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#186815265Tuesday, April 05, 2016 9:47 PM GMT

[CHAPTER 7] Dedicated to ForgedVoid. At the beginning of Orion Offensive’s development. High ranking officer Forgedvoid worked his way steadily throughout the ranks of Orion. He was involved in every war Orion’s forces were involved in. Leading the way on STRATUS, holding the gates of TCD, and playing one of the biggest parts in Orion’s alliances and The Great War involvement. This man earned his rank of Hero through his dedication to Orion Offensive. At the end of the Great War Forged was promoted to Senate of Aestra. He then performed his duties until his retirement. This is a chapter, dedicated to one of the greatest of Orion. Forgedvoid. I am on a capitol space-ship en-route to the capitol Orion. I’m here writing my memoirs of my duty to Orion. I was drafted into the Orion Offensive military from the Planet Aestra during the first few years of it’s existence. Soon after time I was promoted quickly into the officer-ranks and slowly earned my way up. I was voted into the Senate and held one of the highest seats of power. But I am on my last trip with Orion Offensive, I’m finally returning home. My name is Forgedvoid, and this is my service. [ After the Great War ended and Red-For conquered the many planets of outlying systems, Blue-For surrendered and accepted defeat. The planets under Blue-For’s control took the hit and the loss of men hard. Red-For worlds flourished. After the war I was designated with bringing a permanent alliance with Frostaria and Orion. With the head of negotiations WizardlyShadow and I we took a dignitary trip to the Frostaria controlled space and met with the Admiral who met with us in war. They held a vote, and it was confirmed. Orion Offensive and the Sparrow Corps Military entered into an alliance that would hopefully last forever. Soon after we engaged in a war with RSF over the planet Caleum. We flawlessly won the war with no battles lost. The enemy faltered at our feet as I led us to victory. I know as I write these subjects down, I use the words I and myself a lot.. But it’s because I can’t fathom the way to put my brothers down on paper. Their brilliance, their obedience, their sacrifice, their leadership. I learned more from my brothers under my rank, than I ever hope they could learn from me. I was then designated leader of the Sentinels of Orion. The most elite gun-fighting force in the star-system. I trained them hard, and I worked them even harder. They made the group of the most elite and strongest gun-fighters of Orion. I’ve seen them work their way up as Sentries to bonafide Sentinels. Now they hold the line of the most intense defenses and never falter. The Sentinels protect Orion, and I am the one who worked for their safety. After my many years of being a Senate I was one of the most influential Senate-members. I was designated the lead on many projects, I had the most say in the Senate. Every fight and argument I made I made it for the people of Orion; and that is something I will never regret. My life was not revolved around desk-work and dignitary trips. I also held the front-lines against the fiercest enemies. Many times the elite, deadly, invincible raiding forces of Vaktovia landed on our front-lines. I trained my men specifically for this occasion, and we won. We lost segments, but we won the majority. Orion Offensive, a military formed out of fresh recruits and volunteer officers. Turned out becoming a fierce clan that made a name for itself in the galaxy. I will never forget my time on the front-lines of Aestra, for I will always call it my home. Through it all, I worked, I toiled, and I bled for my brothers. Because in unity, everything is possible. I will always believe this cry. I will always hold the cry close to my heart. I’ve served my time for Orion, I’ve done my duty; and now I lay down my weapon. Orion’s fights are no longer my own. ] I lay my tablet down, I can’t look at my own writings anymore for its all becoming a blur beneath me. I look out my cabin’s window to see we’ve already entered the atmosphere of Orion. I look out to see the endless span of Skyscrapers, buildings and lights. It’s night here in Orion, but thats when Orion shines the brightest. “Prepare for docking” The intercom says. I turn my tablet off and I grab my suitcase…. If I had one.. It seems on these military campaigns that I went on it had no need for any personal belongings. It will be weird to wear anything but my military-armor. I’m in my full-senate uniform. I feel the jolt of the ship, it seems we landed. I exit my cabin. I am on the highest floor due to my ranking, which allows me to be one of the first to exit the ship. The airlock doors open and I exit into the hallway of the dry-dock that towers high above Orion’s buildings. I come out of the hall-way into the lobby and see a sea of faces I’ve never met. “We’d like to thank Forgedvoid for his service as Senator of Aestra, please show him your gratitude” Every face then looks at me as they begin to clap and cheer. These people I never met, these civilians. This was who I was fighting for. I smile and wave my hand for I do not know what else to do. I continue on my way and exit the lobby. A dropship lands near me on the landing-strip. The dropships designed for Orion’s Armada have actually been public-domain to the public as civilian ships (as long as they’re unarmed of course). I see the pilot of the drop-ship is the very own pilot of Armada Mityguy; a prominent member of JARVIS. “I wanted to give you the ride personally to Ardency Square. The Senators are waiting for you” “Actually, I’ve been requested to visit the Pinnacle of Orion” “Ah, very well. Take a seat, we’ll be there momentarily.” The Pinnacle of Orion was the Diadect’s personal skyscraper that towers over the sights of Orion. It was truly honoring to be summoned. As we fly over the streets and buildings of the Urban Planet I defended for my whole career. I just reminisced on my service. “You might not know who all the people you fought for Forged, but trust me. They all know you” Mity says to me. I smile as I look out the window. I never lived on Orion, but it was just as much home as Aestra. We land on the roof of the Pinnacle on the landing-point. Many skyscrapers in Orion have been allowed spaces for landing on the roofs to prevent too many parking-lots to take over the cities. I enter the building and I go down to the top floor. The whole floor is the Diadect’s office-room. A guard walks up to me “Senator Forged, an honor. The Diadect is 1 floor below; he’s waiting for you now” I thank him and I go on my way. I take the elevator down 1 more floor. I walk out the elevator into a silent hallway. I see a closed off room. I open the door. The Diadect turns around “Forged; I’m glad to see you.” He never called be professional names such as Senator, he called me like he would a child-hood friend. “I am saddened to see you leave us. But I look at you as a hero; I’d like to award you this.” I see Exterity reach into his coat-pocket and pulls out a badge. “You have already been awarded all the badges Orion has; so I had JARVIS design one just for you. It’s the Badge of *TO BE ADDED*. I look up at him. “This is dedicated to you, and to all future recipients will be awarded in your name” I pins it on my chest. “Wherever you go, wear it with pride.” he grabs my shoulder “Let’s continue, we have an announcement to make to the public” The public had no idea of my retirement. This was the public announcement to the system. I sit on the side behind screens as I hear The Diadect announce my retirement, I hear words such as hero, and brother. Once the cameras are off the Diadect returns to me “I hope I could do you justice” “You did much more,” I reach my hand out “Thank you, Exterity” he shakes my hand “You’ll always be a brother of Orion” I walk back up to the roof and the dropship is waiting for me. I enter, but I do not recognize the pilot. “We’ll be taking you back to the docks, I hear you’re off to somewhere else after this?” “Yes… I’m going home” The dropship picks up speed and we’re off. I look out the window and see myself leaving the Pinnacle of Orion. I see Exterity standing on the roof looking my direction. My name is Forgedvoid. This was my service.
#186817433Tuesday, April 05, 2016 10:22 PM GMT

cancer! cancer! cancer! cancer!

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