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#182185479Friday, January 22, 2016 10:40 PM GMT

script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(part) local h = part.Parent:findFirstChild'Humanoid' if(h~=nil)then local plr = game.Players:findFirstChild(h.Parent.Name) if(plr~=nil)then local p1 = "Oh my, what is this?" local p2 = "What? I-i-it's..." local p3 = "A h-human?.." local p4 = "Sorry, I've just..." local p5 = "Never seen a human before..." local p6 = "Come human! I will bring you to my house!" local p7 = "As you can see, I placed a dummy here" local p8 = "I put it here because in n00b Land, n00bs may attack you" local p9 = "When you get attacked, try using words to resolve the conflict, not weapons" local p10 = "Practice talking to the dummy" script.Disabled = true h.WalkSpeed = 0 local t = plr.PlayerGui.Talk.Box.Say local sm = workspace:findFirstChild'Sounds/Music' t.Parent.Visible = true for i=1,#p1 do wait(.075) sm.vSarah:Play() local n = 0 local a = n + 1 t.Text = p1:sub(1,i) end wait(1) t.Text = "" t.Parent.Visible = false workspace.Sarah.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Vector3.new(79.445,-9.177,901.026) repeat wait() until workspace.Thingy2.Yes.Value == true wait(.5) workspace.Sarah.Humanoid.Jump = true wait(1) t.Parent.Visible = true for i=1,#p2 do wait(.075) sm.vSarah:Play() local n = 0 local a = n + 1 t.Text = p2:sub(1,i) end wait(.5) for i=1,#p3 do wait(.075) sm.vSarah:Play() local n = 0 local a = n + 1 t.Text = p3:sub(1,i) end wait(2) for i=1,#p4 do wait(.075) sm.vSarah:Play() local n = 0 local a = n + 1 t.Text = p4:sub(1,i) end wait(.5) for i=1,#p5 do wait(.075) sm.vSarah:Play() local n = 0 local a = n + 1 t.Text = p5:sub(1,i) end wait(2) for i=1,#p6 do wait(.075) sm.vSarah:Play() local n = 0 local a = n + 1 t.Text = p6:sub(1,i) end wait(2) t.Text = "" t.Parent.Visible = false workspace.Sarah.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Vector3.new(70.948,1.608,869.355) wait(2) h.Parent:MoveTo(workspace.Spawn.SpawnLocation.Position) workspace.Keith.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(76.894,-4.312,903.484) workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = workspace.Keith.Torso workspace.Keith.Humanoid.WalkToPoint = Vector3.new(70.948,1.608,869.355) while wait() do if workspace.Checks.Check2.b.Value == true and workspace.Checks.Check1.j.Value == true then break end end wait(.5) workspace.Keith.Humanoid.Jump = true workspace.Sarah.Humanoid.Jump = true workspace.Checks:Destroy() wait(1) t.Parent.Visible = true for i=1,#p7 do wait(.075) sm.vSarah:Play() local n = 0 local a = n + 1 t.Text = p6:sub(1,i) end wait(3) for i=1,#p8 do wait(.075) sm.vSarah:Play() local n = 0 local a = n + 1 t.Text = p6:sub(1,i) end wait(3) for i=1,#p9 do wait(.075) sm.vSarah:Play() local n = 0 local a = n + 1 t.Text = p6:sub(1,i) end wait(3) for i=1,#p10 do wait(.075) sm.vSarah:Play() local n = 0 local a = n + 1 t.Text = p6:sub(1,i) end wait(3) sm.enc:Play() wait(1) sm.practice:Play() workspace.Heart.Disabled = false workspace.Enemy.Dummy.Transparency = 0 end end end) after the two npcs jump, it keeps repeating the "Come human! I will bring you to my house!" part over and over again, wtf? icekiller8002 > dinosaur hat n00b
#182186592Friday, January 22, 2016 10:56 PM GMT

b icekiller8002 > dinosaur hat n00b
#182186723Friday, January 22, 2016 10:58 PM GMT

pls help icekiller8002 > dinosaur hat n00b
#182186837Friday, January 22, 2016 10:59 PM GMT

The reason is because you are a bad coder obviously. That code looks extremely inefficient. No one wants to read through that. What is the output?
#182186860Friday, January 22, 2016 10:59 PM GMT

omg just help icekiller8002 > dinosaur hat n00b
#182186905Friday, January 22, 2016 11:00 PM GMT

"No one wants to read through that." either help or stfu and gtfo icekiller8002 > dinosaur hat n00b
#182186923Friday, January 22, 2016 11:00 PM GMT

You silly person. I need the output to help? Have you not tried any simple debugging tricks? No one will help you if you are this needy.
#182186953Friday, January 22, 2016 11:01 PM GMT

there's nothing in the output icekiller8002 > dinosaur hat n00b
#182187025Friday, January 22, 2016 11:02 PM GMT

you guys are SO helpful icekiller8002 > dinosaur hat n00b
#182187041Friday, January 22, 2016 11:02 PM GMT

#182187130Friday, January 22, 2016 11:03 PM GMT

If you want to be a good coder, learn to debug and write *good* code. If you don't I guess just quit scripting. If you want to be a good coder, then say you do, and I'll link you to some good resources.
#182187181Friday, January 22, 2016 11:04 PM GMT

1. Tell us what this is supposed to do 2. Add prints so you can tell us where it stops 3. Stop being an ass and provide information
#182187271Friday, January 22, 2016 11:05 PM GMT

I was actually going to reconstruct this to help you, but then you insulted a well respected member of this forum with a valid point, sooooo. Naw, we're not meant to help either. This is to talk about scripting "Scripters This is the place for discussion about scripting. Anything about scripting that is not a help request or topic belongs here." While we do help, if you're anti-social, we don't.
#182187359Friday, January 22, 2016 11:06 PM GMT

1. It's supposed to go through some dialog basically 2. That won't help, it keeps repeating the p6 dialog 3. Jesus Christ, what's wrong with the Scripters Forum today? icekiller8002 > dinosaur hat n00b
#182187410Friday, January 22, 2016 11:07 PM GMT

@icekiller8002 I've been trying to help you this entire time, but you aren't giving me any feedback to *help* me *help* you.
#182187648Friday, January 22, 2016 11:11 PM GMT

i dont script but atleast if u cant help then dont reply
#182187725Friday, January 22, 2016 11:12 PM GMT

Are you telling people not to reply if they won't help? He decided to post this thread on Scripters forum, a basically "public" forum that all registered ROBLOX users can post on. if he only wanted helpers he should've PMed people, or gone to a place like scriptinghelpers dot org
#182187886Friday, January 22, 2016 11:14 PM GMT

@boss constant people come on here for help, and they should get help but asses like you are just a troll there's a few people on here that are cool, but I don't respect you because you're not helping icekiller8002 > dinosaur hat n00b
#182187932Friday, January 22, 2016 11:15 PM GMT

In other words "You aren't fixing my code, and handing me code therefore I can't respect you now leave or fix my script for me thx"
#182188004Friday, January 22, 2016 11:16 PM GMT

and everyone's favourite: "I don't wanna be a good coder I just want this code fixed, I don't wanna debug my giant code! you guys do it!"
#182188036Friday, January 22, 2016 11:16 PM GMT

gtfo ice
#182188067Friday, January 22, 2016 11:17 PM GMT

People do help others here with their code. That's because those posters include a lot of information about what their code does etc, their code is easily readable, so it's easier to debug.
#182188246Friday, January 22, 2016 11:19 PM GMT

i'm a good coder, and i know it I actually TRIED to fix it myself, and when I can't fix it, I come here and guess what. people ACTUALLY helped me, they just gave me the code, because they respect me, so I respect them it's not that I don't wanna debug it, it's cuz nice people help me with it people like you don't gtfo icekiller8002 > dinosaur hat n00b
#182188712Friday, January 22, 2016 11:27 PM GMT

jesus christ, ice really meant it when he said this was a bad forum. I'll try to stay far away from this sub-forum if I ever want to code.
#182188770Friday, January 22, 2016 11:28 PM GMT

No. You aren't supposed to tell yourself you are a good coder. You are told that by the public. People who say that they are great and good have huge egos, and are very bad.

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