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#187298059Wednesday, April 13, 2016 7:23 PM GMT

----¦Contents¦---------------------------- [Section I]: About Elesteria [Section II]: Ranking Guide [Section III]: Application ----¦[Section I]: About Elesteria¦---------------------------- Thank you for your interest in Elesteria Studios and our games! We are a gaming and development community. Our goal is to create entertaining and enjoyable games. Our staff is highly motivated to releasing new content for our games. Like military groups? Elesteria Studios is responsible for creating and maintain National Elite Military's bases. From training bases to headquarters, Elesteria Studio developers release updates and patches to NEA, NEN, and NEAF. https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=195075 Found a bug in our games? Report it to CPTAndy and we'll start fixing it immediately! If finding bugs is your thing, then you're be a great part of our beta testing team! ----¦[Section II]: Ranking Guide¦---------------------------- We're always looking for staff to help us create and maintain quality games. Interested in applying? Please, send the director CPTAndy a message with the application found in this guide. What each rank does: - Moderating Team - Players who have earned our trust and passed our application are allowed to join our moderating team. Moderators watch our servers and ban those who break rules or try to cheat the system. They also keep a watchful eye on our wall. - Beta Testing Team - Our beta testing team are loyal players with a keen eye for discovering errors. Beta testers receive a special title in our games and work directly with our developers in finding and correcting flaws in our games. - Building Team - Our building team are talented 3D modelers and designers. They work on newer maps, guns, vehicles, and anything else related to building. - Scripting Team - Skilled and respected players can join our scripting team. Our scripting team are advanced programmers who work on writing code from scratch. Weather it's new content updates or brand new games, our scripting team are behind the scenes working hard. - Project Supervisor - There is one project supervisor for each of the four teams. They are in charge of managing their team and motivating their members. This rank is reserved for only the most loyal and hard-working! ------------------------------------------------------------- If you'd like to apply to become apart of our staff, please fill out this application and send it to CPTAndy! Which job are you applying for? (Moderation, beta testing, building, scripting) - How did you find our games or group? - How active would you be in the job you're applying for? - Do you have experience in the job you are applying for? - Do you have Skype? While not a requirement, it does help to communicate! - If you are applying for building or scripting, please include a link to some of the work you've done below. - Thanks! -CPTAndy

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