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#181612059Wednesday, January 13, 2016 4:28 PM GMT

[[(- --- Official {TSK} Admin Rules --- -)]] [[(- --- Approved by the Master of Law -- -)]] [[(- -- Written by the Master of Law -- -)]] [[(- --- -)]] Below are rules listed for all administrators to follow. This includes consequences, expectations, what admins are limited to, and overall group management. [[(- 1: HANDLING CRIMINALS -)]] 1. An Admin can only demote a user to KoS if they are awaiting a trial. An Admin will also allow the user to improve their attitude after they give a warning. If the user continues to have a bad attitude, the Admin may NOT ban the user. Instead, they may only warn the user until a trial is issued. 2. Admins and the Group Owner are NOT immune to trials. An Admin also is restricted from holding or judging on their own trial. [[(- 2: ABUSE OF POWER -)]] 1. If an Admin is found abusing, they will be warned by another Admin, the King or the Group Owner. If an Admin is accused of constant admin abuse, a trial may be held. Types of admin abuse are included in the below:. a. Gearing yourself weapons for killing use. b. Using their status to manipulate others or claim power over lower ranks. For example, electing people for the Small Council (a power for the King). -. If an Admin is found guilty in a trial or is repeatedly found to be abusing with proof, they will be stripped of their Administrator status and will not be allowed to re-enter the rank indefinitely. In severe cases, the Admin may be exiled. [[(- 3: EXPECTED JOBS AND GRANTED POWERS -)]] 1. Admins are expected to enable their Private Messages to receive any requests or complaints from users. For example, if a user in {TSK} wishes for a rightful promotion, it is the Admin’s duty to give the user a promotion. Other required jobs include: a. Keeping an eye over the online users in places to make sure they don’t break any laws. If they do so, Admins are expected to take appropriate action that is acceptable to the current Warning System. b. Admins must moderate and watch over major Battles, especially battles against the Crown and for Lord Paramouncy. c. Admins CAN help moderate events such as Tournaments. Admins can also host events, however, they may not interfere with the event without permission if someone else of power is hosting, such as the King or the overseer. d. Admins must solve any disputes that have been given to them, whether they are big or small. If they are disputes that they cannot control (for example, a corrupt admin), they must be sent to the Genre Supervisor (ShopIntoGame) immediately. c. Admins may only promote up to Small Council, (with the final rank of SC being accepted by the King or the Genre Supervisor). Only the Genre Supervisor may promote beyond that. Written By: Lady Hand Lysa Arryn, Master Of Law
#181613663Wednesday, January 13, 2016 5:27 PM GMT

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#181614046Wednesday, January 13, 2016 5:42 PM GMT

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#181614370Wednesday, January 13, 2016 5:53 PM GMT

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#182138005Friday, January 22, 2016 1:45 AM GMT

#182335355Sunday, January 24, 2016 9:32 PM GMT

Almost all admins don't follow those rules.
#182338881Sunday, January 24, 2016 10:22 PM GMT


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