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#184774015Saturday, March 05, 2016 4:58 AM GMT

*Keep in mind all of this is RP. We are all here to have fun, this is just to explain what you might expect in the world of Evergreen. This place includes Gear, so keep in mind getting shot is possible.* Civilian - The outside life was hard. The world around you was crumbling but thankfully you managed to get aboard the armored car that stopped at your hometown with nothing but the clothes on your back (And family/friends if your rp deems it so) You notice that the car was meant for Military, so it looks hardly comfortable. Getting aboard the car, you barely get any leg room. Trying to take a nap would only result in either your bottom or back getting wet from the damp car. Time seems to start playing tricks on your mind from being trapped in a dark box with the only light shining through the rusty bars along the sides. Finally, a large metallic-screech is heard from an armored door opening to let the train in. While the train comes to a halt, everyone in the car starts itching to get out and stretch their arms and legs. As everyone steps out, you find yourself in The City of Aegis, built and occupied by The Evergreen Family. This is where you are forced to start a new life, while thankful from escaping the chaotic outside, lawless world filled with murderers and heretics. Missing your past life is up to you, along with the people who were in it, but this is your new home. It is here that you will find a job, a place to live, and hopefully making your new life a good one. Exiting the train station, you see a civilian being harassed for spray-painting a wall with propoganda stating the civilians deserve more rights. Police units, hesitant to answer the call stand down to a military unit, who simply puts the distraught civilian down on the spot. Being careful, and obediant would be in your best interest. It is from here, you make your story. Police Force - Police Units were once, and still are civilians. Low-Ranks know what it's like to be a civilian, while others try to show above all else either out of greed or fear. Police Units receive a pay that easily allows them to take care of their families, however High-Ranking officials are on their backs for that reason. The life of a Police Unit is far less hard than a civilian, but still just as tough from different angles. They are, usually, the first on scene of a riot or unruly-civilian and, are often the first to put their lives on the line. The hardest part about being a Police Unit? Feeling your humanity slowly dim to nothing. At first, one might feel bad and hesitant to beat down a civilian to teach them a lesson, rather than arrest them for whatever crime they have committed. (Beating, not killing) Military Force - Going from Police to Military, beating someone is almost second-nature. Some may even go as far as to say that these people aren't human and, for the most part they are right. As one would progress through the Military ranks, they would recieve more and more "Augments" to their body through artificial and technological means. Evergreen believes humanity will reach it's next evolutionary state through technology, and intend on seeing through to that idea. Some ranks in the Military have their humanity reduced to almost zero. Some aren't even humans at all. The Military believes that if anyone were to talk down to their efforts to keep their home safe, they would not like it. While a Police unit would beat/arrest the disturbed citizen, a Military unit would drop them on the spot. That is why civilians, regardless of if criminal or not are so nervous around them. Heretics - (Being a Heretic is not a bannable offense. It is a choice-of-RP. Glitching/Exploiting is. Random-Killing will be explained in this section.) These are regular civilians who are seen as law-breakers. Law-breaking includes going against any religious commandment which includes, killing, stealing, any violent acts such as threatening, holding a hostage or even planning a crime, and even resenting Daezul, the God the Evergreen Family worships. Usually one heretic won't be given much attention. A police officer would always be able to arrest or take out one. If they weren't able to be taken down, normally Military units wont bother with that. One heretic that's hard to take down would simply be marked for a Seeker to either arrest or take out the heretic. They normally don't bother with arresting if you've done enough to be marked. Or, you could organize a riot. Normally that brings out Military attention, and they aren't loaded with police force weapons. Killing is alright, but no one wants to deal with a non-stop killing fest. This isn't Phantom Forces. This is an RP place which, granted uses guns in that sort of way. Moderation is all we ask.

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