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#182070944Wednesday, January 20, 2016 10:43 PM GMT

[Steven Universe Gemsona RP] THE GEM WAR Since I didn’t see any Gemsona RPs on this forum, I decided to make one. If I forgot something tell me, but I spent three hours creating this RP so I don't think I forgot anything. If you haven’t watched Steven Universe you can still play, But you might want to research it a bit. -Short table of contents- Basic setting- The Plot Homeworld The Rebellion Character sheet Homeworld Fusions Guidelines Rules ~Basic Setting~ !The plot! It was three thousand years ago, The homeworld, a relentless planet of mineral beings had claimed Earth as a colony. Incubating their own kind in the soil, They had dried the resources of the planet.The rebellion, a rather small group of gems fighting against the colonization. Hope was lost for life on Earth, until a gem by the name of Rose Quartz join the rebellion. This turned the tables for the rebels, However this is just the beginning of the war. This takes place when the Gem war is at its peak, directly after Rose Quartz betrayed homeworld. After Rose joined the rebellion, homeworld decided to gather up over one thousand warrior class gems for one mission. Obliterate the Rebels. Meanwhile on Earth the Rebels have been upgrading their defense. Large canons are being built all over the rebel base. Will the Rebels be able to protect Earth, or will Homeworld be triumphant !Homeworld! Homeworld is where the gem as a species originated, they have vast technology and countless gems to their disposal. A class system run by hierarchy. The leaders of this land is the Diamond authority, enforcing strict rules and punishing those who don’t obey. Since Gems don’t have anyway of repopulating they must be incubated into the ground of a planet. Countless planets have been destroyed in the process. Most Homeworld gems are lawful and obedient, A broken law means a broken gem. !The Rebellion! A group of gems originally from homeworld who protect the Earth and disagree with the colonization of such a beautiful planet. They are looked down on in disgrace from the Homeworld Gem’s and seen as traitors to their own kind. Even though the rebels are composed mostly of servant and worker gems, they still have one advantage, Rose Quartz, formerly Pink Diamond. They say her morals and virtues can enlighten anyone. -Character sheet- Name/Gem: Nickname: Gender: Appearance:(Opt. If you have a picture) Personality: Strengths/Weaknesses: Backstory: Alignment: (Homeworld/Rebellion) Weapon:(Ex. Axe, Staff) Gem placement/Shape/Color: Abilities:(Ex. Future vision, Telekinesis) Base fusion dance:(Ex.Whaacking, Ballet) Other: -Homeworld specifics- (Rebels don’t need to fill this out) Class:(Ex. Servant, Warrior) Diamond:(Blue/White/Yellow) -Fusion Specifics-(Unfused gems don’t need to fill this out) Gems Fused: (The two gems that are fused to make your character) Fusion Appearance: *For fusions you need to make a character sheet for each gem that is fused.* -Guidelines- -I accept male gems. Why? Because I want to include male roleplayers. I know this breaks cannon but since gems are really just genderless forms of light given mass. -No homeworld fusions between classes. As we saw in ‘The answer’ Homeworld doesn’t approve of Fusions between gems of different classes. Fusions of the same type of gem are however accepted. -You can only play one canon character, but as many OC’s as you’d like, I won’t be playing as any canon. -There can be more than one Pearl or Ruby, however there can only be one canon Pearl and Ruby. (For Pearls and Rubies that aren’t canon ones I suggest having nicknames or something. -No humans. If this takes place around three thousand years ago then humans civilizations are going to be between Medieval and Ancient, you can use them for NPCs but other than that no. -If you would like to fuse with another player’s gem you must work things out with them first -OOC chatter is okay and makes the game more interesting. -Rules- -No godmodding Incudes: Having more than three abilities(Fusions are the exception), Having more than two weapons (Things like Gauntlets don’t count), Etc. -No Mary/Gary Sues Includes: All subtypes: Angsty Sues, Copycat Sues, Emo Sues, Anti-Sues, Despise, Etc. -No Half human/Half gems Reason: Halfsies are extremely rare, since the rebel gems were only just acknowledging the human species I doubt this would happen. -No breaking a cannon rule unless it is stated that it is allowed above. -Do not break any ROBLOX rules. -NO CROSSOVERS If anyone would like to be an admin just PM me- I won't be here on Thursdays.
#182071119Wednesday, January 20, 2016 10:46 PM GMT

-Example- (This will be my gem) Name/Gem: Euclase Nickname: N/A Gender: Female Appearance: Euclase is a light blue skinned gem with Medium blue hair tied into two short pigtails. She has a slightly curved build with unusually long arms for her height and build. She wears a navy blue dress with a halter/High Top neckline. She has dark blue eyes, small lips and a perky nose. Personality: Euclase is calm gem, she always seems to be relaxed and optimistic towards situations. Other gems see Euclase as being lazy or lethargic. She is obedient and thankful towards Rose Quartz and the other Rebellion leaders. Since her body is very unstable and not great on fighting, she likes helping out whenever she can. Strengths/Weaknesses: Euclase’s main strength is the ability to remain calm even when things are looking badly. She is good at making quick decisions. Euclase's biggest weakness is that she cannot fight, It takes her much longer than most gems to repair her body and her body is weak so it doesn’t take much to put her out. She does not understand humor. Backstory: Euclase was originally built by the homeworld to be long range archer, however upon testing, the Diamond authority found she was weak and useless to their cause, they decided that Euclase was going to become part of the forced fusion cluster plan. She was saved by one of the rebel gems in a raid. Alignment: Rebellion Weapon: A blue recurve bow with short arrows. Gem placement: Upper chest/Teardrop/Blue. Abilities: -Dream walking: Euclase can walk in another gem or human’s dreams, However this only works if the Gem or human allows this, it does not work if she does not have consent from the dreamer and Euclase and the dreamer have to be less than a mile away for this to work. She can access the memories and thoughts of the dreamer while he is asleep. Base fusion dance: Waltz
#182077938Thursday, January 21, 2016 12:31 AM GMT

#182079230Thursday, January 21, 2016 12:53 AM GMT

Pretty well done. Also, *canon is the right spelling in this context. now lets see how the rest of rpf reacts
#182079773Thursday, January 21, 2016 1:00 AM GMT

I know it's not been confirmed, but I really doubt it took 3000 years since the attack on Blue Diamond for the war to begin. I'm betting it began maybe a few hundred years after, or maybe a full thousand years, after Rose set up an army. Then again it is your canon so you can do whatever you want with it, but it doesn't seem realistic.
#182084293Thursday, January 21, 2016 2:05 AM GMT

Needs to be done better
#182084585Thursday, January 21, 2016 2:10 AM GMT

Character sheet- Name/Gem:Uranium Nickname:Uranium? Gender:Female Appearance:Uranium has a curvy/hourglass shape/build. She has Amber colored clothing, that takes a form of a dress, her eyes are Amber with white highlights colored. She has no legs (Much like Sapphire) Personality:Silly and Friendly Strengths/Weaknesses:Because of her lack of legs, she cannot move for long nor fast. She depends on Topaz to help her. She is weak to water, if exposed to long amounts of it, she will poof. Backstory:She only really told Topaz her story. Alignment: Rebellion Weapon:Crossbow Gem placement/Shape/Color:Amber and White/Chest/Common cut Abilities:Sound, can make supersonic noises capable of breaking some gem. Radioactivity, she can poison gems by being near them, though she can turn it on and off, it also makes large amounts of power. Base fusion dance:Ballet Other:Uranium is fond of Topaz, Dispite them not loving each other, they are close friends Character sheet- Name/Gem:Topaz Nickname:Topaz? Gender:Male Appearance:Topaz has a knight-like outfit. The armor has the same color as Topaz with some sliver strips. Unlike Uranium, Topaz has legs. He has spikes on the shoulder pads Personality:Clam and Collected Strengths/Weaknesses:His armor is magnetic and has the flammability of titanium.(Titanium is flammable) Backstory:He only told Uranium his story Alignment:Rebellion Weapon:Double sided Battle axe Gem placement/Shape/Color:Back/Square/Blue Abilities:Rusting, this allows him to rust metals or anything at a quick rate. Methane, Topaz can create large amounts of Methane, this can work angst him in some cases Base fusion dance:Break dancing Other:Best friends with Uranium -Fusion Specifics- Gems Fused: Uranium and Topaz Fusion Appearance: Their hair is both, White and Blue, They are wearing sliver with blue armor. They have two arms but four eyes. The armor makes a clinging noise and is made out of a heavy-metal like substance. It is possible to tell what one is in control by the color of the gem or eyes.
#182128134Thursday, January 21, 2016 11:19 PM GMT

Accepted! ((So cute!))
#182128639Thursday, January 21, 2016 11:26 PM GMT

#182197929Saturday, January 23, 2016 1:53 AM GMT

Uranium "Topaz? Where are you?" Uranium yelled. She continued to move, "Topaz! I need you!". She continued to look around for him, before tumbling down a hill. She got back up, "Topaz! Help I can't move for a long time on my own!"

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