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#182333219Sunday, January 24, 2016 9:04 PM GMT

I don't know why this doesn't work... It is supposed to cycle through a model and make it invisible, and if there is a decal in one of the model's parts, then remove the decal. It makes the bricks transparent, but the decals stay on the parts. for i, v in pairs(Model:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Transparency = 1 for k, y in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do if y:IsA("Decal") then y:remove() end end end end
#182333394Sunday, January 24, 2016 9:06 PM GMT

funtion Invis(Model) if Model:IsA'Decal' then Model:Destroy() return end if Model:IsA'BasePart' then Model.Transparency=1 end for i, v in pairs(Model:GetChildren()) do Invis(v) end end Invis(Model)
#182334240Sunday, January 24, 2016 9:17 PM GMT

Sorry, that didn't work either...
#182334368Sunday, January 24, 2016 9:19 PM GMT

function Invis(part) for i,v in pairs()part:GetChildren() do if v:IsA'Part' or v:IsA'BasePart' then v.Transparency = 1 elseif v:IsA'Decal'then v:Destroy() else Invis(v) end end end Invis(Model)
#182338629Sunday, January 24, 2016 10:18 PM GMT

Sorry, that doesn't work bc the decals are in the bricks, which are in the model...
#182338882Sunday, January 24, 2016 10:22 PM GMT

function Invis(part) for i,v in pairs()part:GetChildren() do if v:IsA'Part' or v:IsA'BasePart' then v.Transparency = 1 elseif v:IsA'Decal'then v:Destroy() end Invis(v) end end Invis(Model) This should work now
#182339751Sunday, January 24, 2016 10:35 PM GMT

That doesn't work either! XD
#182340684Sunday, January 24, 2016 10:48 PM GMT

I made a typo Change this line: for i,v in pairs()part:GetChildren() do to: for i,v in pairs(part:GetChildren()) do

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