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#185825765Tuesday, March 22, 2016 4:28 AM GMT

The Lex Imperialis, the code of Imperial law, is written down in the Book of Judgment kept by the Adeptus Arbites. The Book of Judgment has been painstakingly collected, annotated and collated over millennia and embodies every decree ever passed by the Emperor Himself or the High Lords of Terra. In fact, the Book of Judgment has long-since grown beyond the confines of a single tome, no matter how large, and comprises countless records, books, and legal decrees. The most ancient articles are written on crumbling parchments, inscribed in unknown human tongues by the nameless functionaries of a forgotten age. However, every day new volumes of parchment, data-records, and encoded holoscript are added to the Book of Judgment, and interred within the reinforced confines of the Hall of Judgment on Terra. Shelves of tomes rise hundreds of meters towards the vaulted ceilings above canyons of marble and iron. Over the ages, the Hall has been expanded and extended many times, so that it is now an entire complex covering many acres, with miles of corridors, levels, and rooms. Scholars, scribes, and law lords pace the time-worn marble floors, while above their heads, on the narrow gantries and ladders that cover the shelf stacks like a spider's web, crawl legal assistants and low-ranking functionaries, searching through the detritus of judgment for weeks and months at a time to find just a single reference. "Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean." LAWS: A faithful servant of the God-Emperor will never disrespect, harm, or conspire against his superiors or comrades. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor will not disrespect nor speak the blasphemous words of heresy when directed towards his divine holiness. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor will not commit sedition, the crime of promoting insurrection or rebellion against the divine authority of the God-Emperor and his glorious Imperium. A faithful servant of his name shall not do so by any aspect of form of communication, be it through the usage of social media or by publicly speaking on the forums. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall always obey Imperial authorities whenever present upon the grounds of his holiness or that onto the perilous fields of war, he or she shall willingly submit to those who speak and act in his name. But, a faithful servant retains and is reserved the right to question one's orders. Be it in terms of morality or strategic logic, a servant of his name may question his/her superior's orders politely and in a civil manner. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall not give into the sickening and disgusting temptations of which is immaturity and acts of pitiful and petty forms of pleasures such as trolling and the likes. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall wear and don the proper attire for the proper occasion. All servants of his name shall and will wear their designated uniforms and equipment at all times. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall always report to his/her designated post and actively participate in crusades, sermons, trainings and rallies. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall always report all suspicious figures, signs of heresy, treachery and that of desertion. Heresy is defined as walking away from path of righteousness which is refusing to do the universally moral thing, having beliefs that conflict with the ideals and cause of the Emperor's divine mandate that is described and interpreted by the Ecclesiarchy and generally treason in the lowest and highest form. Desertion is deserting one's post in which is caused by battle rage or simply defiance against the Imperium. Reporting suspicious figures is described as reporting those whom you know for fact that are doing things are suspicious and could pose a threat to the Imperium. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall not insult or belittle fellow faithful Imperials, but are required to respect them equally. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall not exploit nor shall he/she use any game enhancing programs in the eyes of his divine radiance. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall never be caught with a weapon above his or her station. Being caught with such weaponry will also give you a charge of cheating in most circumstances. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall acknowledge that in any legal matter an Arbite's word overrules any other. This means that even if a faithful servant interprets a law differently than an Arbite's, an Arbite's interpretation is correct. This only applies towards civilian cases while military affairs are managed by the Commissariat and the Inquisition. As the law is enforced, all must follow the law as they do strictly by the letter until death. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall not partake in or inflict cruel and unusual punishments. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall not speak with or socialize with the enemy unless an officer has allowed a faithful servant to do so. If a faithful servant needs to speak with an enemy on an unrelated matter, it may be taken into whispers or other non-public form of chat. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor has rights which is the freedom of speech, but it must be used properly and not abused for heretical or blasphemous reasons. Freedom of press and interpretation of Imperial ideals and beliefs as long as it does not conflict with said ideals and such. Freedom to bear arms in defense of oneself against aggressive persons such as criminals or enemies of the Imperium. Freedom to bear arms and assemble temporary militias, having the ability to equip the armor of the Planetary Defense Forces and be led by the Ecclesiarchy, Imperial authorities, allies and citizens alike. These militias are and can be commanded by Imperial military personnel with the rank of Lieutenant and above. Only in times of desperation during war or defense may these militias be formed. These militias cannot be led or consist of any enemies of the Imperium. The right to assemble and protest peacefully and Imperial authorities cannot use lethal force against protesters. Any deaths caused in a peaceful demonstration is the responsibility and fault of those who killed said demonstrators. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall not murder, attack or intrude into the business and privacy another faithful servant without a just and probable cause or that of an approved warrant from an Arbital Judge or that of other authorities. If other authorities are called upon, proof of approval may vary. The probable cause must be very compelling. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall not partake in vigilantism. For it is the duty of the Arbites and that of law enforcing authorities to enforce the law, but only in certain circumstances may one be allowed to do so. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall not bully or discriminate another anyone's nationality, religion, gender and ethnicity. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall not surrender or desert from one's post. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall not sale or partake in the piracy and illegal trade of dealing technology without the approval of the Mechanicus and Imperial authorities. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall serve and earn his/her rank and traverse through Imperial society. A faithful servant of the God-Emperor shall not bribe, deceive or in any aspect or form, beg his/her superiors or comrades for favoritism or sympathy for malicious purposes. A faithful servant shall maintain a tolerable level of grammar at all times, but if he/she is unable to fulfill such standards for medical reasons or that of mental disorders. That person will and shall be tolerated without question, but Imperial authorities may investigate if deception is in place. All decrees and proclamations must be approved by the High Lords of Terra, all decisions related to the increase of authority of a law enforcing entity such as the Arbites must be approved by the High Lords of Terra. All laws and added scripture here forth shall be added by a majority vote within the Senatorum Imperialis or by the God-Emperor himself. Scripture published by the Senatorum Imperialis from words spoken by the God-Emperor Majority credit to rufusshinra4.

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