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#186765995Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:36 AM GMT

I'm bored.
#186766075Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:37 AM GMT

Anyone else feel like Jesus before the whole whipping and crucifixion thing?
#186766433Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:42 AM GMT

ive been miserable for the past 2 months because my only irl friend (all others are at college ) cut me off for no reason and i can't get through to her because she doesn't respond to my messages... i've been in a constant grueling cycle of hope, hopelessness, anger, sadness, cockiness, confidence, lack of confidence, depression, manic happiness, and so on and so forth....... i've been all over the place
#186766546Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:43 AM GMT

i really just want to end my life....i dont want to live here anymore i have seen it all and done it all minus relationships |9x bans| halo3057 | welp
#186766556Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:44 AM GMT

severely depressed and have a crippling self-esteem that i am unable to make friends or be in a relationship lol
#186766770Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:46 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#186766775Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:46 AM GMT

Welp, I made a grave mistake by making this thread.
#186766806Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:46 AM GMT

feeling very feminine
#186766828Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:47 AM GMT

yes it was a mistake
#186766887Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:47 AM GMT

I don't usually feel anything.
#186766917Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:48 AM GMT

"yes it was a mistake " You were a mistake. Find the nearest cliff and jump off it. If thats not possible down some bleach like its your lifeline [lol puns]. That doesnt work, crawl into the over and set it to 500 degrees |9x bans| halo3057 | welp
#186766945Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:48 AM GMT

i'm an orange i don't have emotions
#186767002Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:49 AM GMT

@clevarbot b-but what if he's in a relationship with his oven, and it doesn't want to help him off himself?
#186767009Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:49 AM GMT

just passed the last trial of ascendancy in PoE and turned in a paper feelsgoodman
#186767026Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:49 AM GMT

#186767039Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:50 AM GMT

i want to rip out fadious's spine and bash his skull in with it, then i want to rip out his eyes with his own fingers and pour salt in his eye sockets, then drown him in lighter fluid and then light him on fire wyue
#186767067Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:50 AM GMT

"i really just want to end my life....i dont want to live here anymore i have seen it all and done it all minus relationships" You have almost no real life experience.
#186767122Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:51 AM GMT

You have almost no real life experience. ------------------------ savage alert
#186767187Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:52 AM GMT

"b-but what if he's in a relationship with his oven, and it doesn't want to help him off himself?" then the other two options are applicable |9x bans| halo3057 | welp
#186768048Tuesday, April 05, 2016 1:03 AM GMT

existentially im content i guess, with my fate and stuff, i used to get really bummed out about the meaninglessness of existence and all that but i realized that was why life is worth living, you are free from any kind of supreme being or whatever so you can be what you want, think what you want now now, ive been set on living my life to the fullest but the problem is, humans are social so i naturally need a partner or friend, a kindred soul or whatever, and i dont really have much to choose from with my current living situation however after 5 months of looking on various "friend meet" websites and wading through the waist-high sewage userbases of those websites, i found someone else who felt the same way i did, listened to the same music, and had the same thoughts on life as i did. basically she was my female counterpart and we immediately clicked. i mean it wasnt even a romantic thing if it was it was completely platonic (there was a bit of "physical romantic" tension going alongside it though) we had a burst of about 3 months where we hung out 3 or 4 days out of the week, driving around town and listening to vinyls and stuff, i was the happiest ive been in a while. but then in mid february she stopped responding to my messages, except for a few one word responses and passive aggressive messages. there was nothing i could've possibly done to make her mad, in fact right before she had stopped talking to me, i had taken her out to a concert and we had a really great time, and it ended on a great note. she once told me she had borderline personality disorder which was hard for me to believe at the time because she always seemed so stable but it completely makes sense in retrospect. now im torn between whether or not to give up on her. i know borderline personalities are very hard to deal with but i know under that protective shell she has a beautiful personality. i think about this so much and i really fluctuate between viewing her in a positive light, being angry at her, feeling that she hurt me/wallowing in self pity, and feeling psuedo-independent or self validated (but im just convincing myself im self validated). i dont know. it feels like i lost someone great.
#186768165Tuesday, April 05, 2016 1:04 AM GMT

i wanna die :p
#186768176Tuesday, April 05, 2016 1:05 AM GMT

existentially im content i guess, with my fate and stuff, i used to get really bummed out about the meaninglessness of existence and all that but i realized that was why life is worth living, you are free from any kind of supreme being or whatever so you can be what you want, think what you want now now, ive been set on living my life to the fullest but the problem is, humans are social so i naturally need a partner or friend, a kindred soul or whatever, and i dont really have much to choose from with my current living situation however after 5 months of looking on various "friend meet" websites and wading through the waist-high sewage userbases of those websites, i found someone else who felt the same way i did, listened to the same music, and had the same thoughts on life as i did. basically she was my female counterpart and we immediately clicked. i mean it wasnt even a romantic thing if it was it was completely platonic (there was a bit of "physical romantic" tension going alongside it though) we had a burst of about 3 months where we hung out 3 or 4 days out of the week, driving around town and listening to vinyls and stuff, i was the happiest ive been in a while. but then in mid february she stopped responding to my messages, except for a few one word responses and passive aggressive messages. there was nothing i could've possibly done to make her mad, in fact right before she had stopped talking to me, i had taken her out to a concert and we had a really great time, and it ended on a great note. she once told me she had borderline personality disorder which was hard for me to believe at the time because she always seemed so stable but it completely makes sense in retrospect. now im torn between whether or not to give up on her. i know borderline personalities are very hard to deal with but i know under that protective shell she has a beautiful personality. i think about this so much and i really fluctuate between viewing her in a positive light, being angry at her, feeling that she hurt me/wallowing in self pity, and feeling psuedo-independent or self validated (but im just convincing myself im self validated). i dont know. it feels like i lost someone great. [2] |9x bans| halo3057 | welp
#186768284Tuesday, April 05, 2016 1:06 AM GMT

this explains it http://youtu.be/Jbm1J3_ffcY

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