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#184166005Monday, February 22, 2016 11:54 PM GMT

The Terrazanians are the dominant species that reside in the planet of Terrazan. Terrazanians resemble human beings, the only physical difference being some sort of birth-mark located on the left shoulder that indicates what powers the Terrazanian posesses. For nearly half a century, the Terrazanians have been at war with invading, clockwork droids sent to eliminate their entire species and take the planet for themselves. Nobody knows who the droids work for, or what they want with the planet, only that they are extremely dangerous and hopelessly outnumber the Terrazanians. Now, the Terrazanian population is rapidly decreasing and the survivors have gone into hiding. In their most desperate hour, the Terrazanian seers consulted their ancestral spirits and received a prophecy. With this newly acquired information, once the children were born, the leaders agreed that they wouldn't be safe on Terrazan and sent them to the very last place the clockwork army would ever suspect. The planet Earth. Now, after fifteen long years, the children have been living on Earth for quite some time now. Some of them were taken in by kind, loving families while others weren't as lucky. None are aware of their true origins. At least, at the moment. Turns out, fifteen is the age when their powers will begin to kick in. Unfortunately the clockworks can easily track a Terrazanian through the energy provided by their birthmarks, which activate once their powers do. Clockwork soldiers are already being sent to Earth to find and kill the eight Terrazanians who are completely oblivious of the long journey ahead of them. SLOTS The Seer True to the title, the seer receives visions of the past, present, and future. He can also communicate with the ancestral spirits. He is the first of the group to unlock his powers and will eventually become the leader. The Illusionist She can create detailed illusions, or tricks of the mind. Here's a secret, forget it's just an illusion, and it becomes real to you. The Telepath The telepath can read the thoughts and emotions of others. He can also communicate telepathically. The Shifter A master of disguise who can easily transform her physical appearance as well as her voice to whatever she pleases. Plus, she can do animals too. The Cryokinetic Has Cryokinesis, also known as ice manipulation. Not only can he freeze objects and people, create deadly weapons out of ice, and never gets cold, the best part is... he can make snowcones! The Pryokinetic The pure opposite of the cryokineticc, she can create and manipulate the element of fire. Being flame-proof is a great bonus. (Warning: She's a bit of a hothead) The Hydrokinetic He can control and breathe under water with ease. His physical strength and speed is nearly tripled when he is in the water, and water can instantly heal his minor wounds. The Magician Her mark indicates her power to recite spells. It isn't hard to learn the language of magic, but only a true spell-caster can succeed with the desired affect. Sequence of Events 1. Clockwork droids attack the kids while they are slowly discovering their powers. 2. The eight Terrazanians meet for (possibly) the first time. 3. We'll see once we get here. ____________________ RULES 1. All of the rules apply to this site apply to this roleplay. No exceptions. 2. Roleplay basics. No Mary/Gary sues, no godmoding, no power playing, etc... 3. Each post must contain AT LEAST 5 sentances. Preferably more, because the more, the better. 4. Please try to be active. Trust me, I completely understand writer's block or lack of time, but if your not going to be on for a while, please PM me. 5. Please be respectful to other roleplayers OOC. 6. Since there are limited spots, only one character per person. FORM: Name: Age: Gender: Physical Appearance (or picture): Role: Power: Limits and Capabilities: Mark: + Personality traits - Personality traits Netural personality traits History (besides the already known part): Orientation: Crush: Relationship status: Family:
#184166367Monday, February 22, 2016 11:59 PM GMT

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are our only hope"
#184166585Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:03 AM GMT

Marked. Emotionless 2k16
#184168853Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:38 AM GMT

Dude these are some in depth RPs.
#184169123Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:42 AM GMT

guys "Crush:" "Relationship Status:" minty hasn't stopped "DID SOMEBODY ORDER A PEPPERONI PIZZA?" -Me
#184327563Friday, February 26, 2016 12:33 AM GMT

#184328945Friday, February 26, 2016 12:53 AM GMT

#184329326Friday, February 26, 2016 12:58 AM GMT

If I could physically punch everyone on this thread, aside from minty, I f**king would "DUPLO!? I'LL 'DUPLO' YOU IN THE NUTBAG!"

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