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#185016626Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:43 AM GMT

"I'm angry. My emotion of anger gives me the right to attack you!" Of course, justification, is another huge part of morality, and our justice system, as I stated, it's emotions among many, many other things. "If you disagree with this you believe that pop culture(or the majority's view) is the source of right and wrong." What ever the majority view is, is considered right and wrong, as I stated, there is no objective right and wrong, it's subjective. The source, of what is considered right, and wrong, is based around our emotions, as I stated, morality is derived from our emotions, and molded by a multitude of other factors. We can tell it's subjective because your view of right and wrong, is different from my own. And we know morality is derived from emotions, because psychopaths don't have morals like we do.
#185017328Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:53 AM GMT

Who or what determines our emotions and what we feel to be right or wrong?
#185017641Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:58 AM GMT

"Who or what determines our emotions and what we feel to be right or wrong?" Our emotions are caused by chemical reactions in our head. If something helps us, it makes us feel happy, if something harms us, it makes us feel sad, this is due to evolution, those who had these traits reproduced more, meaning that they became the majority.
#185017791Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:00 AM GMT

So you trust a chemical reaction to make the choice of what is right or wrong?
#185018300Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:08 AM GMT

"So you trust a chemical reaction to make the choice of what is right or wrong?" Everyone does, you do, I do, every person who isn't a psychopath does, when you feel love, sadness, happiness, guilt, depression, or glee, these are all chemical reactions happening in your brain. Are you saying that if God told you to kill someone you would?
#185018481Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:10 AM GMT

I don't trust my emotions to determine what is right or wrong. I might have a mood swing. Emotions are too unstable.
#185018681Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:13 AM GMT

"I don't trust my emotions to determine what is right or wrong. I might have a mood swing. Emotions are too unstable." Which is why emotions are not the only thing that determine what is right or wrong, how many times must I state this? But again, if God told you to kill someone would you?
#185018800Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:15 AM GMT

He wouldn't because that would be contrary to his command to not murder.
#185018888Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:17 AM GMT

"He wouldn't because that would be contrary to his command to not murder." Read the old testament, he orders a lot of people to be murdered, on top of that he killed every single man women and child on earth, besides one family. Also, seeing as the old testament doesn't apply anymore I do hope you don't actually use the 10 commandments.
#185019029Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:19 AM GMT

Murder is the taking of innocent life. The ten commandments are to set a goal so high it cannot be achieved which creates the need for Jesus.
#185019111Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:20 AM GMT

The ten commandments still apply. It's the order to kill all of the enemy that was issued exclusively to the Israelites during their conquest of the promised land.
#185019289Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:23 AM GMT

"The ten commandments still apply." In which case the old testament still applies, you can't cherry pick what you like, and don't like, but of course you are, because morality is subjective, and you're using your subjective morals right now. "It's the order to kill all of the enemy that was issued exclusively to the Israelites during their conquest of the promised land." An order issues by God, in the old testament, and it was an order to kill all the men women and children, except for the v!rgins, those would be kept for the men.
#185019402Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:24 AM GMT

As I said those particular rules were not included in the ten commandments because they applied exclusively to the conquest of the promised land. Can you not understand this?
#185019558Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:26 AM GMT

"As I said those particular rules were not included in the ten commandments because they applied exclusively to the conquest of the promised land." So..? It still shows that God is more then willing to command others to murder, perhaps you'll be a special circumstance, and he'll command you to do so.
#185020104Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:34 AM GMT

You understand nothing I saw because you refuse to listen. Those laws were specifically for the jewish leaders of that time period and have no bearing whatsoever towards Christians. The ten commandments are the only laws given to the jewish people which are applicable to Christians. And even then, the only purpose of the ten commandments is to show people the severity of their sin and that they cannot possibly keep the law. That is why we need Jesus. According to the bible he lived a perfect life and therefore is able to intercede for those who did not.
#185020215Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:36 AM GMT

#185020750Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:44 AM GMT

Good debate man. You should join a debate team at school if you aren't already on one.
#185021079Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:49 AM GMT

"Those laws were specifically for the jewish leaders of that time period and have no bearing whatsoever towards Christians." So? You stated that "He wouldn't because that would be contrary to his command to not murder." Clearly he's more then willing to command people to murder, so, I'll ask again, would you kill someone if God commanded you to do so? He's all knowing, he knew he would propose this law long before he did, so either he has no moral basis for his decisions and flip flops between moral views, or he doesn't. "The ten commandments are the only laws given to the jewish people which are applicable to Christians." And where in scripture does it state this? Where does it state that the ten commandments are the ONLY laws given to the Jewish people which are applicable to Christians? "And even then, the only purpose of the ten commandments is to show people the severity of their sin and that they cannot possibly keep the law." All sin is equal, so lust is equal to murder, does this seem like good moral teachings to you? "That is why we need Jesus. According to the bible he lived a perfect life and therefore is able to intercede for those who did not." The good old scapegoating.
#185021112Wednesday, March 09, 2016 3:50 AM GMT

"Good debate man. You should join a debate team at school if you aren't already on one." Cheers, I'll be off for tonight.

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