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#186818078Tuesday, April 05, 2016 10:31 PM GMT

[John Kieriko's phase's are like a journal entry for John, as his character progresses, his story continues. This is his story] Phase3: Phase 3 is when John snapped. During this phase, John had changed, but some say that the world changed John, or the world just changed and John didn't. John had trouble with the USCPF. John went to Matterson Valley for a way out of CT. The USCPF took over, which was CDF property. The USCPF weren't quiet about it either, they held John and his man hostage for trespassing and because they looked like bandits. John tried to reason with them and talk, but a man by the name of Joe socked him in the jaw with his gun. John was then questioned in a room. John told them that they didn't check him, and he proceeded to put his gun and knife on the table. "If I wanted to make a move, I would of already done it" said John. John was then stripped and thrown into a bathroom, as Joe wanted to drown him. Joe locked the door and left the valley. John was able to escape by kicking and punching the door down, as it was made of wood and was not that strong. John got out of the room, but the USCPF got out of the valley. John knew he had to kill Joe, and he did. A month later, John met two men, one of them being Joe. John didn't realize until Joe shot the other USCPF officer on top of Matterson Valley. John then turned in shock realizing that it was Joe, and John tackled him to the ground. John and Joe brawled until John pulled his gun on Joe and shot his legs. John ended up carving his name into Joe's forehead and Joe died due to blood loss. The USCPF then find Joe's body at the valley and searched for John, as he went into hiding.

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