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#185411412Tuesday, March 15, 2016 11:43 PM GMT

Ok making a roblox game is like the stock market. A sleazy select few get into power and stay there. WHY ONLY LET THEM CONTROL THE MONEY?! I'm tired of roblox being lazy and shifted their responsibilities to these idiot kids who free model a game and take scripts and become "Famous". Loleris and "Twisted murder" are the thieves who "made it" they steal game ideas and make a buck and roblox REWARDS EM WITH DEVEX! Rewards them with all types of stuff and gradually creates an elite of devs. We say no!
#185411683Tuesday, March 15, 2016 11:46 PM GMT

you know this is dumb for the most part but i can agree with you on the end about how they just copy ideas of preexisting games[or in this case gamemodes on gmod]. we don't however have the option of saying no, though. regardless of what we care or think, roblox thinks this will benefit their company, and so they will move on with it. you've been hit by, you've been struck by a smooth criminal

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