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#180664923Wednesday, December 30, 2015 2:03 PM GMT

Hello NCAA, In addition to Boddizle’s account requirements for NCAA, there will be a new policy. The following ‘excuses’ will result in an automatic suspension: “My account got hacked” “I got scammed” “I scammed this acc” “I traded this acc” “[playername] is not me, I know him in real life” “My main is banned” “Let me re-do NCAA I need a fresh start” Cut all of that crap. Use one account, THAT IS YOURS, and has forever been yours. You are ruining your own careers by making all of these alternate accounts just because your main is not successful. For instance, the King of Alternate accounts: FyedEm No one likes FyedEm, he has a horrible NRBA Career, he is known to ruin leagues, and scams. Since he is un-happy with his main accounts career he has tons of alternate accounts in NCAA (That are not even that good) to play. Do you want to end up like FyedEm? A horrible career where no teams want you in NRBA, so you have to sneak back into college? - oDimes

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