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#182939083Wednesday, February 03, 2016 6:34 PM GMT

i trying to make a customization system and i want to know how to change body parts of the player or add body parts
#182941964Wednesday, February 03, 2016 7:54 PM GMT

What i mean is how do i change the body of a player by a script i just want to know how to start it
#182942784Wednesday, February 03, 2016 8:13 PM GMT

"Morphing" can be accomplished by devising an algorithm that determines when a certain event occurs, and inserts a "Mesh" object inside of the Player object's limbs as a result, assuming that the object is a valid Player. Here is a sample algorithm that I devised for you(Note that this is not accurate in its depiction of API functions or properties, it was merely created to provide an example for implementing the algorithm suggested above): Obj = game.ObjectTable["Object1"]; function Mesh_Event(Ply) if(game.Players:FindFirstChild(Ply))then Mesh = Instance.new("ShapeMesh", Ply.Character["LimbName"]; end end Obj.Event:connect(Mesh_Event); The conditional statement is utilized to determine whether the parameter of the "Mesh_Event" function, Ply, is an actual Player object. The FindFirstChild() method will return a "nil" value if the object is not found within the "Players" table. Instance.new() will simply create a new object of the specified type, assuming that the type of object is existent within the game. I will provide you with beneficial links, as shown below: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=API:Class_reference http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=AllTutorials#Scripting
#182942946Wednesday, February 03, 2016 8:16 PM GMT

Thx for the info but one more thing when i do Add Instance.new("") i can add more and anything right ?
#182943068Wednesday, February 03, 2016 8:18 PM GMT

"Thx for the info but one more thing when i do Add Instance.new("") i can add more and anything right ?" "Instance.new()" accepts two "arguments" within the parentheses, a string containing the name of an object, and the Parent of the object within the game. If you do not provide a valid object string name as the first argument, you will receive an error. Here is the format: Instance.new("Argument1",Argument2);
#182944193Wednesday, February 03, 2016 8:38 PM GMT

Good to know even doe i am not master at scripting but using a string is not a problem how and can i use effects like fire i know you need to start it of making the object instance.new("fire") let's say, could it work right ?
#182944700Wednesday, February 03, 2016 8:47 PM GMT

""let's say, could it work right ?" Yes, although you must insure that you use proper capitalization while typing out the segments of the expression such as "Instance.new()" or "Fire."

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