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#181415629Sunday, January 10, 2016 10:56 AM GMT

To begin my suggestion, I have to ask the following question. My Question Do Bloxy Awards winners receive any validated proof of accomplishment for their monumental acheivement in being awarded a ROBLOX Bloxy Award? My Suggestion If the answer to my question is "No", I would like to suggest that some kind of validated proof of accomplishment be presented to the Bloxy Award winners. This could be in the form of a certificate signed by the Roblox CEO. Such a certificate could read as follows: Example Certificate: This certicficate certifies that --REAL NAME-- under the ROBLOX username --RECIPIENT'S USERNAME-- has been awarded a 2015 ROBLOX Bloxy Award for --SPECIFIC AWARD TITLE-- Signed_____________________Date --CEO SIGNS HERE--_____--DATE HERE-- CEO, ROBLOX Benefits of a Signed Proof of Accomplishment • would serve as validated proof that the user was indeed the true recipient of the reward • would help the recipient in applying for a job in the future • could be added to the recipients portfolio With existing approach, an award winner is recognised by their ROBLOX username, understandably for reasons of safety and security. However, this makes it difficult for other people, such as future employers, to identify and confirm that the individual they are dealing with was indeed the true recipient of the award. The idea of a validated proof of accomplishment would alleviate any uncertainties that these people may have. Many thanks for your time, I would love to hear what the ROBLOX team thinks of this suggestion.
#181574614Tuesday, January 12, 2016 9:45 PM GMT

I would also love to hear what the community thinks of this idea. What do you think? Please read the entire piece before posting a reply.
#181656550Thursday, January 14, 2016 12:25 PM GMT

What do people think? I think it's a great idea myself, of course.
#181657482Thursday, January 14, 2016 1:09 PM GMT

"would help the recipient in applying for a job in the future" I believe I should get this job because I won a contest on a kids website once for making a terribly made music video to an inappropriate song that was somehow permitted. I think I should get this job because my virtual clothing company on a kids website won an award in 2015 for best clothing company. I believe I am qualified to get this job because I won ROBLOX's BLOXY awards in 2015 for being the best game dev.
#181657865Thursday, January 14, 2016 1:28 PM GMT

Winning a bloxy for making a really good game would make people think that they could never achieve that goal and then we would have better chances of employment for programming jobs.
#181667697Thursday, January 14, 2016 8:07 PM GMT

@Nteorvolri I appreciate the constructive criticism for the idea, however I disagree with the statement you're making. First and foremost, I believe such a certificate would prove beneficial for all recipients of a BLOXY Award. The benefits of the certificate are not just limited to material for future employers. Such a certificate would also prove beneficial for those applying to college, for example. 1.) Many game studios these days request a portfolio of work before they employ an individual. Providing a certificate which proves you were the recipient of the "Best Single Player Game" award on a *game platform with more than 4.33 million active users* would unquestionably boost your application considerably. Replace "Best Single Player Game" above with "Developer of the Year", "Best Mobile Game", or any other title under the ROBLOX Builders or ROBLOX Developers award headings (as on the ROBLOX blog Bloxy Awards 2015 article) and the above argument stays true. 2.) In regards the other titles under the headings of ROBLOX Community and ROBLOX Creators, such as "Favorite Social Group" and "Best Fan Art", the same benefits apply. Being given a certificate for leading ROBLOX's "Favorite Social Group", for example, indicates to others that you can manage responsibility, lead a team, etc. - all attributes collages / employers seek. Providing proof that you were the recipient of the "Best Fan Art" award can benefit those applying for a place in areas which seek creative talent, graphic design college courses, etc. What do other people think? I would love to hear what a member of the ROBLOX team thinks of the idea.
#181668752Thursday, January 14, 2016 8:30 PM GMT

Insert laugh track here.
#181735571Saturday, January 16, 2016 12:47 AM GMT

Bloxy Awards tomorrow. Would anybody else like to share their thoughts on the idea?

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