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#180519900Monday, December 28, 2015 4:24 PM GMT

Enlisted- Non-Commisioned Officers must read this. |Section I|Formalities All Enlisted- Non-Commisioned Officer must say "Sir!/Ma`am!" when mentioning and Commissioned Officer+. Though Enlisted call Non-Commissioned Officers by their rank. During just patrols Enlisted- Non-Commissioned Officer have to use "Formal Wear"; During raids you must use the "Battle Wear". Soldiers under no circumstances(unless ordered by M.O.D or the King) may wear other rank uniforms and/or Equipment. Soldiers who don't follow these rules will be demoted and/or put in suspension. |Section II| Cadets In order to come to the rank of Private+(Unless Commissioned from M.O.D or the King) must go through the Cadet Academy. Stage I of the Academy; You will learn the different Manual of Arms and their uses, you will learn some of these rules aswell. Stage II of the Academy; You will learn discipline, and faces. *Note* Always remember Advance Arms is only for Non-Commissioned Officer+, and always use Order Arms for STS, no matter what rank. Stage III of the Academy; You will learn all the Warfare Techniques. You will learn Firing drills and Formation Drills. To advance to stage IV you must perfect each of these. Stage IV of the Academy; You will Go into real combat, if you perform exceedenly, then you advance to stage V. Stage V of the Academy; You will do one-on-one for one round of musket combat, then do a bayonet battle(Detached). The one to win moves on to Private. |Section III| Warfare Techniques Line-of-Battle: Standard line used for any firing drills. Effectiveness- 8/10 Double Line-of-Battle: A double line where the first line crouches(C) and the back line doesn't do anything else. Front row is row I, back row is row II. You may call these rows to fire and such at different times. Effectiveness- 9/10 Arrowhead: Everyone forms a ^ at the enemy, you may do a firing drill or an volley; Though if Calvary, us brace to kill the riders and the horses. 7/10 Wall Formation: Everyone basically hand holds, gets as tight as possible, so no one can pass without hopping over. Then Brace, no one can pass without dying. Used for mobs at London. Effectiveness- 10/10 Firing Drills; Ripple Fire: Start at one end and fire down to the other. 7/10 Volley: Everyone fires at once. 9/10 Blanket Fire: Everyone Fires-at- Will, and Reloades-at-Will. Till the officer says "Cease!" |Section IV| Manual of Arms: [F] Shoulder Arms! [G] Support Arms! [H] Advance Arms! [J] Order Arms! [K] Trail Arms! [L/Z] Make Ready! [M] Brace Arms! [N] Inspect Arms/Parade Arms! [V] Present Arms! [X] Bash! [E] Stab! [Left Click] Fire! [Right Click] Aim! |Last Section; Section V| Raids. Before a raid you must be STSed, use Inspect Arms! OFficer will inspect, and put you under the command of an Officer.

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