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#183364453Thursday, February 11, 2016 4:40 AM GMT

Lyderior's Predictions: --[Redskins vs Steelers]-- Okay we have the NFC Champions and the AFC champions, With the Redskins Elite Defensive abilities and the Steelers Offensive Abilities we will know which one wins championships. Might i add something, The broncos have beaten the panthers by DEFENSE. As you think about it, redskins can be the same team as the irl broncos, decent offense and a great defense. On the other side with the steelers powerful weapons, THEY DO have a really good defense actually..with OffMeMatty,Flyboy,Doog,Lasify. The steelers and redskins have the best players on defense and offense the outcome of this game is really un-predictable but i'm going with the Redskins because they got Franky one of the greatest CBs on ROBLOX - Football. ★Score★ Redskins def. Steelers 49 - 42. Players To Watch: ★Steelers★ DoogioK OffMeMatty (LowSpongeBob101) Flyboyjw ExtremeGalLXIX LasifyAlt Markayla09 LuckySvug Stickyman03 ★Redskins★ MossTrainn Lyberior FrankyMartone Cooliosess TheDimer TomTheNoob1204 EraGamer (CuttingLedge) Flimalites DoYouEvenLiftVXL Fuhness (AllahShrine)'s Predictions: So,heading into Lyderiors´s 3rd annual Super Bowl and maybe the biggest we will be expecting hella of a big things to be honest Redskins vs Steelers aka Doogiosess vs Lyberior. Steelers: Very good team but i really don´t think they will end up going away with that lambordi trohpy´s but i really can be stand corrected by steelers star MVP OffMeMatty you might expect big things from that kid he is an all around player flyboyjw i mean he is good you might expect 2-3 ints from him and about 1-2 td´s with him and offmematty its like having a 91 jerry rice and 86 ted ginn jr. Doogiosess good head coach never knew he would make it this far but with a team of superstars what can you expect? CamxNewton aka HittTheLawn just like OffMeMatty Hitt is that 93 Philly Brown this man is a playmaker and i am guessing he will qb and be the Cam Newton of our league he can run throw and we will expect many things from this man. Final score 28-35 Redskins win Redskins: Lyberior finally made it last year he tried with kelvin62202 but failed this year he is back? He is back with superstars like last year´s superbowl winner FrankyMartone who can QB,MLB and RB this man is also a superstar crazy things expected from him. MossTrainn *SaltTrainn* this man exposed the QBOTY last game he gave him a swat 6 and had good sacks he might eat CamxNewton unless Cam can step up from the pocket. Cooliosess i never seen anyone who can jump higher than this man. Usally when i WR i avoid his side because he is a hella of a hawk man just seeking to hawk that ball if i am CamxNewton i wouldn´t throw it near Coolio or you would see INTERCEPTION! on your screen. PTW steelers: OffMeMatty,CamxNewton,Doogiosess,flyboyjw,LasifyAlt PTW redskins: FrankyMartone, Cooliosess, SaltTrainn,TomTheNoob1204,EraGamer,TheDimer

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