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#182532622Thursday, January 28, 2016 1:27 AM GMT

i asked general questions and these were his responses not too bad "Travel...Charter bus is the most typical mode. We work with Lonestar. Quality vehicles...tv, bathroom, wi-fi, power jacks. The exception is certain trips are a g reat enough distance that it is more practical to take a plane flight. In that case, we fly...and charter a bus when we arrive. Cost...there is no cost for travel, meals, uniforms etc. There are essentially two things we do not provide. Shinguards (I assume you have them already) and Shoes (we couldn't get the boys to agree on a brand much less a style...so the team members provide their own shoes). Classes are the same as the general student population. The slight exception is that in season athletes get priority registration to help prevent conflicts. Ex. Freshman English might be offered a 10 am and 3pm...soccer players would get first crack at the 10am as that would be less likely to interfere with training or travel. Practice time. 4pm. Typically 105 minutes. Looking to habitualize energy expenditure in a match. So 90 minutes of training in that practice with 15 minutes of breaks. There are typically a few classes missed per year. Friday afternoon classes are the ones that are most in jeopardy. On average the student athlete at UDallas has a superior GPA to the student body at large...men's soccer is historically the highest achieving male sport (multiple awards for the NSCAA for high team GPA). Facilities...match field and practice field are both bermuda playing surfaces professionally maintained. Cut 3x per week to 1.25 inches during the season. We overseed with annual rye grass in early October so that as the bermuda goes dormant the rye comes up and keeps the two pitches covered in grass. I would most often be described as being a cerebral coach. Not a lot of yelling other than to be heard at a distance. Strong believer that the game is the best teacher. So we play every practice as part of the plan. Presently playing in a 3-4-1-2, but, I adjust the formation to tailor to the talents of the players. Among the times I have coached teams to the national tournament I have used 5 distinctly different formations. Team is well supported. Home attendance average is historically over 200. There is no football team here...so we are de facto the primary sport in the Fall season. A bit harder to say where you fit exactly. A visit to campus and perhaps kicking the ball around with some of the guys is great way to get a sense of where you fit into the scheme of the team. Hope that helps."
#182532813Thursday, January 28, 2016 1:30 AM GMT

Have fun rune
#182532920Thursday, January 28, 2016 1:31 AM GMT

yeah that sounds like a good deal although when he says athletes get first pick, i wonder why the school prioritizes athletes over students that may have a job with hours at 3:00 (meaning they'd prefer the 10:00 class as well), and the likelihood that they need that job in order to pay for the school is also very high Iᴛ ᴀɪɴᴛ ᴇᴀsʏ, ʙᴇɪɴɢ Cʜᴇᴇsᴇʏ.
#182533130Thursday, January 28, 2016 1:35 AM GMT

Do you plan to go pro?
#182534385Thursday, January 28, 2016 1:55 AM GMT

"Have fun rune" thanks bud "although when he says athletes get first pick, i wonder why the school prioritizes athletes over students that may have a job with hours at 3:00 (meaning they'd prefer the 10:00 class as well), and the likelihood that they need that job in order to pay for the school is also very high" because it would probably conflict with practice every day or a flight at 4 if someone ended up with a class at 3 "Do you plan to go pro?" that is very very very very very unlikely to happen lol
#182534811Thursday, January 28, 2016 2:01 AM GMT

>because it would probably conflict with practice every day or a flight at 4 if someone ended up with a class at 3 yes i understand why athletes would prefer to take the earlier class but i'm saying wouldn't students who have to work during the afternoon take precedence? at least in my mind they should Iᴛ ᴀɪɴᴛ ᴇᴀsʏ, ʙᴇɪɴɢ Cʜᴇᴇsᴇʏ.
#182534920Thursday, January 28, 2016 2:03 AM GMT

Good luck man, have fun
#182535600Thursday, January 28, 2016 2:13 AM GMT

thank you but there's actually a 30% chance i'm going if creighton gives me a scholarship i'm 100% going there and i'm only going to play at UD if my teammate (who also got an offer) decides to come with me i love soccer, but playing it every day for the next 4 years for months nonstop on end while balancing a college curriculum doesn't sound too appealing
#182536161Thursday, January 28, 2016 2:22 AM GMT

awesome dude you have to send us highlights :)
#182537017Thursday, January 28, 2016 2:34 AM GMT

if i go there i'll keep you guys updated
#182542930Thursday, January 28, 2016 4:16 AM GMT

UD as in university of delaware right?

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