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#182725282Sunday, January 31, 2016 3:42 AM GMT

Rank | Duty | Relation to Vessel Seaman - Deck Hand - Crew Boatswain - In charge of LR Discipline - Crew Midshipman - Student Officer - Crew Junior Command Midshipman Pt2 - Student Officer - Crew Junior Priority Command Acting Lieutenant - Graduating Student - Crew Pending Promotion Lieutenant - Petty Officer - Crew Seniority Command [The 1st Lt. has the most seniority] Master & Commander - Officer/Captain - Crew Seniority or Captain [Brig-Sloop of War] Post Captain - Captain - Commander of Vessel [Sloop of War- Heavy frigate] Commodore - Captain & Commander of Mini-Fleet - Commander of Vessel [SoW-Heavy Frigate] Admiralty - Captain of Ship & Superior to all - Commander of Vessel [3rd-2nd SOTL] LHA - Captain of ship & Commander of Navy & Marines - Commander of Vessel [1st Rate] Promotions are earned, not given, to be anxious visibly is to give away your opportunity for a promotion. Patient men will be promoted and those who stand in front of others will be put back as far as possible. Vessels come as early as M&C, if assigned. You may name your vessel but its finalization must go through the Admiralty, the class and deployment of the vessel is not a choice.

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