#181228491Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:17 PM GMT

@Jingle No, he's not. If you want to take it back, the places he's from weren't exactly created from one culture having a national identity all at once.
#181228492Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:17 PM GMT

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#181228505Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:18 PM GMT

Is he a war wannabe?
#181228576Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:20 PM GMT

"No, he's not." Except he is "If you want to take it back, the places he's from weren't exactly created from one culture having a national identity all at once." Doesnt go berserk like "Gee im 20% Russian part German a snip of Japanese 5% Saudi Arabian part Mexican..... oh yeah and I'M A MURICAN!!!"
#181228577Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:20 PM GMT

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#181228612Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:21 PM GMT

"Oh really America has nothing wrong with it currently." WRONG! United States has the highest teen baby rate in the developed world, and if you look at the European countries such as Sweden for instance it is rare for a teenager to be a mother. Many European countries have actually made policies to prevent teenagers from becoming mothers. Thus it is uncommon in European nations for this to happen. But look at the US, we have the highest teen baby rate then any other developed nation, and we haven't done anything to at least make it uncommon... United States has the highest divorce rate in the developed world. With UK, Canada behind America. Lithuania has the highest divorce rate in Europe as well. But US has the highest divorce rate than any other develop country. Reason is because many Americans decide to get married young or get married right after college, which results in making it so very hard for you and your spouse. Not to mention abuse is also sadly common in marriages, and it just kept quiet, thus many people in a abusive marriage don't even tell others or get help because they think that it is "okay". (This also includes men who are abused, not just women.). And not to mention many people also grow apart from one another, which is another reason why many people get divorced because you and your spouse have grown apart from each other. United States has the lowest SAT scores than any other nation that has the SATs or a different testing system. In European countries, you actually take a test in order to go to a secondary school such as high school. And for instance in Denmark many people would usually go to a trade school or a kind of school like that similar to college but instead it be like the same thing for high school. And after that many people usually choose to go find work for whatever their career they chosen. However there are many who do go to college as well but not a lot. That means the United States is so bad when it comes to education, which explains why we have the lowest SAT scores and are so low when it comes to education. In fact Finland is ranked to have the best education in the developed world. Not to mention many people think it is a great idea to homeschool your children since they think "It's best for them", while yet your children didn't choose to be homeschooled. It there damn choice not the parent's choice. In many European countries homeschooling is rare, and in some European countries such as Germany and Czech Republic homeschooling is illegal.
#181228649Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:22 PM GMT

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#181228708Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:24 PM GMT

@jingle i'm not talking about anyone's supposed heritage here, i'm talking about the historically correct version to his nation's creation because if you were to do an ethnic break down of his country, it wouldn't exactly be the same identity. you would have saami in the north, nationals in the middle and lower parts, and sparse populations of other ethnic groups evenly distributed all across the country and danish folks in the deep south, norwegians on the border, and finns on the border as well. but he's not complaining about them, he's complaining about the ones who take their jobs who they don't want.
#181228779Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:26 PM GMT

Its practically the same damn thing with sifferent definitons @Casper statistically or not, Sout America and Africa will always be worse tbh
#181228802Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:27 PM GMT

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#181228828Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:28 PM GMT

And don't get me started with that stupid insane evil man who is currently trying to become president. God I wish that guy would just honestly shut up or he can have himself at high risk of getting killed by people who are against him. (And if you know who I am talking then you did a good job for instantly knowing what presidential candidate I was talking about). Not to mention the supporters are being brainwashed. I believe if this man becomes president he will surely start the Second American Civil War.
#181228840Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:28 PM GMT

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#181228877Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:30 PM GMT

@Casper People like supporting him because they delude themselves. They are frustrated with the system, they're willing to elect anybody, and that's exactly what Germans in the 30's felt like.
#181228901Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:30 PM GMT

@Casper Donald Trump is bait Hes doing it for attention The weak minded only take him seriously
#181228990Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:33 PM GMT

Not to mention we Americans have moral decay. I mean if you come to think of it with so many religious people in the US(which is perfectly fine), there is still a lot of crime, and 41 percent of births in the US are out of wedlocks. We even though we are a nation of many religions, it seems the US is getting totally crazy with many religious people disagreeing with one thing or another or seeing another religion as "wrong" or if serious might see another religion as "bad". Therefore is a lot of moral decay in the US that it is so very disturbing.
#181229021Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:34 PM GMT

@jingle "weakminded" 30+ % of the republican base is supporting him which would mean 48-75 million Americans could be supporting him come election time. And it has room for increasing support as well. I have zero confidence in the people not electing him. That's why I'm moving.
#181229041Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:34 PM GMT

Religion shouldve stopped existing hundreds of years ago anyway
#181229069Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:35 PM GMT

@Jingle Then how many of the US population is weak-minded and actually supports that crazy man?
#181229186Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:39 PM GMT

Cause the US is at meme status Anyone that looks cool and acts different will win
#181229217Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:40 PM GMT

"30+ % of the republican base is supporting him which would mean 48-75 million Americans could be supporting him come election time. And it has room for increasing support as well. I have zero confidence in the people not electing him. That's why I'm moving." 1 out of 3 Americans have mental problems There ya go now we're smart!
#181229532Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:52 PM GMT

You sur have a very interesting thread. As the word content means the thing the thing has in it and deleted is very similar to what cyber men say on doctor who.
#181229538Thursday, January 07, 2016 4:52 PM GMT

If the US does survive its Second American Civil War, it surely will learn from its mistakes. But sadly this will result in a really crazy but fairly strict America. For instance as silly it might sound it could result in hate speech becoming separated from freedom of speech (which means freedom of speech would by then only apply to speaking against the law, leader, government, etc. But hate speech would no longer be included). Religion would surely have to accept the fact that they are separate from the government and will therefore have to follow the government's laws as well as the people's rights. That means churches will have no choice to accept same gender couples unless they want to attract national attention and possible closing down of that church. Religion probably will change as well in the future, with more people believing in God and evolution and creationism eventually becoming rare to be believe in. Not to mention most people probably will not be really religious, but still at least believe in God or some other deity. That being said it be totally different from now from what I predict by 2050. Immigration will have to be made for better, we no longer have a backwards immigration policy anymore it just another reason that will lead the country to a civil war again. Upper middle class will probably have to become the minority, therefore this means that people living in the suburbs in a nice house and nice car would be seen as a rarity. I predict that by 2050 most Americans will usually live in apartments and such, and not in a actually house or even a huge house or mansion. Not to mention colleges and universities will have to actually be free, regardless. Yes people could go to college and get a degree and then become lazy people with a low paying job, but honestly we will never be able to do anything about it therefore it will just happen, but it surely will be uncommon for someone to do that. American families will surely be equal, meaning that there will be no such thing as "man running the house" or "woman running the house". Families will be run equally by the two married people. Not to mention I predict that housewives will become very uncommon by 2030, meaning that most women will get married and still continue their dream job careers and even if they do have children they will simply go back to work again by the time their children have become old enough to take care of themselves (10 years old perhaps, I mean that as in when a kid is able to get home by themselves, make their own dinner, etc. Not as in old enough to be a legal adult). Women will surely be seen more common in the workplace as well to a point that a job will have to allow m@t3rnity leave for a woman, and will have to hire that woman when she comes back years later in the same rank in whatever job she was in. Marriage will be known simply as "A union between two loving individuals regardless of race, gender, disability, orientation, etc.". However I predict that people will by 2030 choose to mostly get married when they become 30 or 29 or at least a good amount of years after he or she has graduated college and has already made a good earning job she or he enjoys working for. That being said it will become uncommon for people to just get married straight out of college or to become married right after high school. In fact I will predict that by 2030, it will be seen frowned upon for people to get married after high school or right after college.
#181230360Thursday, January 07, 2016 5:19 PM GMT

The US will not have a second Civil War since military follow only one leader, the President And deserting while on the job puts them at risk for several years
#181230438Thursday, January 07, 2016 5:21 PM GMT

"The US will not have a second Civil War since military follow only one leader, the President And deserting while on the job puts them at risk for several years" Going by this statement you are incredibly narrow and short - sighted.
#181232169Thursday, January 07, 2016 6:12 PM GMT

Jinglehasse to be honest is probably smarter than anybody on this thread, He's in ROTC, by the way. heathen4life