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#182455826Tuesday, January 26, 2016 8:44 PM GMT

I'm messing with it and it just doesn't seem to do anything. I'm trying to create these glowy particles that flicker on and off as if they're glowing, and I got curious and assumed it would allow the particles to emit light. Nothing happened, or at the least anything I could see.
#182456590Tuesday, January 26, 2016 8:58 PM GMT

Value Type: float Description: Sets how much the colors of the emitter's particles are blended with other particles. LightEmission uses additive blending to combine the colors, meaning the rbg values of the colors are added together to determine the displayed color. This addition is weighted by the value of LightEmission. When changed this property instantly affects all particles owned by the emitter, both current and future particles. Note: This property is not related to the dynamic lighting engine of ROBLOX. If you need your particles to emit light, it is recommended to create parts with PointLights that follow the path of the particles. ^Copied straight from the Wiki... as it says in the last paragraph, making particles that emit light would be way more complicated... but it still can be done.

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