that were viewed as gods. They are akin to nature. -- The "dark" elves- Just like the other elves but they were banished for attempting to bring back their "gods" because they fear without them they have no purpose. They have a more grayed skin and cannot reenter the forest of the "main elves". They live in their own section of the forest in the distance as well as in the mountains. -- Then there is this sub-species that live on a continent across what everyone believed to be an endless sea. They are these red-skinned elves that tend to suffer from hysteria and/or insanity. They have ringed eyes and live a bit less long than their cousins. They are NOT all crazy, it is a disease that only elves can catch however it has never made it across the endless sea. -- Then there is a master elf race in a completely different world... They are all-powerful compared to the other elf species. They live in this ice region of another world that NOBODY goes to, underneath this huge ice palace they have a carbon copy of the "main elves" tree city where they live. They watch everyone from both worlds and just kind of observe.
#180549446Monday, December 28, 2015 11:02 PM GMT

@Creative- Aside from the red-skinned elves and the ice region elves, that's similar to what I had in mind: high elves that dwell within magnificent stone palaces and cities, the more primitive and territorial wood elves, the dark elves (I was thinking that they might build their civilizations in deep eastern mountain ravines), and the arctic elves or "north elves" of the northern mountains. Pretty generic set-up, but I intend to flesh them out and make them more enthralling.

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