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#184232047Wednesday, February 24, 2016 3:38 AM GMT

I'm talking about models in ROBLOX Studio. If you know how to use it, then you know what I'm talking about. Normal blocks have properties. And for this, I'm talking about Position and Rotation. Why can't models have those properties? They're groups of blocks! Why in all of the days we had studio models don't have properties? And why do I want that, to make rotating models with a script less complicated. It should be as simple as rotating a block with a script. Personally though, I want to know if it's possible. Yea.
#184232204Wednesday, February 24, 2016 3:41 AM GMT

> Why can't models have those properties? Because the Position and Rotation properties of the BLOCKS is what determines their own position. Adding these to Models wouldn't make sense.
#184234941Wednesday, February 24, 2016 4:34 AM GMT

^ True 200: Success! Signature found. Say Hi! because hello, is complicated enough.
#184235461Wednesday, February 24, 2016 4:46 AM GMT

Might already exist yet not as direct properties using dots for the index . Model:SetPrimaryPartCFarme(cframe) -- sets the cframe of every part based on the primary part cframe . Model:TranslateBy(vector3) -- moves a model a distance based on the vector3 Model:MoveTo(vector3) -- moves a model to a location Model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame().p,Vector3.new(Model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame():toEulerAnglesXYZ())/math.pi*180 -- returns the position and angle of the primary part of the model Model.PrimaryPart -- sets a primary part that the model can be moved about such that all other parts in the model can be translated the same distance and rotation . Are you suggesting to have the model be able to read the point between the surfaces farthest from each other inside that model or at least a script or module that can do that ? What would the rotation for a model be in terms of parts ?
#184236162Wednesday, February 24, 2016 5:03 AM GMT

Okay so there are different types of centers. Center of Gravity -- at what point the model could balance itself. Incenter -- the center that is the origin of a circle or sphere that goes inside the model . Circumcenter -- the center of a circle or shpere that is the smallest to incase every part in the model including the total surface . Center of the flattest least-concave surface -- this is where the model could lay flat . This could help find out how to set the default rotation on a structure . So on.
#184372720Friday, February 26, 2016 11:32 PM GMT

I just want the blocks in a model to rotate and move so the model rotates and it doesn't fall apart. Like you don't want each block rotating on in it's own axis. For example, if you made a model with two cubes on top of each other, it wouldn't turn into a shape of an 8. It would just tilt and create a diagonal-facing stack of cubes. I feel like what I said is not helping and confusing.
#184373027Friday, February 26, 2016 11:40 PM GMT

technically models inherit from PVInstance and can be attached to handle adornments but what do i know
#186744249Monday, April 04, 2016 7:32 PM GMT

If you are to give a model a direct property like a Position or Rotation then one could: Set the PrimaryPart of that model there or find a way to get whatever is to be counted as the Position . There are multiple kinds of centers . There are also some objects that might help: DynamicRotate and ManualWeld .

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