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#182501255Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:49 PM GMT

I know you will scream "USE ROBLOX PATHFINDER SERVICE" but first let me explain. I'm making an RTS that will mostly be in 2D, so i don't need to use the Y axis. However, the roblox pathfinder is : 1st - Not precise enough, and is using node that are placed in a grid like form 2nd - Using Y axis that i don't need and want and is breaking all my logic. So i'd be glad to have some little help on how can i make a pathfinder by myself, because i've had a lot of idea (like using raycasting to check if the path is available and what is the shorter path) but then i get to some issue like the lenght of the ray, etc. So yeah , any ideas ? Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182501305Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:51 PM GMT

hey im making a rts as well
#182501337Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:53 PM GMT

Pathfinding service should work perfectly fine.... You can adjust the empty threshold, not sure about Y-Axis though they should be able to detect a jump but it would have to be at least 7 studs higher then the character.
#182501417Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:56 PM GMT

Yeah I know it does work and yeah thanks for the empty threshold, i will search that on the wiki, but still it i want to have an RTS, I don't want to have a 7-stud tall buildings on it, mostly if it's about sandbags and things like that. Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182501454Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:58 PM GMT

can't you just turn jump off in the humanoid?
#182501490Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:59 PM GMT

Can you explain RTS (Is it Real Time Strategy?) Alternatives is yeah making your own pathfinding but be warned it's difficult and hard, Check out A* (A Star), there is some others but not sure I would just investigate ROBLOX's pathfinding and using invisible walls and such, There is way's to make it work. (If only ROBLOX didn't assume the object following the path could jump)
#182501508Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:00 PM GMT

Oh, forgot to mentions i'm not working on an Humanoid but on a brick in which i already coded the move function.. And it's a tiny brick which size is like 1x0.4x1 Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182501619Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:04 PM GMT

Yes it's a real time strategy that i'm working on, as I've said earlier, i use tiny brick that act like squads and can move, shoot etc (already coded that) using module and things and such. As now, i'm working on the general movement and awareness of the said "squad" and this goes now to the pathfinding. For now, they can just move forward to where i asked (Vector3:lerp) and does not fire the moving function if there's something blocking the road (raycast). Now , i need some pathfinding and yeah, roblox and jump thingy... I really think it was originally made for characters. And using invisible wall would be an issue to, for the camera and the mouseclick , you know. Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182501623Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:04 PM GMT

A brick? Can you explain more in depth about what you are doing in case I can help more (Some things confuse me and I might need to pass it on)
#182501643Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:05 PM GMT

Oh, and it popped up you sneaky
#182501697Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:07 PM GMT

Okay is it possible you can use FilteringEnabled and then invisible walls? Or can you use invisible walls that block the jump threshold but don't interfere with the camera? (mouse you can add ignoring)
#182501707Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:07 PM GMT

Ahaha ! :P Any idea ? Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182501725Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:08 PM GMT

Oooh Adding ignoring is something i havn't though of ! Why FilteringEnabled ? Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182501779Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:10 PM GMT

FilteringEnabled is well 1. A must for every game as it patches basically every exploit (Client changes don't replicated to server) 2. If you did that you can have invisible walls but remove them client side making the client think the wall doesn't exist but the server says it does
#182501891Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:14 PM GMT

1- Well if i use filtering enabled, i'll have trouble communication between my LocalScript which is the mainscript of the game, and the module.. :/ 2- Good idea, though the mouse ignoring one is working (tried just right now) Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182501929Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:16 PM GMT

Mouse ignore works and if you get the camera to not mess up from the invisible wall you'll be set :)
#182501953Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:17 PM GMT

Yeah just tried with filtering enabled, and yes the action doesn't replicate on server, so i would have to use Events and .. Uhh.. Using these are like getting in the unstable/slower part of Lua Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182501971Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:17 PM GMT

By the way, do you know how to use the EmptyCutOff ? Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182502130Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:22 PM GMT

EmptyCutOff is mainly meant for thin floors. I used it once where I had a brick that was aligned with a part that was JUST interfering a direct path and once I turned EmptyCutOff down it actually went directly straight instead of "turning" to get out of the way of the brick
#182502158Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:23 PM GMT

Oh and events are not the slow/unstable part of Lua They work fine and I never notice huge issues with it. The only reason people complain they are slow is because they have 1 Kbp/s upload and download which causes latency
#182502175Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:24 PM GMT

Forgot to add that they also don't know how to use Events. They don't cause issues if used correctly.
#182502230Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:26 PM GMT

#182502232Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:26 PM GMT

Damn that's slow, for an RTS that's (hopefully) not much important but for an FPS, this would do some issue. Anyway, How do i work about the fact that the path finding is using 4x4x4 voxels ? Can I reduce them to be 1x1x1 ? Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182502247Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:26 PM GMT

Well I think, if using Filtering is really required, i will have to work with RemoteEvents or Functions Signature : Joined in 2009 (on linki98) but had to change account, i'm older than you think.
#182502305Wednesday, January 27, 2016 3:28 PM GMT

You can't change Voxel Size that is part of ROBLOX But like said the EmptyCutOff can reduce the size of the threshold for each voxel indicating that it's empty instead of full

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