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#185406834Tuesday, March 15, 2016 10:58 PM GMT

"We have many things in store for the majority of ROBLOX players who do not want to become involved with the ROBUX economy. In the catalog, we intend to provide more free items, so that avatar customization without ROBUX continues to be creative and rich. Today, we have introduced two free packages for your character. Going forward, we will feature the work of top creators in the community as we migrate to a fully community driven catalog. There will no longer be any Ticket bonus for logging in daily. As our platform has matured, we believe the reason to come to ROBLOX should be the desire to experience incredible things with your friends. We do not want to incentivize people to “check in” every day." While I partially agree with this, and welcome the idea of having "free items" in most cases.. I'm concerned in a way for the level we are taking this to. Some people put a lot of things into tickets and robux. While robux has become the more important part, and to be honest, it always has in.. I've always seen the catalog as relying on a firm basis of tickets. With this basis taken away... I feel like the addition of some updates over the years to the catalog will now be entirely useless... ex the pricefloor. Hats and gears may have relied more on robux, but the shirts, pants, and other catalog items that many users created relied mostly on tix.. because as we know they are the sole basis upon which things in the catalog are bought, and are often what we use to gain more robux in the case of a better value of robux. I will admit, tickets have lost their point in a lot of things, becoming more of an incompetent thing used solely as a way to trade for robux, and I will be looking forward to how these "reward" basis things work out, but as we know.. tickets were the backbone for the economy, and it seems like it will be a huge change. So maybe this change is for the better, but at the same time.. I see a tough future for clothing sellers or current catalog sellers that rely mostly on tickets for their purchases. This will make roblox more interesting and unique by pulling away from the economy further, but it just seems like a long standing problem if roblox does not provide a solution soon to removing the backbone of the economy. Along with the concern of the "backbone" removed, another concern arises. Players may start to stop buying BC, as although it provides perks, you have to admit.. a lot of people buy BC for the tix and rbx. If players start to gain rewards through achievements instead, it will make robux become useless as well. Roblox is doing a good thing by giving up a little bit of control and making it more "free" of an economy for players with some rewards that have not yet been revealed, but at the same time, it is possibly breaking their own grip on the economy. Yes, we want freedom as players, but for once, I'm actually not concerned on how hard it will be as a player, but hard as a company to adjust to this sudden change. All in all, it will likely be a good change that will just take some getting used to for everyone. Goodbye, tickets.

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