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#182502377Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:31 PM GMT

Mh :/ Well i'm then still stuck in this situation where the pathfinding is a bit too "large"... Or maybe i just won't do narrow cities map ? Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182502453Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:34 PM GMT

Reduce the threshold, lol It should help just try it
#182502658Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:40 PM GMT

Alright uhm here's another issue. So i've just changed my code a bit to be using a bindable Event. But looks like I got another Issue. So as i've said earlier, i'm using Module and LocalScript to make my brick moving. So I got my moving function inside it and it is called with the BindableEvent so it can move the brick, however, for the other clients and for the server, the brick still doesn't move. Is modulescript a part of LocalScript ? Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182502681Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:41 PM GMT

Oh and how do I reduce the threshold ? Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182506113Wednesday, January 27, 2016 5:21 PM GMT

the question you have to ask is whats 9+10 and then you give the answer which of course is 21
#182506185Wednesday, January 27, 2016 5:23 PM GMT

Shhhhh Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182506542Wednesday, January 27, 2016 5:34 PM GMT

Pick a size of square Create a grid of squares. If the square find its in an object mark itself as filled If a square is within X distance of a square marked filled mark itself filledDist Use an A* algorithm to find the best route using the grid. Make the A* algorithm avoid anything marked as filled or filledDist I use filledDist because if I had 1 square marked as filled, 8 would become filled, each of them making about 64 (im guessing here) squares filled and so on -____________________________-
#182513330Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:15 PM GMT

Intrusting . Though i don't really fully understand the A* algorithm on the wiki. Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182513420Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:16 PM GMT

the pathfinding is buggy because it kinda takes sharp corners :L idk if it is fixed because i haven't used it because of that very reason and because i never made a game since then that needs pathfinding :QQQQ
#182515530Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:53 PM GMT

That's exactly what I was thinking, the sharp corners.. :/ Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.

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