#181606529Wednesday, January 13, 2016 11:00 AM GMT

@twinblock That's not how it works. The only time that works is the following quote: "Innocence until proven guilty." As for proving if something exists or not, you must have evidence to prove your point. Saying that it exists because you can't provide evidence is like saying you can imprison someone without a lawful trial. ~MightyDantheman
#181606562Wednesday, January 13, 2016 11:04 AM GMT

@twinblock burden of proof fallacy
#181606699Wednesday, January 13, 2016 11:18 AM GMT

No offense, but I find it hard to beleive nothing created everything. I beleive in evolution and science, just not humans evolving from apes
#181624763Wednesday, January 13, 2016 9:53 PM GMT

"look down at your hands realise that you exist at all you now have sufficient proof for the existence of a conceptual god" This is sufficient evidence for my existence, also it's evidence that I was born, it isn't evidence for a God, it isn't evidence for creation. This comment is non-sensical and doesn't back up it's statements.
#181624829Wednesday, January 13, 2016 9:54 PM GMT

"burden of proof fallacy" You're either trolling or you have no understanding of what a fallacy is.
#181625010Wednesday, January 13, 2016 9:57 PM GMT

god is objectively real
#181625074Wednesday, January 13, 2016 9:59 PM GMT

"I beleive in evolution and science, just not humans evolving from apes" What you believe is irrelevant, you can choose to not believe in gravity but it doesn't make it any less true. Humans didn't evolve from apes, we are apes, humans are classified as great apes. Also if you "believe" in science then you believe that humans evolved from a common ancestor, the same way every primate evolved. Evolution is a scientific fact. If you don't believe in evolution you are either uneducated, or, you're completely delusional, and don't care about evidence.
#181625141Wednesday, January 13, 2016 9:59 PM GMT

God is in our mind. Leave it at that. ~MightyDantheman
#181625257Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:01 PM GMT

"can you prove he isnt real?" The whole of genesis is wrong, so that right there is a great deal of evidence against the Christians Gods existence, but seeing as the God claim is unfalsifiable, no I can't prove Gods doesn't exist, no more then I can prove The Lord Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. The claim that pink fluffy cosmic unicorns are real is as viable as the claim that God is real.
#181625297Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:02 PM GMT

If you don't believe in God you are either uneducated, or, you're completely delusional, and don't care about truth. [2]
#181625350Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:03 PM GMT

"God is in our mind. Leave it at that." You might as well say The Lord Flying Spaghetti Monster is in our mind, because the claim is equally unviable. Why act as if it's true simply to comfort yourself?
#181625391Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:04 PM GMT

Baltoh is bait.
#181625447Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:05 PM GMT

Debateyou is bait. [2] Or should I say, Debaityou.
#181625772Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:10 PM GMT

That pun though...
#181625948Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:14 PM GMT

I meant it as the following: God is simply a sign, a symbol. Nothing more, nothing less. God is only real within or mind. God doesn't even have to be something that exists. God can simply be another name for your subconscious mind. Doesn't really matter. It's all in your head, true or not. ~MightyDantheman
#181626025Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:16 PM GMT

You're pretty much removing all the meaning that the word "God" has and then implementing your own meaning, it seems pointless. Simply call it what it is.
#181626079Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:17 PM GMT

#181626099Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:17 PM GMT

Congrats on your first post
#181626174Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:19 PM GMT

Let me ask you guys this. If you had no faith that God existed, would he still exist? "I think, therefore I am", is a quote that will help explain that in a way. God is only real to those who believe it is. It's just like anything in life. Look at a rock. It's only there because you believe it is. Take away anything that causes you think it exists, and what happens? The rock vanishes. Our world is only comprised of things we believe exist. Some things exist to a certain party, while nonexistent for others. It's up to you, your perspective of life, and your reality. ~MightyDantheman
#181626469Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:24 PM GMT

"Let me ask you guys this. If you had no faith that God existed, would he still exist? "I think, therefore I am", is a quote that will help explain that in a way. God is only real to those who believe it is. It's just like anything in life. Look at a rock. It's only there because you believe it is. Take away anything that causes you think it exists, and what happens? The rock vanishes. Our world is only comprised of things we believe exist. Some things exist to a certain party, while nonexistent for others. It's up to you, your perspective of life, and your reality." Yes, he still would exist if he did exist, but there is no evidence for his existence and no viable reason to believe he exists. Your belief doesn't make something real or fake, I invite you to try this with gravity. The rock doesn't vanish, if you truly believe this you can easily go run into a rock while not believing in it. We know that this line of thinking doesn't hold up because we have people who are completely insane, they believe they're in a magical place when in truth they're simply screaming at a blank wall. Reality is true wether or not you believe in it, your opinion doesn't affect reality, if I stop believing in gravity and jump out of a building I will still die.
#181626638Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:27 PM GMT

a lot of the people in this thread are trolls lol
#181626764Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:29 PM GMT

Welcome to OT, I hope you enjoy your stay.
#181626919Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:32 PM GMT

"Look at a rock. It's only there because you believe it is. Take away anything that causes you think it exists, and what happens? The rock vanishes." umm...no...that's not how Dwayne Johnson's work. Dwayne Johnson's are physical objects that, like all things that exist, continue to exist regardless of whether or not you believe they exist. No matter what you believe about Dwayne Johnson's their state of being does not change. Just like something that does not exist still does not exist regardless of what you believe about them. I suppose gods can exist (depending on your definition of exist) in someone's mind, but that doesn't make it any more real than the voices in another person's mind. I'm not saying gods do not exist, rather saying someone's beliefs do not affect whether or not they do. ☭Why have friends when you can have a cult of personality instead?☭ http://www.roblox.com/Lick-the-Corn-item?id=177372709
#181627052Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:34 PM GMT

Unless of course you believe that an individual person's subjective reality has some real impact on what is objectively reality, which doesn't make any sense. ☭Why have friends when you can have a cult of personality instead?☭ http://www.roblox.com/Lick-the-Corn-item?id=177372709
#181627306Wednesday, January 13, 2016 10:38 PM GMT

You misunderstood my point. If you take everything away that would cause you to think that rock existed, it would not be there to you. This includes, seeing it, feeling it, hearing it, or any other sense that would cause you to believe it does exist. Look in your hand. Is there a rock there (this doesn't work if you actually have a rock in your hand)? How do you know it's not there? You believe it doesn't exist because you can't prove it does. Where as if you did have a rock in your hand, you could prove that it doesn't exist, therefore you think it does exist. Those who are insane have a different perspective that we do (then again, we can't really read their mind). If they are in a world of happiness, than that's where they are in their perspective. You look at that insane person, and realize he is insane. What if everyone actually thought you were insane. You wouldn't know if you didn't have a reason to think they did. It's a very confusing concept, but it's all a matter of perspective. ~MightyDantheman