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#180613170Tuesday, December 29, 2015 8:30 PM GMT

PEOPLE OF THE SAND - http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2728328 | SECTION CONTENTS | SECTION I - All the ranks listed, their jobs. SECTION II - How to Rank-up -------------------------------- //SECTION I\\ Wanderer - Someone willing to join the cause of PTS, but doesn't travel with them or join them on their missions. Citizen - A normal person of the community follows the pack and helps contribute towards making settlements and alliances. Ranger - A soldier almost, they fight for the cause by securing possible homesteads and protecting current ones. Also the main fighting force against opposing threats and factions. Commander - The Commander of the Rangers, consults with Sara and Wolffe to establish Caravan protection and patrol routes. One Commander will be permanently established the other will be elected each roleplay by the People of The Sand Sara - For Sara1654 Wolffe - For GuestWolf (The two leader ranks may change depending on the faction leader) //SECTION II\\ Ranking up is pretty simple you just have to ask for a certain position which fits your interests. The only position(s) that will be elected or exclusive is Commander, Sara, and Wolffe

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