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#183714040Tuesday, February 16, 2016 12:16 AM GMT

I have BC, and I get Robux every day. But, I only get 15. and i'll run out with not enough time to change my name. The fee to change your name is outrageous. Making people pay 1,000 Robux to change their name is ridiculous. If you're even gonna charge for someone to change their name, atleast lower the price. Here are some reasons I say this, and some suggestions. #1(REASON): What if NBC Members make a stupid name, and wanna change it. Well, they don't even get daily Robux so, it's going to make alot of NBC members mad. so ROBLOX more than likely loses a small amount of players because of it. #2(SUGGESTION): Lower the price (if you're even gonna make them pay), to atleast around 500 Robux.
#183714310Tuesday, February 16, 2016 12:18 AM GMT

This system is in place to keep people from scamming you, as I mentioned in a previous post. However, there may be a way around this. You could be allowed to change your name once every 9 months to a year. THEN name changes would cost 1,000 R$. Whatcha think?
#183714587Tuesday, February 16, 2016 12:20 AM GMT

My proposal would be that your first name change is 500 R$, then every time you want to change it after that it's $1,000 R$
#183714630Tuesday, February 16, 2016 12:21 AM GMT

Reasons why no support: 1) A LOT of people have already paid for one, or multiple, namechanges at the 1k robux fee. It isn't fair to them to have it lowered now. 2) ROBLOX doesn't want everyone to get namechanges. It's an extra feature they allow, it's a decent price to change your username, which is used EVERYWHERE. 3) "What if NBC Members make a stupid name" >Don't make a stupid name? 4) It's another feature that costs robux, which means it's another feature that ROBLOX can make money off of, which means that they can provide more money through devex, which means devs can make more money off of ROBLOX because of it. I like that devs can get money from DevEx. ;) rut.acs://eV
#183714980Tuesday, February 16, 2016 12:24 AM GMT

Vescatur, your reasons 1-3 are valid. But for #4, ROBLOX doesn't make money through people spending the fictional currency of Robux. So it really doesn't help them generate revenue at all besides getting Robux off the market.
#183715097Tuesday, February 16, 2016 12:25 AM GMT

@Vesc I just wanted to point out, I made an audio for R$250 when it first came out, and it didn't really bother me when they cut it to R$100.
#183715352Tuesday, February 16, 2016 12:27 AM GMT

"But for #4, ROBLOX doesn't make money through people spending the fictional currency of Robux. So it really doesn't help them generate revenue at all besides getting Robux off the market." They actually do make money from people spending fictional currency. How do you think people get that fictional currency? They pay for it using real money. rut.acs://eV
#183715509Tuesday, February 16, 2016 12:28 AM GMT

@illi @Vescatur As an add-on, not only does spending give ROBLOX money, it also keeps people from cashing it out, which in turn saves ROBLOX even more money.
#183716381Tuesday, February 16, 2016 12:35 AM GMT

Yes. I like it.

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