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#186699072Monday, April 04, 2016 12:55 AM GMT

I think that whenever someone wants to add you as a friend you should be able to make sure you actually did by saying if u say accept friend request then we should say are you sure you wouldn't or would like to be this persons friend because who know you might accidentally press yes in stet of no and MIGHT EVEN BE STUCK WITH THAT PERSON AS A FRIEND
#186699339Monday, April 04, 2016 12:58 AM GMT

obvious instagram user that pulls bad memes off the internet or vine above you can remove friends it's a feature welcome to rt how may i flame you?
#186701640Monday, April 04, 2016 1:27 AM GMT

1. You can remove friends. 2. So what's the issue? 3. If you accidently add someone (??), DELETE THEM. 4. Problem solved. 5. Or just get over it and deal with having that friend. ♡ Close your eyes and the walls will shatter ♡

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