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#182422126Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:38 AM GMT

LORE: Many years ago, the Gods gathered their might and created the world. This world consisted of one gigantic landmass, the borders of which were sealed off by their will. The will of the Gods traveled throughout the land, creating lakes, rivers, forests, valleys, deserts, tundra, and mountains. Once this world was carved out before them, the Gods created life to inhabit it. Among the countless life forms built to roam the land, the one that rose above the rest was Humanity. They fashioned tools, created towns, roads, and many works of art. Humanity prospered in this world. The Gods were exhausted from the work they had done to bring everything to life. After great deliberation, the Gods decided that Humanity was worthy enough to inherit the mantle of responsibility that they carried. One fateful day, the Heavens cried from above, raining down crystals of blue, red, green, yellow, white, and black. These crystals were made of Ethrium, the essence of the Gods. Their mantle passed on, the Gods entered a deep slumber. Ethrium became one with the earth itself and all of its life. Over time, fantastic creatures were found wandering the world, and generations of Humans who could harness the power of the crystals were born. Used as a power source, Ethrium allowed Humanity to erect many awesome cities and mighty fortresses. This was Humanity’s golden age of peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, as is the nature of all things, it would not last. No one knows what started the Great Ethrium War, but it nearly tore the world to pieces. Dozens of factions arose and tens of thousands of Ethrium Wielders were killed. As a result, many of the crystals embedded within the planet withered and died. Humanity had lost its gift and many of its Ethrium based wonders. Great cities fell into disrepair and fortresses were abandoned. Desperate and broken, Humanity united under a single Monarchy and the war ended with no true victor. Generations passed as Humanity carried on without the power of Ethrium to fuel their way of life. There were some who believed their gift would return if they appealed to the Gods, but they received no answers. One day though, a miracle happened. The King’s wife gave birth to six children. All of them were girls and each of them wielded one of the six powers of Ethrium. The Kingdom rejoiced as their faith in the Gods was renewed. It is said that the King received thousands of suitors for his daughters, with many families desperate to bring an Ethrium Wielder into their family line. The King, protective over his girls, soon allowed protectiveness to turn into paranoia. He turned away all suitors, even those belonging to noble families he long considered allies. Allegiances were shattered and rebellion arose, with many furious that the King would hoard such a gift. By keeping his daughters away from the rest of the world, he easily brainwashed them into doing his bidding. These six girls used their power to kill thousands and enslave even more. It was not long before the rebellion was crushed and the King’s rule was made absolute. None dared oppose him. Still, the paranoia ate away at him to the point where he no longer trusted the kin he used to achieve victory. Working behind their backs, one by one he betrayed his children, creating horrific devices that subdued them and harnessed their power. Six towers were built around the world to house the girls, with a seventh built in the center of the land to house the King himself. All threats finally neutralized, the King ruled a land of frightened people and shattered spirits. The cause for what happened next is speculated by many but known by none. Some say the King tried to pierce the veil that bordered the world. Others say that he attempted to enter the Heavens. All that is known for certain is that one day the King woke the Gods. Furious with what they saw, they used all of their might to punish Humanity for their sins. Most of Humanity was wiped out and the world split into four pieces. As the continents drifted apart, the Gods created a vast ocean to fill the void between them. The veil was stretched out to the point that no Human could ever reach it. Humanity, though forever connected to Ethrium, had its link severely weakened, ensuring that it could be never be used for such terrible purposes ever again. Once again, the Gods slept. Many years have passed since that time, and there are none left alive who lived it. Though there are those who still study Ethrium and are capable of wielding it to different extents, it is considered taboo in many societies, a reminder of Humanity’s greatest sin. However, there are still those who believe that the Age of Ethrium will come again… ETHRIUM: Ethrium crystals are concentrated into six different colors: blue, red, green, yellow, white, and black. Each color encompasses different forms of magic: -Blue: Water and ice magic. -Red: Fire magic. -Green: Nature and earth magic. -Yellow: Air magic. -White: Healing and support magic. -Black: Deception and corruption magic. The ability to use Ethrium is one that every sentient being theoretically possesses, but in the current age only those with proper training can make significant use of these powers. Even then, this power must first be unlocked. To achieve this, a person must come into contact with an Ethrium crystal. Innately they will be drawn to one particular color, and once they are attuned to that crystal and its color, it can never change. A Wielder cannot cast spells without their crystal to draw power from. It must always remain in close proximity through whatever means necessary. CONTINENTS & FACTIONS: 1. Ackria: The southernmost of the four continents in the world. It is a land of kings and queens, lord and ladies, and knights and horses. The continent is split into two kingdoms: Rominus in the west and Aradesh in the east. They are divided by a massive mountain range in the north and a harsh desert pass in the south. -Rominus: The more progressive of the two kingdoms. Rominus is known for being more tolerant of minority species and Ethrium Wielders. The ruling King has three Lords below him who are entrusted to watch over different areas of his kingdom. Rominus is famously known worldwide for a division of its army comprised entirely of women, aptly named the Shield Maidens. -Aradesh: More traditional and xenophobic, Aradesh has always kept to itself. It is a peaceful and quiet kingdom. Rumor has it that some of their forests are littered with ruins pre dating the Great Ethrium War. Such places are forbidden even for citizens of the kingdom to step upon. 2. Lavil: The western continent of the world, where the College of Ethrium maintains absolute dominion over the entire land. While most societies shun or outright oppose the use of Ethrium, the College is based around its use with a goal of restoring Humanity to its former glory. The continent itself is a massive cityscape. The surface of Lavil has long since been built over entirely. Metal forged into all manner of buildings covers every inch of land. In Lavil, Ethrium Wielders rule and non wielding humans are subservient, working lesser jobs and living in poorer conditions. -Council of Magisters: The ruling body of the College and Lavil itself. Six Magisters sit on this council, each one a master and representative of their respective Ethrium color. The Magisters are elected individualsl; each division elects their own leader. The Council is the second strongest set of Ethrium Wielders in the world. -Precincts: For each color there is an elected Magister to lead it and a school dedicated to teaching its use. To better facilitate the seperation of the schools, the cityscape of Lavil was divided into six equally sized precincts, with a smaller seventh in the middle of Lavil for the six schools to congregate. Each precinct and its subsequent school contributes different research and goods to the entire continent. -Spires: In each precinct is a spire that each governing Magister calls home, built to emulate the towers once used to imprison the six daughters of the King who angered the Gods. In the central precinct a seventh spire sits, built so large that it can be seen from anywhere in Lavil. This one, of course, represents the tower the King built for himself. -Training: All children in Lavil are tested for their magical affinity at age four. If they attune to a crystal, they are taken by the College and trained until the age of twenty. When they turn twenty, they are given five years to repay the College for their training. This repayment comes in the form of either a significant discovery for the archives or an invention of some kind that benefits society. The most skilled of these young Wielders are given the option of traveling the world to complete this pilgrimage, though not many take this option due to how the rest of the world perceives Ethrium Wielders. -Trade Relations: While most continents do not trade with each other, the College offers open bounties on Ethrium crystals and relics pre dating the Great Ethrium War. Typically they pay in universal luxury goods that are desired world wide. The College is also highly distrustful of any Ethrium Wielder who was not trained at the College, and have been known to send their own fully fledged mages to hunt down rogue Wielders. In the event that their own mages cannot complete the job, vast fortunes are offered to those who can. 3. Bol Galtar: The northern continent. When the Gods split the land, most fantastic creatures and sentient non human races were left on what became Bol Galtar. Chief among them were the proud Dwarfs, the cunning Elves, and the mighty Orcs. These races divided themselves and drew clear territorial lines. -The Dwarven Empire: Occupying the mountains of the south, the Dwarves build great fortresses and cities on and in the mountains. They craft beautiful works from all manner of metals and gems. Some rumors even say that they imbue Ethrium crystals into their works, granting them magical properties. Dwarves value wealth and status above all else. The richest Dwarven family rules over the entire Empire, with the head of the family ruling as the Emperor or Empress. This dominant spot has changed hands several times since the birth of the Empire, but the current ruling family has stayed in power longer than any other family in its history. -The Elven Clans: The largest and most divided of Bol Galtar's species, the Elves make their homes in the forests and valleys of the west. Elves are a more diverse group, finding balance in having dozens of seperate clans that rule themselves. Each clan has their own traditions and laws that differ from other clans, sometimes causing friction. Other than the occasional clan squabble, the Elves live in relative peace with nature. -The Orcish Commonwealth: The Orcs occupy the eastern plains and swamps of Bol Galtar. When the land was first divided between the three species, the Orcs held a massive gathering, where as a species they decided what was best for their people as a whole. Those values were agreed upon as a species, and such values were passed down from generation to generation. Orcs typically never congregate in too large of groups. Families took care of themselves, working with other families when both parties had something to gain. -The War: Twenty years ago, for reasons still not understood, the Orcs united and launched coordinated attacks on both the Elves and the Dwarves. The natural defenses of the mountains in which the Dwarven Empire is seated have made it difficult for the Orcs to make a strong push into their territory. The Elves, however, have been slowly and consistently pushed back, their people slaughtered or enslaved by the Orcs. Though the Elves have turned to the Dwarves for an alliance against this onslaught, they have been rejected each time. With no unity and so much uncertainty, the fate of Bol Galtar is shrouded in darkness. -Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs in other lands: While most non human sentients remain in Bol Galtar, some have dared to journey to Lavil or Ackria. Most treat non humans with little respect, preventing them from earning a fair living. They often end up in slums, living a life of poverty and dreaming of a home they wish they could return to. 4. Netheren: The forbidden land, in the far east. From the legends passed down over the years, it is known that the King who angered the Gods was born in what became Netheren. Scout ships from Ackria and Lavil have reported seeing nothing along the shores but ancient ruins from before the Great Ethrium War. Nothing else is known about Netheren. Every soul that sets foot on its soil never returns. 5. The Eight: A mysterious organization comprised of eight members. Legends say they were among the first humans, wielding the ancient Ethrium powers of the old world. To most, they are a bed time story told to fascinate children. To some, they are used to explain the unexplainable. To a select few, they are real. In the recent years, more and more sightings have been whispered of across the world. Something big is set to happen. --------------------------------- Character Sheet Name: Age: Race: Gender: Bio: Appearance of person: Weapons used: Clothing: Birth Place: Faction: Ethrium User?: Ethrium type:
#182423028Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2:52 AM GMT

Just so I can understand the universe better, can members of different species produce children?
#182423553Tuesday, January 26, 2016 3:01 AM GMT

If you are talking about cross breeding then only elves and humans can cross breed.
#182423643Tuesday, January 26, 2016 3:02 AM GMT

Alright, thanks. I'm working on a CS, but there's no guarantee I'll be finished tonight.
#182423722Tuesday, January 26, 2016 3:04 AM GMT

No worries.
#182458837Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:33 PM GMT

#182460461Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:58 PM GMT

(marked, i might join perhaps) *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.
#182464612Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:01 PM GMT

(Might join. I'll consider it more when I get my other account back.)
#182465309Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:11 PM GMT

I saw your rp on RpNation!! Haha, I might join, I have to make a character sheet thing though
#182465487Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:13 PM GMT

Oops, wrong rp, lol But the same stuff applies, I am interested in joining!
#182465660Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:16 PM GMT

Cool make a character sheet!
#182482023Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:03 AM GMT

Disclaimer: I didn't proof-read this. Like, at all. You've been warned. Name: Kynan Annwyn Age: Race: Human Gender: Male Bio: Kynan was born into the minority of humans living in Bol Galtar, spending most of his childhood in a small farming hamlet. They were technically within Elven borders, but as long as they didn't cause trouble they didn't get any in return. Kynan was the youngest of four older brothers and a sister, and as such had no obligations towards running the farm one day, though it did mean he had no assured way to make a living. He was just beginning to worry about finding employment when he stumbled upon a career quite by accident. It was his sister's wedding and she had asked Kynan to sing during the ceremony. Many of the guests were impressed with his recently unveiled talent for singing, and with a little push from a friend, Kynan taught himself to play the lute as well. His first night playing in public was a lucrative one, and Kynan happily gave most of the tips to his family. Sadly, the poor villagers couldn't keep dropping spare change into Kynan's hat, and after a few weeks he decided he would need to move on. The Elves and Dwarves had little interest in human folksongs, and Kynan had grown up hearing bedtime stories about why young boys should stay away from the aggressive Orcs, so he worked odd jobs for a few months, saving up to buy passage to Ackria. Traveling to and from taverns throughout Rominus and occasionally Aradesh, Kynan gradually made a small name for himself. Once his homeland became known, someone started a rumor that Kynan was part Elf, and though that probably isn't true, Kynan encourages it since it does wonders for publicity. The life of a traveling minstrel can be tedious -- Kynan usually makes just enough to rent a room at the local inn -- but he loves it. Appearance of person: Kynan has an unassuming build, standing at 5'9" and weighing about 150 lbs. A life with little field work or heavy lifting has left him with small shoulders and nothing impressive when it comes to muscles. His facial features, on the other hand, are a bit more striking. He has a large, angular nose, high cheekbones and ears that come to a small point which may have led to the rumors surrounding his ancestors. Kynan has medium length hair which is a shocking, bright red color. Like most people with his hair color, Kynan has green eyes and pale skin. Instead of tanning, his skin burns or breaks out in freckles. Weapons used: Kynan began his traveling adventures unarmed, but after a run in with a bandit, he soon bought a short sword. The sword is nothing special, it has no name or story, but it's properly balanced and Kynan can swing it around easily. That doesn't mean he actually knows how to sword fight, but it often discourages other attackers. Kynan could also hit someone over the head with his lute. Clothing: One problem of life on the road is carrying everything on your back. Kynan owns very few pieces of clothing, and may wear several shirts at once if it's a cold winter. An assortment of white undershirts and darker trousers are coupled with one of two vests, one a vibrant blue and the other a duller, fur-lined brown. Walking around a lot has also created the need for a good pair of boots, though despite the expensive material, Kynan's pair is beginning to show some strain. Kynan also owns a reversible cape, one side is dark and unobtrusive the other is a shiny red, good for catching people's eyes and making them listen to his music. Sadly, it isn't as warm as he'd like, nor is it waterproof. To keep water out of his face, Kynan wears a wide-brimmed hat he picked up along his travels. A pair of turkey feathers stuck in the side complete the look, and make him hard to miss in a crowd. Birth Place: Bol Galtar Faction: Varies Ethrium User?: No, but maybe he'll find one later in the rp? Ethrium type: N/A
#182484245Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:35 AM GMT

(Accepted start when we get two more.)
#182516286Wednesday, January 27, 2016 9:06 PM GMT

(I knew I should've double-checked that. Kynan is twenty-eight.)
#182516565Wednesday, January 27, 2016 9:10 PM GMT

LOL this thread suks the bigest dik in the world XDXDXDXDXDXD My Rp is waaayy beter HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiUUUUUUUuuAaaAAAAAahhhhH
#182551621Thursday, January 28, 2016 12:11 PM GMT

bleh sorry this took so long... Character Sheet Name: Fandalag Age: 21 Race: Orc Gender: Female Bio: She pretty much abandoned her family when it was discovered she had Ethrium powers, and generally left to a different place, traveling around until she found a place which didn't mind that she was an orc. While she didn't find exactly acceptance, she found apathy, and she found that it was just enough. She lives alone in a small house, which has all her things and belongings inside. Though she isn't exactly evil and cruel, she is still easily irritable. She is still prone to violence, and has a short temper. Fandalag can also be considered selfish and rude, though this was mostly due to how she was raised. She currently lives alone, and while she is part of the army, it is mostly due to the benefits of it, rather than just for the sake of it. Appearance of person: She's tall and large, being of around 6 feet tall, wielding broad shoulders and limbs thick with sheer muscle. Though she isn't exactly a giant, she is larger than most people outside her race, and is far stronger and durable as well. Her facial features are more soft in general, however, with low cheekbones, a soft, though large nose, and thick lips. Her skin is of a dull and dirty medium gray, with dark speckled freckles all over. Her eyes are a striking yellow color, which contrasts with the rest of her. Weapons used: She uses melee weapon, mainly a very large axe, which could be devastating. It's rather heavy, even for her, and it does take some effort to swing too. She also could use just her body as well. Clothing: She wears a clean white shirt, and black trousers, along with black leather boots at the very current. Birth Place: Bol Galtar Faction: Rominus, as part of the army there. Ethrium User?: Yes Ethrium type: Red *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.
#182553505Thursday, January 28, 2016 1:56 PM GMT

Marked bro
#182553734Thursday, January 28, 2016 2:06 PM GMT

#182560066Thursday, January 28, 2016 5:32 PM GMT

Tracked, but... Why yellow for air?
#182562165Thursday, January 28, 2016 6:23 PM GMT

Name: Era Age: Unknown, Appearance of a twelve year old Race: Kitsune [Fox Demon] Gender: Female Bio: Shall be revealed Appearance of person: She has long curly blonde hair that goes to her thighs. Weapons used: None ATM Clothing: She wears a white dress that reaches to her knees Birth Place: Aradesh Faction:Aradesh Ethrium User?: Yep Ethrium type: White
#182568802Thursday, January 28, 2016 8:50 PM GMT

(You need more detail than that, and yellow because yellow is what I though of at the time for air )
#182574187Thursday, January 28, 2016 10:22 PM GMT

I'm just about finished my CS for the RP, but it might take me some time to post it as I am currently stuck on the bio and not very motivated to write more.
#182576042Thursday, January 28, 2016 10:51 PM GMT

(That's fine take your time)
#182603376Friday, January 29, 2016 6:19 AM GMT

(Should air be a part of green, because air is a part of nature. It should have been lightning.) Name: Makarov Fontaine Age: 25 Race: Human Gender: Male Bio: A scientist from another world. He is born to a family of scientist, each with their own groundbreaking achievements. At the age of 19, he created a portal that would lead him to other universes. He believed that there is more than one universe. As he enters the machine, it suddenly went haywire and that's where he gets stuck into this world. By the time he got there, he witnessed the heavens raining crystals. Essentially, he got into one and gained him magic of his own. With it, he begins to explore the world, in search of a way to get back to his world. Appearance of person: He stands 5'20 tall, has lean muscles, and has fair skin. He has black medium length hair and emerald eyes (his left eye was covered by a streak of his hair). Whenever he gets insane, by sheer blood lust of killing his enemies mercilessly, his eyes will turn red. Weapons used: He wields a black knife. The blade is curved and the hilt holds the crystal that he came in contact with. It is said that this otherworldly person told a blacksmith to make a knife that is suitable for his way of fighting. Clothing: He wears a black long sleeved polo, white trenchcoat with rounded steel spaulders and silver accents, black gloves with steel plates on the backhands, black belt with silver buckle, black slacks, and black dress shoes. Birth Place: He is born from his own world, but in here, it would be Lavil. Faction: Depends if one of them gives him a lot. Ethrium User?: Yes Ethrium type: Black
#182604675Friday, January 29, 2016 7:00 AM GMT

Name: Klen Veron Geuis (Klen Ver-on Ju-es) Age: 23 Race: Human Gender: Male Bio: Klen Veron Geuis was born into Ackria, raised by a family that had no allegiance to Rominus or Aradesh. He started life by helping the family out in the farm, working hard in order to make sure they have enough food for the year. At the age of 11, his family was attacked by bandits with the leader being a Black Ethrium. He killed his parents in front of him and then forced his Sister into the slave trade. His 2 younger brothers were trained to be soldiers. Meanwhile, he was sent to the Qwen Gladiator Tournaments, fighting in the Junior League against other young and old boys. He trained with the Masters for over a year before being sent to the games with the rest of his class. There, he barely survived the first few battles, winning out of dumb luck. In the next battles he became more and more experienced, not without the wounds though as 1 month in he was covered in scars and wounds. At the age of 15 he adopted the Dagger as his main weapon, getting rid of the clumsy sword that he was given at first. He was trained for a week in how to use it and used his agility in order to get in and out quickly with his opponents, working well with his light dagger. At the age of 17, he was sent to the Major Leagues, facing grown men and young adults. There, they were allowed to choose 1 side weapon. He chose a small Bow, working well with his Dagger due to the fact that they are both light and easy to carry weapons. He fought in the games for 2 more years, nearly getting sliced in half more than once. At the age of 19, he was given his freedom. He worked as a farm hand for a year before the same people that killed his parents returned. Before the man could kill the farmers and capture some more slaves, he shot his bow into the side of the head and stabbed him in the guts, effectively killing him and finally getting in revenge. From that moment on, for the next 2 years, he worked as an assassin. Slowly working from killing low-priority targets to people running important businesses. In one job, however, he was forced to flee as he was found out. They put a bounty on his head across each of the continents, excluding Bol Galtar. As such, he naturally sailed his way to Bol Galtar where he made friends with some native elves, orcs, and dwarfs before living off the land and under a tree (think Yoda's home). Due to all of this, he hated Ethrium users and vowed to kill them all. Appearance of person: Having tan skin and black, shaggy (unclean) hair, he passed for a human. He also has green-blue eyes, a pointy nose, average-sized ears, and a scarred mouth, cut from a conflict when he was young. His nails are usually dirty, as the rest of his body is, due to the fact that he rarely takes a bath. He also has, what I guess is, the normal amount of hair for a man of his age. Weapons used: Dagger, Small Bow Clothing: Black Robe, Black Shirt, Black Pants, Black Half-Mask (covers mouth and nose), Black Metal Boots, Black Metal Kneeguards, Black Metal Elbowguards, Black Metal Shoulderguards, Black Metal Gloves Birth Place: Ackria Faction: N/A Ethrium User?: No Ethrium type: N/A (Sorry if I messed up on anything)

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