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#180914437Saturday, January 02, 2016 4:39 PM GMT

any wikis/tutorials on how to make Stamina gui?
#180914483Saturday, January 02, 2016 4:40 PM GMT

#180915686Saturday, January 02, 2016 5:01 PM GMT

You can make the stamina decrease when the 'MoveDirection' property changes and when the 'Jump' property changes from the humanoid object. Then you can make it decrease a little more when the player jumps for example.
#180916338Saturday, January 02, 2016 5:11 PM GMT

Well I want to make it with Value
#180916554Saturday, January 02, 2016 5:14 PM GMT

You can decrease that value by listening to these events. You let it increase when your player is in rest for example.
#180917642Saturday, January 02, 2016 5:33 PM GMT

well yeah but I don't know how to decrease or increase that gui you know like resize or something
#180918916Saturday, January 02, 2016 5:53 PM GMT

Help me! Thanks
#180922400Saturday, January 02, 2016 6:43 PM GMT

When the player moves then you can minus one from the variable called stamina. Then (I'm sure there is a more efficient way of doing this) get decals so if stamina = 99 then load the decal.

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