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#185811777Tuesday, March 22, 2016 12:36 AM GMT

Who said we could never take conspiracy theorists seriously? Someone who said that must have been delirious of the good times in America. Of course, we can't blame them. They believed anything was possible. Technological advances, biological advances, right on time. But our hope led to our downfall. Investors began to invest in companies that were simply not worth what they were investing in. Anybody could get rich quickly. It was only a matter of time before the final pedestal of glory broke. Thousands of people lost their money, their homes. History repeats itself, no doubt, no less. The United States Government began to become desperate. That's when three Private Military Companies approached the derived government. They proposed to build an entertainment arena on the Aleutian islands in Alaska. The earnings from both the applicants and the observers would boost the US economy to higher levels than before. In exchange for funding to fuel former megacorporations, the US agreed to allow the three large PMCs build the arena on the abandoned island chain. And so they did. The Government disguised it as a weather station. But that wouldn't stop the curious from spying on both Federal and restricted property. And of course, a small group of conspiracy theorists were among these thrill/curiosity seekers. They discovered, unlike the others, that it was not a weather station, but a giant facility, with helipads and a dock, for ferrying contestants and observers from the Alaskan peninsula. Weeks and months went by, and the arena/facility was constructed. This gave the theorists enough time to engineer a possible breakout plan to stop the inhumane game. This also gave the government time to consider a date, and accepting applications. The date was March 28th, a perfect date as the water was beginning to thaw, and ferrying would be easier. Days before the event, the theorists recruited friends and anyone willing, ranging from California, Illinois, and even Europe, to stop this game. Some theorists bought compact handguns, fitted with silencers, others made their own. The day the event starts, one half of the group disguises themselves as regular attendees, purchasing tickets. They act as men/women on the inside. At least one person has brought a laptop to make sure everything goes according to plan, closed circuit. The other half act as the breakout group, going behind enemy lines to break the contestants out. This means potentially killing guards, stealthily entering certain rooms, and coming down to it, getting face to face with the contestants. The contestants and observers don't know this, so keep in mind. **** Several humans wake up in a bright, tiny room that's just big enough to fit the round table and the chairs they are sitting in, along with the other items. The ceiling is covered with rows of blinding fluorescent lights. Each side of the room shows a blank television screen. The contestants, at this moment, are locked down with metal belts tightly clinging them to the seats. They're trapped for the moment, until everyone wakes up, where then the metal belts will release. These humans are special in that they have powers. Whenever it's given to them, or born inside them, it doesn't matter, because the contestants don't know they have powers. They've never seen them before. Over time, whether it's through the food or just from the stressful environment, their powers will start developing gradually, which they must use to aid them and help them survive within these challenges. To live, people are forced to go through the rooms, each with their own little puzzle and challenges. These challenges will be difficult, sadistic, deadly, and sometimes embarrassing and spirit breaking. They're meant to push these people past their limits to an insane degree, no matter what the cost. As you proceed, these will increase in difficulty. The last test will be incredibly difficult, but we don't expect most of the participants to get anywhere near that level. ***** You and everyone else are part of a competition to see who is the strongest in your group. These tests we will put you through will prove your worth, strength, and willpower. We won't tell you what these tests are or what they include, but you'll be prompted to finish them through every week. If nobody dies or fails them at the end of the week, a potentially unlucky person will be voted off. This feature is to ensure that the game moves at a regular pace. You will be put in an enclosed area, similar but not exactly the same as some of the places in the planet you live in. This will include a huge forest, a big, murky, deep lake, and some animals you possibly won't recognize unless memory serves. Most of you will be living in a rather bland shack that might have what you all need. It all depends on whether or not you're resourceful. You must attend to all competitions and tests we hold, otherwise you will face consequences. Trying to escape the area isn't recommended. If you do attempt to escape, you will be killed. There are snipers posted outside the perimeter, armed with the latest, high powered rifles on the market. In addition, there is a roll call before each challenge and random searches by the security company hired to police the show. If you survive through these challenges, you'll be able to gain a grand prize of a million dollars, and be able to resume your normal life. ***** There is a multitude of powers. So many that there is, in fact, an array of categories that the contestants are yet to gain knowledge about. Manipulation - With this type of power, you gain the control over certain types of objects. These types of powers can range quite largley, like anything from pyrokinesis to light manipulation. Anyone with these powers can help or halt anyone in the vicinity. Enhancement - Enhancement powers allow the user to modify their own body, including the ability to shape-shift and change forms. This power type is quite rare in most people. Some examples of this power type are beast shifting, where you can shape shift into animals. There's also object shifting, where you can shape-shift into inanimate objects. Transmutation - Transmutation introduces a whole ton of new aspects to the world of power and magic. Anybody with a transmutation power can change the form of not themselves, but any object or living thing around them. For example, one type of transmutation power can turn water into wine. It is believed that Jesus held this type of power. The only exception here is that it is impossible to conjure anything that only exists in theory (like wormholes, for example). There are certain powers that will either need to be limited or will have to very slowly progress to be accepted, such as those that include control or manipulation over the entire environment, other people, etc. If you think a power you want may have too many advantages, ask any of the admins about it and if it is, we may provide a different suggestion or try to help make it work. Also, for more information on SPECIFIC POWERS, ask the creators. ***** Before the first test, and after the first presentation, your restraints will be released and you will be granted the ability to socialize with any people around you. Also, this is a time to submit any applications and explore your surroundings. Eventually, this time period will run out, and the games will begin. Make sure to get everything done before then. ***** RULES FOR THE RP 1. Don't be a jerk. Please be respectful to your fellow RPers. 2. Don't godmod, metagame, or powerplay. 3. Don't make perfect characters. They are boring, and predictable. 4. I don't care about romance. 5. Don't argue in OOC. If you have a problem with another person, take it to the party, PMs, or somewhere else that isn't on the thread. 6. If you are banned, you are out. Permanently. 7. You can make multiple characters as you wish. However, once that certain character is dead, they probably aren't going to be able to come back. 8. You are allowed to fight and even kill each other in RP. However, you'll have to discuss deaths and serious injuries with the admins. 9. Rules are subject to change any time. 10. If you are going to join, I'd rather you be relatively active. 11. Do not do anything stupid. If you're on the breakout team, do as your friends tell you. Don't 1v1 the security teams. They will basically end you and make the breakout harder and hamper the efforts. 12. The breakout does not begin the moment all theorists enter the arena. Usually a minute or two after the presentations, everyone observes the contests. Breakout members jot down notes about guard movements and shifts, sniper positions, etc. ***** Security Security is handed on three different "levels", which are handled by three Private Military Companies. Level one is engineering, or Cypress International. If any abnormalities occur in the arena, they're brought in to fix it. Lightly armed, the engineers keep a sidearm of their choice, which must be in calibers from 9 millimeter to .45 ACP, per company rules and regulations. These guys have little to no armor, most of them wearing khakis and button shirts. Level two is Arrow Industries Inc. They handle policing the show, conducting searches on the contestants, and manning sniper positions in the perimeter. Unruly observers will be arrested and deported off the islands. Their arsenal is wide- considering they deal with policing. They can be found with shotguns loaded with slugs, exotic sub-machineguns such as the H&K MP5 series, and assault rifles. Guards in the stands tend to have light armor, wielding batons or shock batons. The snipers in the perimeter wear camouflaged clothing, blending in with the surroundings. Restricted areas such as the Control room wear SWAT and paramilitary style clothing and armor. The last level of security is number three, Cirkit. Cirkit handles electrical monitoring: cameras, even observant's phones. Cirkit is mainly found in the Camera and Control room, making sure everything is going according to plan. Cirkit is limited to a nonlethal arsenal: Tasers, beanbag, rubber slugs for shotguns, pepper spray, and tranquilizer rifles and pistols. Cirkit members wear very light armor and police level of clothing. ***** There is a multitude of powers. So many that there is, in fact, an array of categories that the contestants are yet to gain knowledge about. Manipulation - With this type of power, you gain the control over certain types of objects. These types of powers can range quite largley, like anything from pyrokinesis to light manipulation. Anyone with these powers can help or halt anyone in the vicinity. Enhancement - Enhancement powers allow the user to modify their own body, including the ability to shape-shift and change forms. This power type is quite rare in most people. Some examples of this power type are beast shifting, where you can shape shift into animals. There's also object shifting, where you can shape-shift into inanimate objects. Transmutation - Transmutation introduces a whole ton of new aspects to the world of power and magic. Anybody with a transmutation power can change the form of not themselves, but any object or living thing around them. For example, one type of transmutation power can turn water into wine. It is believed that Jesus held this type of power. The only exception here is that it is impossible to conjure anything that only exists in theory (like wormholes, for example). There are certain powers that will either need to be limited or will have to very slowly progress to be accepted, such as those that include control or manipulation over the entire environment, other people, etc. If you think a power you want may have too many advantages, ask any of the admins about it and if it is, we may provide a different suggestion or try to help make it work. Also, for more information on SPECIFIC POWERS, ask the creators. **** Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Tell us about your family and friends: (biography) What are you like?: (personality) Role: Other: CREDIT: PickachuGirl: Creating this magnificent RP! Sanijta: Contribution to the intro and stuff GingerDeer: Contribution to the Power Categories and fixed many grammar mistakes. happysupercooldude99: Created the Power Categories and fixed grammar mistakes. LeBlaster200: Contribution to the Power Categories and such. rockmax2112alt: Completely wrote the Security section and contributed to the exposition. *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.
#185812254Tuesday, March 22, 2016 12:43 AM GMT

(also it's optional to be the breakout members. you can be contestants, probably) *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.
#185812315Tuesday, March 22, 2016 12:44 AM GMT

(Stealing the title for a song...) (Using the CS. to... Possibly... Join.)
#185812710Tuesday, March 22, 2016 12:50 AM GMT

(might join just can we be security
#185813266Tuesday, March 22, 2016 12:58 AM GMT

Name: Lucas H. Murphy Age: 16 Gender: Male, what did you expect Appearance: In general, people would call Lucas's appearance the "nerdy type". Due to an accommodative disorder, he wears glasses with black rims and clean lenses in order to see. His eyes are blue and his hair is curly and loopy, with a variation of blended colors to it. He has reddish-orangey-yellow hair. Yeah, that's the best way to say it. Anyways, Lucas is rather skinny and wimpy. At the time he was brought into the game, he was wearing a bland tan shirt suited up by a grey hoodie, along with smudged cargo pants that don't fit him very well. Tell us about your family and friends: (biography) Lucas was raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia with his mother, father, and sister: Margaret Claire(mother), Aaron Stinson(father), and Lucy Greenday(sister). His friend called him "Murph", until he moved away. As he grew up he got a job and all of that boring stuff. One day he moved out to Anchorage, in Alaska, and lived there until BAM! He was captured and put in the game. What are you like?: (personality) Lucas tends to freak out and just shut down whenever a problem of a high severity comes face-to-face with him and whoever he's with, although sometimes he motivates himself in attempt to confront the issue. Also, he takes a while to trust anyone he's introduced to. One good thing is that when he's not in deadly, spirit-breaking puzzles, he likes to help out. Hopefully he'll eventually do that WHILE he's in puzzles with others. Role: Participant Other: I dunno. Nothing? Maybe. Yeah, nothing.
#185813278Tuesday, March 22, 2016 12:59 AM GMT

Name: Matt Bylin Age: 22 Gender: M Appearance: Matt wears a long brown leather trench coat. He wears it almost constantly. Underneath is a simple red t-shirt. Matt is fair skinned and has ruffled brown hair which isn't too long. Along with that he has green eyes and a nice smile that will provide hope to those longing for it. Matt is fairly built for his age, not too muscular yet not out of shape. He's short standing in at 5'7". At his feet he has simple brown boots which conceal a tiny dagger within a hidden compartment. Tell us about your family and friends: Not much is known about Matt, as he likes to remain secretive about his past. He doesn't like to make friends too much because the outcome is always the same. Matt however has revealed that he was an orphan for quite some time until he was eventually adopted by a wealthy parent. He lives life to the fullest relaxing and being at peace with nature. He was born in someplace near England, yet hates visits to there. His family is now deceased and he can't say he has one real good friend. What are you like?: Matt loves being around people despite being not having many close friends. He will stand up for what he thinks is right, often trying to protect those he cares for. He has the heart of a saint. He is very quiet at first but will gradually open up. Role: Contestant? <------ ???????? Other: no?
#185815395Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:29 AM GMT

No one noticed we put the powers section in twice. That's nice.
#185815461Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:30 AM GMT

Yeah. Errors FTW.
#185815502Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:31 AM GMT

Name: Ryker Alexander Hale Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: (I am horrible at this) Ryker has green eyes with blond hair. He is 5 feet 11 inches in height and is thin. He has no facial hair. He has a tattoo on his upper right arm (Covered by sleeve) of a demon holding a knife and a (Broken) cross. Tell us about your family and friends: Ryker was born into a family of 5. 1 brother, 1 sister. Both Younger. He never went through any life changing hard ships. He tend to always be out with friends and family like cousins. Although Ryker was friends. Ryker has extreme interests in rock climbing and horror movies. After a few years he moved to Florida where he entered college for business. He and his friend were planning on starting a company. What are you like?: Ryker tends to be friendly and close to every one he meets if he can. He also tends to be very talkative and even some times full of himself/thinks he can't fail/lose. He tends to only become cold to people if they hurt him or others. Role: Contestant. Other: Nope. "I remember when I was the Hero" | "Ryker Hale and Alice Ryker. The God Damn Dream Team" | "Cthulhu For President 2k16" | [ Account Used By Ryker and Alice]
#185815530Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:32 AM GMT

Thanks for saying. Not you should be getting eliminated off of your team for sure now! BWAHAHAHA...)
#185816055Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:39 AM GMT

a-also all contestants are able to get a certain power please check the power section(s) for more details *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.
#185816093Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:39 AM GMT

Welp, more errors. Everyone who's making a CS or already has, add a section that says what power your character has. People who've already done a CS, just post the section separate from your CS. Here. Power(unknown):
#185816156Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:40 AM GMT

@Pika Awesome idea for a Role Play (So hyped :D) But my question is, is it only 1 category, or a few powers that vary from each category? I was a bit confused on that. Sorry for the bother. "I remember when I was the Hero" | "Ryker Hale and Alice Ryker. The God Damn Dream Team" | "Cthulhu For President 2k16" | "Picture a depressed onion cutting itself" | "I swear HIGH i'm not GOD" |
#185816255Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:42 AM GMT

UPDATE FROM ORIGINAL __________________ Name: Ryker Alexander Hale Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: (I am horrible at this) Ryker has green eyes with blond hair. He is 5 feet 11 inches in height and is thin. He has no facial hair. He has a tattoo on his upper right arm (Covered by sleeve) of a demon holding a knife and a (Broken) cross. Tell us about your family and friends: Ryker was born into a family of 5. 1 brother, 1 sister. Both Younger. He never went through any life changing hard ships. He tend to always be out with friends and family like cousins. Although Ryker was friends. Ryker has extreme interests in rock climbing and horror movies. After a few years he moved to Florida where he entered college for business. He and his friend were planning on starting a company. What are you like?: Ryker tends to be friendly and close to every one he meets if he can. He also tends to be very talkative and even some times full of himself/thinks he can't fail/lose. He tends to only become cold to people if they hurt him or others. Role: Contestant. Power: Unknown/Undiscovered. "I remember when I was the Hero" | "Ryker Hale and Alice Ryker. The God Damn Dream Team" | "Cthulhu For President 2k16" | "Picture a depressed onion cutting itself" | "I swear HIGH i'm not GOD" |
#185816270Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:42 AM GMT

As it says, there's multiple powers in each category that kinda do the same thing. If you want a certain power IN a certain category, just say.
#185816437Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:44 AM GMT

Only add the power section if you're a contestant. Also, the unknown means that you just don't know your power. You can still choose. There are three different categories, but if you have any more categories you believe should be there, ask an admin guy.
#185817531Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:58 AM GMT

Power: Transmutation (mainly involving summoning different ice forms, or converting air > ice)
#185817806Tuesday, March 22, 2016 2:02 AM GMT

Pick, who are the admins again?
#185817957Tuesday, March 22, 2016 2:04 AM GMT

(everyone's whos on the credits section, i think) *Sitting Alone In A Corner* [Diary Entry #932] Well Im Here, Last Man On Earth I Used The World Scaner No One's Here, No one to Talk To, No One To Go Outside With Me I Think This Is It For Me, Goodbye World.
#185818096Tuesday, March 22, 2016 2:06 AM GMT

Okay then
#185818229Tuesday, March 22, 2016 2:08 AM GMT

Wait, what? Why is there even a powers section? Does the conspiracy run deeper than anyone suspected?
#185818333Tuesday, March 22, 2016 2:10 AM GMT

Yes, yes it does. For it was the reason the contestants were chosen.
#185826436Tuesday, March 22, 2016 4:45 AM GMT

I'm pretty sure the MP5 is, like, the least exotic SMG. Regardless, marked.
#185829088Tuesday, March 22, 2016 6:16 AM GMT

can i disintergrate someone with transmutation terrible siggy
#185835888Tuesday, March 22, 2016 1:06 PM GMT

No, transmutation can only turn something into something else.

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