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#184819277Saturday, March 05, 2016 10:38 PM GMT

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) local leaderstats = Instance.new("Model") leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats" leaderstats.Parent = player local money = Instance.new("IntValue") money.Name = "Points" money.Value = 0 money.Parent = leaderstats local XP = Instance.new("IntValue") XP.Name = "XP" XP.Value = 0 XP.Parent = leaderstats local levels = Instance.new("IntValue") levels.Name = "Level" levels.Value = 1 levels.Parent = leaderstats function onXPChanged(player, XP, level) if XP.Value>=levels.Value * 100 then XP.Value = XP.Value - levels.Value * 100 levels.Value = levels.Value + 1 XP.Changed:connect(function() onXPChanged(player, XP, level) end) end while true do wait(1) XP.Value = XP.Value + 10 end end end) I think I went wrong towards the end
#184819383Saturday, March 05, 2016 10:40 PM GMT

Once u get to 100 x level it doesn't work
#184819819Saturday, March 05, 2016 10:48 PM GMT

Do you want the XP to reset every time you reach a new level?
#184819857Saturday, March 05, 2016 10:49 PM GMT

Yes, and you gain 1 level
#184819897Saturday, March 05, 2016 10:49 PM GMT

Try this: game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) local leaderstats = Instance.new("Model") leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats" leaderstats.Parent = player local money = Instance.new("IntValue") money.Name = "Points" money.Value = 0 money.Parent = leaderstats local XP = Instance.new("IntValue") XP.Name = "XP" XP.Value = 0 XP.Parent = leaderstats local levels = Instance.new("IntValue") levels.Name = "Level" levels.Value = 1 levels.Parent = leaderstats function onXPChanged(player, XP, level) if XP.Value >= levels.Value * 100 then XP.Value = XP.Value - levels.Value * 100 levels.Value = levels.Value + 1 end end XP.Changed:connect(function() onXPChanged(player, XP, levels.Value) end) while true do wait(1) XP.Value = XP.Value + 10 end end)
#184819984Saturday, March 05, 2016 10:51 PM GMT

Worked thanks man!
#184820036Saturday, March 05, 2016 10:52 PM GMT

No prob ;)
#184821186Saturday, March 05, 2016 11:11 PM GMT

When the person levels, it resets there xp, but gives the level to a random person in the server.
#184823234Saturday, March 05, 2016 11:43 PM GMT


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