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#184281915Thursday, February 25, 2016 2:41 AM GMT

Is there a way to detect when a player injects a dll
#184285248Thursday, February 25, 2016 3:46 AM GMT

Not really. Roblox wouldn't give you access to stuff this low-level in Roblox. Besides, it's Roblox's job, not yours.
#184285464Thursday, February 25, 2016 3:51 AM GMT

To be honest, if they gave that out, then people would be able to figure out how to bypass it more easily. But there are still ways to detect if a player is hacking (depending on what it is you're detecting). You can check their speed, health, humanoid stats, outrages numbers, client sync, etc. ~MightyDantheman
#184286109Thursday, February 25, 2016 4:05 AM GMT

LOLOLOLOL lua does not have capabilities to do so. that is an external thing, and external things are never allowed at roblox. its like saying i want their ip, TMI m8
#184286154Thursday, February 25, 2016 4:06 AM GMT

#code print("No, there is not a way.") -MetallicFrog | 15,000 posts | Scripter | Builder |
#184287797Thursday, February 25, 2016 4:39 AM GMT

I don't believe you can do that with ROBLOX lua.
#184287968Thursday, February 25, 2016 4:43 AM GMT

For the record, ROBLOX doesn't allow many things, yet many people get around that. Leechers are the only reason why ROBLOX is able to patch everything. As for getting people's IP, you may not be able to get it directly from them, but you can get it through the server. Though, ROBLOX is extremely protective of that, so it's not as easy as it sounds. ~MightyDantheman
#184288717Thursday, February 25, 2016 5:02 AM GMT

I believe though with the new HttpService it could actually be easier to inject scripts that return everyone's IP in the server, though I'm horribly uninformed on Httpservice and all that so maybe not.
#184288746Thursday, February 25, 2016 5:02 AM GMT

You can only use HttpService server-sided, so the only IP you can get is the server's.
#184288784Thursday, February 25, 2016 5:04 AM GMT

But... Because the server does have an IP, if you trace the server's IP, could you not access and view all active connections with that server (aka, find other people's IPs)? ~MightyDantheman
#184288836Thursday, February 25, 2016 5:05 AM GMT

^Each client's information should be encrypted and if not shame on ROBLOX. -MetallicFrog | 15,000 posts | Scripter | Builder |
#184288875Thursday, February 25, 2016 5:06 AM GMT

"But... Because the server does have an IP, if you trace the server's IP, could you not access and view all active connections with that server (aka, find other people's IPs)?" No, why would that make it possible? It's a client-server model, your client is practically unaware that the server is communicating with other clients.
#184288967Thursday, February 25, 2016 5:09 AM GMT

Once you connect to the server's IP (which would involve getting access into it, which isn't exactly easy), you can simply list all active connections. Doing this remotely is near impossible without running RATs on the server, which is a whole other story. ~MightyDantheman
#184297622Thursday, February 25, 2016 1:35 PM GMT

Well I'm trying to detect kick and bans(in PS)
#184297654Thursday, February 25, 2016 1:37 PM GMT

There is absolutely no way to detect when the user injects a dll. There. Let the thread rest.
#184297673Thursday, February 25, 2016 1:38 PM GMT

If your trying to get rid of exploits Filtering Enable is the way to go Filtering Enable cuts the connection between Server and Client A basic way of saying this is the Client can no longer give information to the server and the server can only give information to the clients Keep in mind that Filtering Enable is not a script or a code its a Option in stuido However after turning it off most of your scripts if not all will break so you have to code it where your scripts work with FE turned on "Remote Events"
#184297770Thursday, February 25, 2016 1:42 PM GMT

^ However after turning it on***
#184323145Thursday, February 25, 2016 11:30 PM GMT

sadly other exploits such as walkspeed and noclip and what not STILL work after FE. Thus comes the part where you make your own anti-exploit.
#184323617Thursday, February 25, 2016 11:37 PM GMT

Which you can either get one from someone, or make it yourself. Exploits are honestly not that big of a deal of you can block most of them. If you have an anti-exploit script, your only problem is exploits within your own exploits, of which you'll have to patch yourself. ~MightyDantheman
#184325723Friday, February 26, 2016 12:08 AM GMT

People like me use VPNs.
#184325999Friday, February 26, 2016 12:11 AM GMT

Whether or not you're telling the truth (idc), the majority of people who exploit on ROBLOX, have no idea what a VPN is, how to get one, and barely understand how their exploit works to begin with. ~MightyDantheman
#184326050Friday, February 26, 2016 12:12 AM GMT

Nor do you.
#184326115Friday, February 26, 2016 12:13 AM GMT

VPNs won't help you passed an account ban, either way (either on a game, or on ROBLOX). ~MightyDantheman
#184326132Friday, February 26, 2016 12:13 AM GMT

VPNs are the best things since the invention of the light bulb
#184326152Friday, February 26, 2016 12:13 AM GMT

won't help you get passed* ~MightyDantheman

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