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#182139148Friday, January 22, 2016 2:02 AM GMT

First of all, this is a RP group for Lion RP. So the rules for the group are the same for the game and ROBLOX. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Young Lion~ The most simple rank, You will start off as this when you first join, you may be promoted to higher ranks if you stay at least 3 RPs. You will play as the "Cub" morph in the game it's self. they are defenseless, though. [Note]This applies for all ranks; When you are any rank above others, you can RP as those rankings, and the one you are at, none higher. ~Lion~ This is the rank after Young lion. One of the most simple ranks. you DO NOT lead cubs, unless they are yours. You may now, and from now on, play as the adult morph. You can now fight back, but you are quite weak. You now can move on anywhere in pride territory, or if a High rank says so, any other territories. Next rank up is about another 3 RPs. ~Ally~ Has NO command over ANYONE in the pride, yet they can guide and help members of this group, independent fighting and skill levels. can RP as what they are allowed to from the allied group. anyone over the rank of lion warrior command this rank. You MUST pm me if you want to be in this group, AND the other group, in separate universes (basicly, have a custom rank in both groups). They aren't in, or that close to the pride, really, unless they are a very close ally. ~Lion warrior~ You are now a low-mid fight level. you can now lead lions and cubs. Any ranks after this are slightly more advanced, so watch out for that. ~Elite Lion~These lions are elite in combat, a mid-fight level, and can lead over lion warriors and lions. you must participate in a total of 8 RPs to become this ranking. this is more difficult then others. congratulations for those who have achieved this. ~Magic user~ This is a bit harder to achieve. you MUST have permission to become this rank. you also must be at least Elite lion to become this ranking.You now have permission to be magical, or use magic, in group RPs. You command Lion warriors and under, not elite lions, though. (This applies to demons, angels, fire lions, ice lions, etc) ~Legend~ Now, this is probably one of the most, if not, MOST, difficult rank to achieve in the whole pride. You must REQUEST THIS, have about 12 RPs, TOTAL, and be Elite Lion+ to achieve. you cannot switch this from, or to, magic user. This does pay off, as you have a High fighting level, and at least a mid skill level, and you are feared throughout enemy prides, and respected through ally prides and out own. If you have achieved this, you are probably outstanding, and dedicated to the group. ~Pride commander~The second hardest rank to achieve. You must have full permission, and be legend to become this. you may also need to complete at LEAST 70% trials given to you to become this. They are a HR, and among the leaders of the pride. ~pride co-leader~ This is a near impossible to achieve rank. you must be trusted by me, myself, to become this. that is all for this rank. ~Pride leader~-[currently bluetail], This is the HIGHEST possible rank to achieve, they command the pride, and make most of the important decisions in the pride. Though this isn't exactly necessary, if anyone asks me about ranks, I will tell them to read this.

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