#185285208Sunday, March 13, 2016 10:37 PM GMT

I didn't know Katakans were fond of light. Maybe it's not a Katakan after all. Or maybe it's just a very strange one. We'll see though, but I'd better be ready for anything to be hiding in that cave. No matter what, there's a fair share of crowns awaiting me when I come out. I draw my silver sword and head in.
#185328815Monday, March 14, 2016 8:06 PM GMT

You enter the cave, and for a time it continues to narrow. You get to the point where you are crouching just to continue moving throughout this cave. Luckily, you reach the end of this claustrophobic passage way and you are almost shocked at what you see. The passage gives way to an incredibly expansive room decorated extravagantly. Everything you see screams fine taste. The floor, which is about a five foot drop from the passage way, is made of marble tiles while the table, which is flanked by twelve matching chairs, is made of mahogany. The candelabra in the middle of the long table is made of fine silver, and you note that it is still lit. The walls, made of limestone brick, are decorated with fine carvings which seem to depict stories of some sort. The ceiling has a fine chandelier made of silver which is lit just like the candelabra. And not to mention the breath taking skylight at the top of the room. There are also beautiful carpets on the floors and banners of silk hanging from the walls. These banners all have a silver oak leaf on them. Could this be some sort of a guild's hideout? "Seems out Katakan has fine taste," Ranstin muttered from behind you, the both of you still in the cramped passage way.
#185423479Wednesday, March 16, 2016 2:00 AM GMT

Silver ornaments with the purpose of being lit on fire in a Katakan's hideout. There's some level of irony here somewhere. I doubt the Katakan did any of this though. Must've stumbled upon this hideout and killed everyone inside. "Think it's in here?" I ask, dropping down from the passage way into the main room with my silver sword still drawn. It might be, or it might be not. Might be prowling outside. If that's the case, I can wait for it to return. I'm not a fan of waiting though. I begin looking around the well-decorated room for any sign of the Katakan's presence here.
#185470413Wednesday, March 16, 2016 9:25 PM GMT

"Anything is possible at this rate," Ranstin replies, dropping down behind you with his own silver sword drawn. Meanwhile each of your medallions are humming and you can easily feel the tremors they are creating on your neck. You try to see if you can catch a whiff of your possible enemies' scent, but the mix of perfume and fine foods are all you can sense. Then, a flash at the staircase and another where a statue once was. Something was moving but it was too fast to pin point. Ranstin steps closer to you, watching your back. "Stay close, this may get dirty fast."
#185875259Wednesday, March 23, 2016 12:32 AM GMT

That must be the Katakan. I can't imagine anything or anyone else wanting to stick around in its lair. It's moving fast though, too fast. I'd better shift the circumstances to something more advantageous. I cast Yrden down at my feet and stay within the circle of symbols, looking around the room from that one spot to see where the Katakan will lash out from.
#186029782Friday, March 25, 2016 6:34 PM GMT

Ranstin joins you in the protective circle, casting Quen. His silver sword was drawn and he was facing the opposite way. The flash darts across the room, down the stairs, finally stopping behind a statue a few meters from you. Then, in a moment's notice, the katakan appears, launching itself at you, claws drawn! When it enters the circle, it is not affected. It's still traveling at full speed somehow.
#186043350Friday, March 25, 2016 9:52 PM GMT

I hope Ranstin heard the Katakan come down this way at me. He'll need to get out of the way too. Must be a stronger beast to be unaffected by Yrden. My silver sword in-hand, I attempt to sidestep out of the way of the Katakan and swing my weapon downwards as it goes by me.
#186067526Saturday, March 26, 2016 3:50 AM GMT

Ranstin dodged the opposite, going for a sideways slash on the massive beast. Both of your attacks connect, however, the momentum of your sword was not stopped, even slightly. Right before your eyes, as your attack swung down toward the ground, the Katakan dissipated into thin air, as if it had evaporated right before your eyes. You could tell it hadn't cloaked either because Katakans could still be seen slightly. "What the hell," Ranstin says, a bit bewildered. "Ah, it fools Witchers, but alas it does not fool the sorcerer," a voice says solemnly from the staircase, which you are currently not facing.
#186068615Saturday, March 26, 2016 4:06 AM GMT

I hope they'll pay gold for a sorcerer's head instead of a Katakan's. I sheathe my silver sword and draw the one forged in steel as I turn to the staircase. That Katakan wasn't losing weight as it walked through the bog, it was just disappearing. Wonder what reason this sorcerer has for tormenting villagers with the illusion of a Katakan. Doesn't matter to me though. He can't have a just reason. "Contract on your head," I say, casting Quen to protect myself from any spells that may be cast in my direction. I tighten the grip on my sword, a gesture that shows I'm intent on collecting.
#186113829Saturday, March 26, 2016 9:13 PM GMT

"I believe it was on the fake Katakan's head, not mine," the sorcerer says simply. He steps forward into the candlelight, and you are able to fully see his appearance. He looks to be an older man, possibly in his early to mid forties. His skin is pale, his hair is graying, and he wears a read tunic with black leather trousers. The tunic is ornately decorated with gold and ruby colors alike. "That itself does not matter, however. What matters is the fact that my trap did not lure its intended victim, and this is troubling because his plans are nearly complete. And if they are to be completed... Well, let's not shed light on the dark subject just yet," the sorcerer says. "Before we draw our swords and potions on one another, let us talk over dinner, yes?" the sorcerer starts, offering the hospitality. "I have much to explain to you, and besides, it is lunch time and my students are most likely famished," he adds, looking at you for your answer.
#186146851Sunday, March 27, 2016 5:03 AM GMT

He's got a victim he's looking for? If he was trying to lure them using the illusion of a Katakan, it must be a Witcher. That, or some idiot who thinks he's tougher than he actually is. It's not a good idea to even give this man the time of day. But, he says he has students. At least one of them could be as bad as him. Where'd they come from? And what kind of plans is his supposed victim concocting? Will he kill me at dinner? I don't think he can, I've faster reflexes than he probably does. Could he poison me? Takes quite a lot to poison a Witcher. There are questions I need answered, and a corpse can't talk. At least, not to my knowledge. I sheathe my steel sword while maintaining my guard. "Lead on."
#186214739Monday, March 28, 2016 1:47 AM GMT

"Take your seats at the table," the sorcerer says, turning and exiting through the double doors behind him. "I think this makes it into my top ten oddest contracts," Ranstin murmurs, taking a seat at the edge of the table, closest to the exit through the cave. "You sure you don't want to bolt right now?" he asks you.
#186227754Monday, March 28, 2016 5:03 AM GMT

I nod to affirm I'm sure, before lowering my voice to speak. "Besides, we can't collect payment without a trophy. A sorcerer's head could be just as good as a Katakan's." I look at the table and think about where to sit. Might be best to sit far away from Ranstin. In case things go bad, we'd be able to trap the sorcerer and his students between the two of us. But what if he needs to whisper something to me? Might be best to remain near him in case he needs to hatch a plan. I take a seat beside Ranstin and wait for the return of the sorcerer.
#186407248Wednesday, March 30, 2016 11:45 PM GMT

Ranstin simply nods. The Sorcerer exits after a little while, his presumable students following close behind with trays of food clasped in their hands. The first two, both young men, were clad in armor with swords at their hips. They were both blonde and had strikingly similar features; they are most likely related. The next, who walked by herself, was lightly armored with a bow strung across her shoulder, a hood resting on her shoulders. She had naturally brunette hair and brown eyes. The final two, a man and a woman, were dressed in similar wear to the sorcerer. The woman, who had auburn hair along with an amulet around her neck; a ruby. The man had graying hair which made his short cut look like someone had mixed a heap of salt and pepper upon his head. His beard, which was also short, was entirely grey. After the students had placed their food on the table and had seated themselves, (the brothers sitting beside you and Ranstin), one of the swordsman snapped. Directly next to you, he stood up and looked you straight in the eyes. "Yunith, you said we had guests, not felines! Why do you bring depraved Witchers into our hideout! Our mission could be easily flawed!" he shouted, glancing back at the sorcerer as he said the name "Yunith." The sorcerer stared directly into the man's eyes, a fire seeming to burn within them. "Peder! You do not insult who I bring into this hideout! I expected you to be the most civil about this, but I suppose I was incorrect to presume so," the sorcerer chastises. Within a few moments, Peder sits down next to you again. After things calm down afterward, the female bowman turns to you in particular. "So why are you cats here in Radoslav?" she asks, a a sly grin breaking on her face.
#186427441Thursday, March 31, 2016 4:53 AM GMT

I didn't think his students would be armed and armor-clad, especially at the dinner table. They must be on edge. Probably ready to go attack something. That puts me on edge to. Hopefully the steel sword on my back is enough to deter them, that "Peder" in particular, from getting upset about something and then making a stupid move. And what's this mission Peder was talking about? What does the presence of Witchers do to deter it? Must be something related to that fake Katakan. I'm sure I'll get all my answers from that Sorcerer though. In time. I turn my cat-like eyes to the bowman, finding myself mildly concern about that grin on her face. Is that grin malevolent, or perhaps licentious? Maybe it's some kind of involuntary twitch of her face. Doubt it. It's probably one of my first two theories. "Low supply of us here," I say, before adding, "demand's high."
#186577139Saturday, April 02, 2016 4:10 PM GMT

"I wouldn't be surprised if you saw nothing more than Nekkers, Ghouls, or Drowners. Any large beast has si-," the oldest student, who was probably a sorcerer in training, says. As he was about to finish his sentence, Yunith, the master sorcerer, gave him a stern glare, the look speaking a thousand words which all probably meant "shut the hell up." The female sorceress seemed to be frustrated, and it had finally reached its peak when Yunith cut off the old sorcerer. "Yunith, just tell the two our purpose here. There are six of us after all, if they threaten to expose us or kill us then they won't be an issue, no matter if they are Witchers," she said, speaking in a frank, matter-of-fact manner. There was a moment's pause after this statement from the impatient sorceress and everyone was left to exchange glances with one another. Yunith finally spoke up. "I suppose you are right, Helena," he said in a defeated tone. "The Katakan was never meant to lure you here," Yunith began, "it was was meant to lure a being more powerful than all of us combined in this room. Ahern, is this being's name. They have an uncanny knack for taming or seducing the monsters that roam any world. They then use these beasts to conquer worlds. This is where things become dangerous, because monsters of different likes working together can create deadly combinations," Yunith finishes, leaning back in his chair. "What else do you wish to know?" he asks.
#186608255Saturday, April 02, 2016 11:38 PM GMT

Ahern? Never heard of it. Sounds made up. If it is though, I'm sure Ranstin would've spoken up. So, assuming these people aren't lying to me, that brings up another issue in their story, and an issue for me in terms of being paid by that village. That second issue can be dealt with later, maybe Yunith could conjure up a Katakan head for me. Then, there's the first issue. If this Ahern is more powerful than all of us combined, then... "What were you going to do to Ahern after luring it?"
#186628097Sunday, April 03, 2016 4:00 AM GMT

"Fight it, of course. What do you suppose we'd do, invite it for a cordial dinner like we did you?" Peder's brother questions, sarcasm present in his voice. Yunith gave him a stern, which was all that was needed to get the other twin to stop with his sarcastic comments. The woman who had a bow strung on her back spoke up after the situation was defused, learning on the table to get a better view of you and Ranstin, as she was sat beside one of the twins and it would be hard to get a better view otherwise. "Ahern would most likely be more powerful than all of us here combined, yourselves included. Our objective wasn't to kill them, it was to gain information on them, as we currently have none other than the apparent lack of monsters in Radoslav," she tells you, positioning a lock of hair behind her ears as she spoke, keeping the pesky brunette hair out of the way of her face. "And we have the Venecvar," Peder added, the rest of the students turning to him with a, "why did you say that," looks plastered on their faces.
#186628422Sunday, April 03, 2016 4:04 AM GMT

At least the bowman is more polite than the other here. Seems a bit stupid to lure Ahern here for the sole purpose of learning about it. I feel like these people would die in the process. Or maybe this "Venecvar" Pedar mentioned is a tool that would protect them from being killed. But, they have no information on this thing whatsoever? I'm surprised they even have a name for it. In any case, if this Ahern really is real, I'll have to do something about it. Something leading a bunch of monsters is bad news, and a lack of monsters around means a lack of food on the plate for me. I turn my eyes away from the female bowman and towards Peder. "What's the Venecvar?"
#186812823Tuesday, April 05, 2016 9:07 PM GMT

"Nothing of importance," Yunith replies swiftly, his mouth open to change the topic. However, Ranstin, having dealt with situations akin to this one, was quick on the draw to get a response in before the Sorcerer could cover up his student's mistake. "It must be of importance if your student mentions, Sorcerer," Ranstin says, maintaining control of the conversation. Yunith examines the tablecloth's patterns after Ranstin's response, tracing the patterns with an index finger as he thought up a response. "The Venecvar is an ancient book, not from this realm," Yunith started, choosing his words very carefully. "It is a book from my ancestors, describing the accounts of the event known as the 'Summoning,' which was where Ahern scourged my realm and all that lived on it... even then, the book holds very little information on such a powerful being..." Yunith says in a defeated tone. It sounds like there's a lot to be told about this event and you had only just received a synopsis...
#186865356Wednesday, April 06, 2016 6:56 PM GMT

Already up and already eating. I can't blame him. The journey here left us both famished. Hopefully he's ordered something for me to eat already. Maybe not. No matter, I'll just ask for whatever I want.I head over to Ranstin and sit down across from him, looking down at his food."Any for me?"
#186865463Wednesday, April 06, 2016 6:59 PM GMT

"I don't even know why I gave you the option; I knew you were too tired for a few stiff drinks," Ranstin responds, approaching the innkeeper. The inn was relatively quiet, but you still weren't able to make out the conversation Ranstin had with the innkeeper. He came back, face as neutral as any Witcher's is. "We've the room upstairs for the night," he said simply, heading for the stairs without waiting for a response.Once you had caught up and entered the room, you realized that there was only one straw bed.Ranstin, knowing that this could raise question, was quick to respond. "You may have the bed. I must meditate tonight," he said nonchalantly, removing his two swords to lay them against the wall.
#186865774Wednesday, April 06, 2016 7:07 PM GMT

You arrive at the inn's stables and both you and Ranstin slide off your mounts. You each loosen your horses saddles as to not pain the horses anymore. It had been a long journey; they deserved some rest.You enter the inn alongside Ranstin, night the sun having set about an hour earlier. Once inside, Ranstin turns to you. "Would you prefer we get a few drinks before sleeping or would you rather go now?" he asks you.
#186866326Wednesday, April 06, 2016 7:18 PM GMT

I rip my blade out of the dead nekker and cast Aard at the slowed one trying to ambush me. When the monster falls to the ground, I hurry towards it and impale its head on my blade.
#186866482Wednesday, April 06, 2016 7:21 PM GMT

As the next nekker finds itself ensnared and vulnerable in my trap, I lunge forward towards it and stab at its chest-region with my silver blade.