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#187250184Tuesday, April 12, 2016 9:34 PM GMT

[CHAPTER 8] Two months after the invasion of Tonigrad and Venzia. It’s the 5th day of the conquest of the Lortex Security owned planet of Lystria. The Frostaria lead conquest of Tonigrad lead to the Blue-For pushing all of their forces to halt the advancement. In the end Tonigrad suffered extreme losses and positions captured by Frostarian foes. Once the forts of the northern hemisphere were captured Frostaria Navy came in the atmosphere taking control of the skies. The Tonigrad forces fled back and dug themselves into south-west section of the planet going underground and holding out inch for inch. The Frostarians are keeping up the conquest but they have pulled out majority of forces for the invasion of other planets; the Tongirads are too busy to hold their land to help any other Blue-For planets. The Orion-lead Venzian front took out the shield-reactors letting the Orion-Armada invade the planet. The planet-wide Armada assault opened up plenty of invasion spots for Red-For forces. Eventually almost all of the Red-For forces were leading their own campaigns against the FEAR Forces throughout the entire planet thanks to Orion’s initial land-invasion. The Armada blockaded off any reinforcements and retreating forces. The Armada’s capital ship bombings on the planet below brought up millions of civilian and armed forces casualties; eventually leading to Venzia’s planet-wide defeat after 2 weeks of campaigning. I’m now sitting in my war-camp on the planet Lystria of the Red-For unified front in the Orion section of the camp. It’s been 5 days into the campaign of Lystria. The Blue-for have been on the defense for the majority of the war, and this planet was going to be their turning point. The enemy blue-for forces combined as many forces as they can to defend Lystria then if they can hold the planet they would pursue the fight to our lands.. But if they could not defend the planet; it would mean the defeat of the most Blue-for forces in any campaign yet; crushing their future resistances. I enter my team’s tent, I’m unarmored and unarmed for the first time today; at sunlight this morning we were pushing the front up to their communications tower. We are almost there but decided to rest up 1 night before the initial invasion tomorrow morning. The Lystria planet revolves around several factors, shield-generators, communication towers, and electricity-grids. If these strategic-points could all be sabotaged or captured, the planet would be a firing range for the orbiting Armada ships. I see Garingy already passed out asleep on her cot, I look and see AjRox reading a book; on his cot; how people can find time to read while earlier that day they were killing people I’ll never know. I never wanted this war to be a blood-bath. Lortex security was practically forced into the war, and now the people of the planet are taking the most punishment out of anyone. I sit down on my cot before I lay my eyes to sleep. My name is QuixoticCat, and this is my commitment. [Winner392] I’m standing around the hologram table with other campaign-leaders of Red-for. We’ve been discussing the after plan of the capture of the communication tower and shield-generator. While 3 combined forces of the smaller Red-for forces are attacking the Shield-Generator Orion Offensive’s front would be taking the Communication tower. If we took out the communication tower their air-force would be in disarray and the Blue-for space-navy would have no idea where to go regarding reinforcements. If the shield-generator was taken the shields all over the planet would be disabled. This was a defining point in the war. I see Grand Admiral Fabiao of the Frostarians, I see ShatteredQuantam of the icy planet of Icarus, and Culian of Edeltia. These are some of the great leaders of the Red-For offensive, I’m here representing Orion Offensive. “Once we have the shield-generator down, we need the communication tower down letting us to pelt the remaining Blue-For space-navy out of the skies and to prevent anymore Blue-for reinforcements.” says Fabio “I believe that is a fine idea, but we need to win this. Once we have the Blue-For navy out of the sky, we need to start pounding all our combined navy forces onto the planet.” ShatteredQuantam has the attention of the floor with that. “That could possibly destroy the planet..” I hear Culian say quietly. “Exactly, and we need this war over, and if we knock out the entire planet with all the combined Blue-For forces on the ground below, it’d be the ending point for them.” “I agree. As drastic as it is, if we keep pounding the planet we’d be knocking out millions of Blue-For forces we wouldn’t have to fight hand to hand. We’ll be using the Armada I assume?” I ask, needing to know if I need to notify the Admiral of the Armada the job he has in for him. “Yes, notify the Armada; we’ll be needing them to soon take out the remaining Blue-For navy and then pound the entire planet. Once the bombing begins we’ll send in Frostaria and Icarus ships to evacuate Red-For forces.” I exit the command building to return to the officer-quarters, I stop on the way to notify the Armada. I press a few buttons and I’m linked to the Admiral. “Admiral Mityguy this is Successor Winner can you read?” “Aye, how you doing Winner, what do you need my friend?” Mityguy was always too personal to stick with the strict regulations of rank-calling. “Tomorrow the assault is beginning on 2 focal points of the planet. One of them being a communication tower, the other shield-generator. Once the communication tower you are to take the Armada and take the enemy-navy head on and remove them from the airspace. Their communications will be fried so take advantage of the disarray. Secondly the shield-generator will be knocked out and we need the entire force of the Armada here to fire upon the planet.” “So you want to destroy the planet? Because with that many Armada ships firing it will definitely do that.” “Yes, that is the goal..” “Very well, I will call in any remaining Armada ships from Orion and outlying systems, we’ll have the combined Armada forces to fire upon the planet. Stay safe Winner” and with that the transmission ends. [QUIXOTICCAT] We’re already halfway through the fighting and we’ve reached the outlying area of the communication tower. I can see it towering over the mountains in front of us. I see Commander Winner leading the way. We come onto the road and our forces regroup. “We have another section of our men coming left of the tower to hit them from both sides. So let’s get moving!” Winner tells us all. We start our advancement with no resistance, then we get to where the highway splits and we see Lortex security advancing towards us full-force. “TO OUR RIGHT!” I yell to notify the people behind me. Our entire team jumps behind cover and opens fire. The Lortex Security gets ripped apart and they try retreating or jumping into cover, but no cover lays around them; and there is no where to run. Every soldier falls. These people are defending their home-planet; and I’m having to be the one who pulls the trigger for them doing that. We continue pushing forward and we see two Lortex Helicopters coming towards us guns blazing. “Heads up!” someone yells. They take a gun-run taking out several members and they turn around preparing to come around again. I see TrophyINF with a rocket fire at one of the ships exploding it in the air. “All of you focus fire on the last gunship” We raise our weapons and start firing back at the ship. The ship takes heavy damage and we see it start smoking, instead of finishing the last gun-run against us it peels away hoping to survive the onslaught of bullets. As it is about to get out of our range we see the rotors burst in flames, and the gunship looses control into the mountain bursting into a ball of flame. The Lortex Security has been quickly loosing the morale to defend their lands because at each fierce conflict their forces are left destroyed. Despite having the most Blue-For forces on one planet, Lortex Security are leading all the conflicts and taking the most damage for them. We reach the communication tower and the enemy begins firing down on us. We take cover and begin preparing for the push to take over. I see Garingy beside me setting up a heavy-weapon to fire covering fire for us to breach the tower. I see an Orion member firing away and then his helmet shatters as he falls to the ground. “SNIPER, TOP RIGHT SIDE!” someone shouts. I duck my head, with this many people about to push, the sniper can just fire a bullet in our general direction and would kill one of us. 2 more simultaneously sniper shots ring out from the same area causing two more soldiers to fall. As I keep my head down I see an Orion Bruiser fly in and fire two missiles into the sniper-hole. The whole room explodes and I see debris fall into the mountains and streets below. “PUSH!” Winner yells as he leads the way. This is where we take our objective! We breached the first floor and made a mess of all the defenders. Only one orion member was wounded while the Lortex Security all fell. “I need you 3 to go down below and secure the hangar, make sure no Lortex get anymore helicopters out there.” I see Ajrox and two others go below. “Alright, everyone; 3 per elevator, and we go at the same time. More ability to breach.” I find myself in an elevator on the first breach, with Garingy & EdgeforDays. We’re about to land on the top floor hallway and be poured into with bullets. I see Edge set up a portable shield. He turns it on and the battery hums to life showing a ray-shield that reaches up to chests. I see Garingy with her heavy-weaponry set it on top of the shield. I crouch below the shield and put my gun on the right side and Edge puts his on the left. We’re about to turn the tables here. The elevator doors open up and a Lortex Security member with a sword is right there waiting and he rushes at us; I fire a quick shot and it hits him in the neck dropping him and his sword to the floor. The enemy opens fire on us and we open fire back. It’s all a blur; I hear Garingy pour her weapon into the walls of enemies knocking one down every second. My weapon gets hit and it malfunctions. I pull it back behind the shield and as I pull out my pistol I see all the fire had stopped. It seemed they’ve been wiped out. We move through the hallway and see Lortex Security bodies lie everywhere. We move up to the security-door that is the only thing between us and the communication system we are about to sabotage. “Wait here for one more wave of defenders through the elevator. We need numbers to breach this.” I say to the people around me. The waiting feels like a year, but in reality was probably a handful of minutes. The second team comes and we get ready. “One, two… Three. BREACH!” We open the door and rush inside but are not met with any fire. We see wounded Lortex Security sprawled around the entire room. This must be where they return the wounded after fighting for the past few campaigning days… The only handful of armed forces in the room drop their weapons and surrender. “Set up the bomb” I hear winner say as he walks behind me. “What about the wounded?” I ask. “Can they move?” I answer I don’t know and I go move to check. I see dozens of people who are unconscious hooked up to portable oxygen banks keeping them alive; and then I see more handfuls of them who can move with assistance “We can get most of them out, but some are not awake and we can’t move them and their life-support.” “We can’t let a few already dead enemies prevent us from doing our objective. Evacuate the ones we can” With that he issues the command to set up the bomb. I begin evacuating the Lortex Security members out of the building, knowing that once they are saved from the burning of the building they’ll just be sent to a temporary prison until the war ends as prisoners of war. I am outside the building and I see winner is the last to come out “Alright, the building’s clear; let’s blow it.” [WINNER392] I see the top of the tower explode which knocks out the communication tower, then the levels below follow in order. The entire building collapses as well the Blue-For chances at survival. I hear from the intercom “I heard that explosion from here. We have the shield-generator breached and we’re beginning the deactivation; take about 30 minutes.” - It must have been Fabio or Quantam. I don’t realize. I look over at Quix and see she is in pain knowing the casualties we’ve caused over this war and now in that tower. I don’t want to kill ones I don’t need to; but we have a war to win for our people. I step away from the bulk of people and issue a call to the orbiting Capitol Ship above me named Orion. “This is Admiral Mityguy; what can I do you for?” his lenient attitude always keeps things light despite a raging war beside me “The shield-generator and communications are down or being taken down; position your ships for Orbital bombardment” “Alright; the entire fleet is here. So we will have to engage the enemy Blue-For Fleet before positioning ourselves for the orbital bombardment. We are moving to engage now. Over” The line clicks dead and I walk back to the soldiers. I see a Red-For force coming from the East over the mountain to link up with us; they seem to have taken a large beating. They seem to be Edeltrians, and Orion members. I see Senator S28 in front of them; The senator of Pojat. “Hail Senator; I did not know you were here on Lystria.” The senator wears a mask so I can not see his expressions “Aye; I’ve been here since the invasion, I’ve been co-leading against the enemy with Edeltrians on my side. Since day 1 my initial invasion team were out of place and we’ve been behind enemy lines fighting our way back to you the entire time. It’s about time to see some friendly faces” I shake his hand and I smile glad to know the Senator is alive. My headset beeps and I link to communication with Admiral Mity “Winner, you’ll never believe this. The entire Blue-for fleet are pulling out without a single shot fired. They have all jumped into hyperspace; the Blue-foor forces are trapped on the planet below.” “That’s perfect! Begin the positioning for the bombardment; admiral” “I have already issued the orders, it should only be half an hour until we can give the command. Until then I will notify the Diadect and wait for his orders if we can bombard the planet.” [MITYGUY] I end the communication with Successor Winner. I’m looking outside the bridge of the Capitol Ship of Orion. The largest of the entire Armada. I start walking back from the bridge to go to the Diadect’s personal quarters. I open the door. “Exterity, I need you to give the command of bombardment on Lystria; no one else is allowed security to grant the command” He responds “I’ve been looking it over and over with Senator Notceps, if we don’t bombard the planet we’ll loose atleast a million soldiers… And thats if all things go to plan. But if we bombard we’ll be hitting many civilian targets… So we’ve come to a decision… We have to bombard Lystria.” [EXTERITY] I exit my quarters and walk with my good friend Admiral Mity, we are on our way to the Bridge. The bridge airlock doors open and everyone onboard the Bridge stands up in full attention and salutes. The Armada have the strictest trainings in Orion Divisions, and these men are disciplined to no end. I walk past and as each person I pass they sit and continue their work. I reach the end of the Bridge and I look out the windows onto the planet below. “Is everything ready?” I ask to Mity. “The fleet is into position, we’re waiting on your order.” “How goes the evacuations of our men?” Mity responds “All of Edeltia’s space-navy is helping the evacuation as well Frostaria, our men are onboard allied ships and are safe from danger.” I walk up to the communication board in-front of me. I issue the command to all channels of Orion Ships. “This is Diadect Exterity, I am issuing the command for full planetary-bombardment of Lystria. Fire at will.” I see all the Orion Cruisers open fire on the planet below; every main-cannon go down to the planet below. Even from space I can see lights that lit up Lystria go dark as more lasers hit the surface. I can only imagine the destruction of the planet. As each minute past I can see new caverns and holes being carved into the planet and explosions lighting up the planet. The entire Armada is showering the planet with cannon-fire; the Blue-for forces on the surface are being killed by the thousand. “Diadect, we are getting a message from the planet-below; seems to be Commander of the Vortex Security” “Put him through.” A holographic message of the Commander of Lortex Security Forces solely known as The Warden comes up. “Sir Diadect, I call you in the safety of my underground bunker. I request in complete humbleness that you halt the bombardment. The Blue-For army has been wiped out on the surface; and the Blue-For navy sworn to protect us has left our atmosphere. They have abandoned us… We revoke our allegiance to Blue-for and we will unconditionally surrender our forces if you halt the bombardment. Please, for my people.” “I will accept your requests; I will be sending a detachment of drop ships to pick you up regarding the surrender, send me your coordinates.” I receive the coordinates. “Thank you Warden.” I turn off the holograph and I turn away. “Admiral Mity, halt the bombardment, they are surrendering” He speaks to the communication tablet “This is Admiral Mity, all ships are to hold fire.” [WINNER392] I was onboard a Frostaria Cruiser during the bombardment as I watched the extinguished life below on Lystria. “Successor, sir. An Orion dropship is here to take you to the Capitol Ship.” “Thank you” I land on the Capitol ship Orion and am lead up the bridge of the ship. I see The Warden himself sitting next to Diadect Exterity. We are all standing around conversing for a few minutes until I hear someone say over everyone else “We are gathered here for the unconditional surrender of Lortex Security and all their forces.” The Diadect says. I see the Warden sign on a paper. “Orion Offensive will be leaving the airspace of Lortex Security for they are no longer involved in the war. In fact Red-For will be sending relieve supplies and man-power to the planet to show our sympathy.” I sit in my designated Quarters onboard Capitol-Ship Orion. I look out the window as we are still orbiting around Lystria. The fleet will be leaving in 12 hours after the engines are recharged after using so much fire-power. The fleet moves onto more Blue-For planets. Little did I know; that the fall of Lystria; would be the key point to the full-surrender of Blue-For. My name is Winner; and this is my victory.

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