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#185392269Tuesday, March 15, 2016 8:29 PM GMT

with updates that are basically the same thing as the admins coming to our houses and A: take a giant poop on us and B: steal our wallet, i think it's about time updates like this have left a huge scar on roblox, especially for the veterans, only limiting what players can do with each update, namely pricefloor (this speaks for itself), new profile design (blatantly horrible, cramped, hard to navigate) and the most recent, one of the core elements of what makes roblox what it is for me, tickets i've always loved roblox because it was advanced for just a kid's building game it had a real, functioning (lol jk) economy (soon to be completely ruined by the removal of tix), full freedom over what you do with your content (removed by pricefloor, and most of all, because, to me, it was also a social platform. i'd sometimes come on here to just chat with my friends and barely ever play the game at all. unfortunately, with the new UI updates, roblox has just about made that impossible because who wants to navigate those new ugly interfaces? case point: people are still angry about the pricefloor, right? very few people are glad it was introduced. roblox IS going to lower it, but if it were not for the removal of tix, they wouldn't. instead of making the right move for the community and REVERSING the pricefloor, they go ahead and make it 10x worse by removing tickets completely. i mean, darn roblox, figure it out by now. updates like this just make the game more and more unpopular.
#185392407Tuesday, March 15, 2016 8:31 PM GMT

B: steal our wallet, i think it's about time roblox realizes* updates like this have left a huge scar on roblox TLDR: roblox should realize by now that these types of updates are what is ruining the game

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