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#187265501Wednesday, April 13, 2016 1:04 AM GMT

Hello, soldiers of R U S T, I have come to you with a very special announcement regarding our ranking system. If you are in R U S T, you will know that we have not a lot of ranks in our clan. We have noticed that recruits and other rankers are, "flying" through the ranks too quickly. One of our most respected Commanders(not giving names) claimed that it took him about 2-3 weeks to get to the commander rank, and that people are advancing too quickly. Therefore, to counteract this, we have created a new ranking system called, "REP". Basically, a recruit starts off with 5 REP, and their REP is logged in a secret database. And as they go to events, their REP grows by 5. For example, a recruit goes to an event(they have 5 REP), their REP is now 10. This is a very good ranking system because it makes up for the shortage of ranks we have/can afford. Also one last thing, there is a certain amount of REP you need in order to rank up. Here is that list. Recruit: 15 REP, Guardian: 25 REP, Sentinel: 35 REP, Centurian: 45 REP, And lastly, Major: 55 REP. We hope this will benefit R U S T for the better. (NOTE: This is not the final document of this new rank system, please check the shout for more possible updates) HAIL RUST OR CRUMBLE TO DUST!

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