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#186626576Sunday, April 03, 2016 3:40 AM GMT

In the old times before the War between Kira and Kintaro happened (Referring to the sealing of Kintaro and Kira) there was a man named Saroyama Ketsuki Clive. He was at battle with his brother who was Shima Ketsuki Clive. The younger brother's (Saroyama) techniques were pointless to Shima’s who withstood them all Saroyama was so desperate that he used his own blood as a weapon against his brother, which surprisingly worked well against Shima’s techniques. Saroyama won the battle with the Chishio no Yaiba.(Meaning Blade of Blood) Little did Saraoyama know at the time the technique he used would soon create a new Clan called the Ketsuki clan.(The Clan of Blood) Saroyama named the technique Ketsuki Style. Which he passed down through his children one of which who’s was Shia Ketsuki Clive. Who ended up marrying Aeth Ruby Shinigami (Shinigami meaning Death God) who she ended up having children with. One of them she named Sashi Ketsuki Clive. (She keeps her surname because Aeth never told her his last name) Who would end up founding the Ketsuki clan. Sashi ended up making the technique called the Nessura. (which as far as we know of right now that there are only four tiers tier one and two don’t change your body while tier three and four drastically change your body and can make you lose control) Not to long after the Nessura was made the Ketsuki clan was founded by Sashi. Sashi was soon made the Kazekage and settled down with his Wife named Sasha Clive.(Her last name is Clive because she married him and we never decided up on a middle name) Who ended up giving birth to her son named Shiri Ketsuki Clive. Unbeknownst by his friends and family he is the reincarnated Shinigami he is Aeth’s reincarnation Shiri hasn’t unlocked his powers yet but he soon will. The Ketsuki Lore will continue to unravel as time tells the power of the Ketsuki will be passed down through generations. Ahh man this took me some time to make having to ask Psp for names and some things to add or not to add I’m just glad it’s done obviously the ending means that more will be added to the Lore as time tells once Shiri unlocks his powers or has children or something of that sorts. Anyways this lore may not be possible if it wasn’t for Psp’s help and mine as well cause I made it and all but anyways thank you all for joining and making the Ketsuki clan a thing love y’all for ya help. –Kylithicus
#186626743Sunday, April 03, 2016 3:43 AM GMT

Ahh I hope you all like it
#186627193Sunday, April 03, 2016 3:48 AM GMT

You asked me how I found the other version. It was still on the first page of this sub-forum. It was pretty easy.
#186627303Sunday, April 03, 2016 3:49 AM GMT

Oh xD I didn't know that thanks for that info anyways I had to make a different version because of mistakes and such
#186627336Sunday, April 03, 2016 3:50 AM GMT

yes way better
#186628453Sunday, April 03, 2016 4:05 AM GMT

#186734864Monday, April 04, 2016 4:50 PM GMT

not bad its pretty logical

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