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#18560154Monday, December 28, 2009 7:19 PM GMT

Here are the rules for the group Famousians. If you aren't in Famousians, please leave. All you Famousians members MUST ABIDE TO THE RULES AT ALL TIMES. Each person has 3 chances. I am able to keep track on a spreadsheet. Heres the rules, and how many chances it will take. ~~~~~~~~~~KEY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A 1 next to a rule means: One Strike Taken A 2 next to a rule means: Two Strikes Taken A 3 next to a rule means: You Are Exiled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~RULES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RuleOne: Asking for a promotion in ANY way. (3) Example: (Im in obc im rich maek me admn noob) RuleTwo: Begging (3) Example: (Yeah im poor go plz plz plz plz donate me plz plz plz plz) RuleThree: BE NICE. Example: (n00b u ant famos leave u nub u suk) MORE COMING.
#18560986Monday, December 28, 2009 7:32 PM GMT

how many strikes do i have? :D
#18561274Monday, December 28, 2009 7:36 PM GMT

2nd post ^.^
#18561360Monday, December 28, 2009 7:38 PM GMT

All the rules are (3) Strikes right now...
#18573383Monday, December 28, 2009 10:25 PM GMT

Haha, I've been Exiled, Or whatever that kid calls it, and He let me join, Lol. Obviously the Rules don't aply for some, And also Obviously, he lied about the Spreadsheet. XD

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