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#181324432Saturday, January 09, 2016 5:32 AM GMT

honestly try apps like okc or tinder when you do, especially if you have problems making conversation with randos in real life. I did both and I have 3 good friends that i met on those apps, which helped me expand my social group easily from there because your friends are my friends and my friends... you get the point
#181324521Saturday, January 09, 2016 5:34 AM GMT

dating apps get a bad rep but as long as you know how to dress yourself and take decent pics as well as being able to answer simple questions (on okc at least) it's pretty easy. i learned within a month of using tinder what my type was and now i think probably 9/10 of the people i swipe right i get matched with because i know who to look for. clothing can tell a lot about a person, it's actually pretty crazy imo but im also weird
#181324561Saturday, January 09, 2016 5:35 AM GMT

but on say okc you can specify youre looking for friends only and then filter people by how they answer questions and the people who are closest to you based on questions are generally gonna be really cool people who also like who you are (in my experience)
#181324595Saturday, January 09, 2016 5:36 AM GMT

Ableism is a charity complex, almost. Some people act all nice and sweet to the disabled just so others will be like "look how nice and sweet that person is! They're befriending a disabled person!" Respect the science!
#181324634Saturday, January 09, 2016 5:37 AM GMT

@j4mu Thanks. I'll look at it. Respect the science!
#181324745Saturday, January 09, 2016 5:39 AM GMT

that's a good example of ableism though too, just like how lots of whites will try to break the "race ice" with blacks by bringing up their race. it's not really racist exactly but it isn't necessary to treat other human beings on things they cant change about themselves, same goes for people who aren't able
#181380509Sunday, January 10, 2016 12:25 AM GMT

"honestly try apps like okc or tinder when you do, especially if you have problems making conversation with randos in real life. I did both and I have 3 good friends that i met on those apps, which helped me expand my social group easily from there because your friends are my friends and my friends... you get the point" Unfortunately, there is simply no purpose in attempting to interact with other individuals positively. The individuals that you interact with will easily perceive you as being inferior if your "flaws" are evident. "Friendship" itself is based on hedonism. The other person is concerned only with appeasing their instinctual needs by obtaining something of value from you. Consequently, I have spent various years abiding my time by simply attempting to provoke young and impulsive, narcissistic adolescent schoolchildren into conveying aggression towards me. It compensates quite well for my immense difficulties with comprehending abstraction and sensory/social deficiencies, and is also rather entertaining. You may also enjoy this.
#181380647Sunday, January 10, 2016 12:26 AM GMT

Is there any sign of this if I have sensitivity to specific things like forks scraping on metal, or something? Henceforth, we shall venture! | | [+3,257]

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