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#187613748Monday, April 18, 2016 1:15 AM GMT

Customers, designers & staff of Crazy Clothing™, you are currently reading the Crazy Clothing™ design department guide, which explains how to become a Crazy Clothing™ designer, report designers and answers any questions you may have about the design department. If you wish to apply for designer, you can only do so by sending a Chief Design Officer,or the president, a private message, we do not allow in-game interviews for becoming a Crazy Clothing™ designer. If you can't private message a Chief Design Officer,or the president, that means you have disabled the ability to send messages, go to your account settings to turn it back on. Before applying, please be sure you fit in the following requirements we ask from all our designers. • Must be able to create at least two items a week. • Must be able to alert a Chief Design Officer of any inactivity. • Must have been designing for at least 6 months. • Must have good grammar and be able to type English properly. • Must have any type Builders Club. Besides these basic requirements, we also have requirements for our clothing, so we can guarantee our customers the best quality clothing. • All clothing must be made from scratch (OR) you must be able to create your clothing completely from your own templates. • All clothing must be appropriate and shouldn't break any ROBLOX rules. • All clothing should be tactical, casual or formal. If you wish to make something else you should alert a Chief Design Officer. • Check up with customers every once and a while, to see what they would like to see you create, or ask a Chief Design Officer. • Creating T-Shirts is not allowed. If you believe you fit in all these requirements, private message a Chief Design Officer or the president with the subject: "Crazy Clothing™ - Design Department Application". Include the best five examples of your work, nothing more or less, and explain why that is your best work. Include when you started to design, what you are good in in terms of designing and what some of your weaknesses are. We here at Crazy Clothing™ are very selective about our designers, it does however happen occasionally that a designer doesn't fit in our expectations. This could be because they copied one of their clothing, are offensive to customers or do something else they shouldn't be doing. If you see a designer doing so, we ask that you provide us with any sort of evidence, this could be links to the original and copied item if a designer copied, or screenshot or video proof if it happened in game. Once you have evidence, please private message a Chief Design Officer, or the president if none are available with the subject: Crazy Clothing™ - "Design Department Report". Begin with your evidence and end with an explanation of what happened, and then it will be sorted out. We at the design department get plenty of questions, and because so we like to answer them all below our department guide so it's accessible for everyone. Q: How long does it take for my application / report to be reviewed? A: Expect applications to be reviewed within 48 hours, and reports to be reviewed within 72 hours. Q: How do I become Chief Design Officer? A: Chief Design Officer is special because in order to become one you don't climb up from Intern. You usually only become one if you are handpicked by the President. Q: I heard Crazy Clothing™ copies clothing, is that true? A. No, every clothing we make is created fully from scratch by the designer or is made up from several templates handmade by the designer. Q: I heard all you guys care about is sales and not how clothes look, is that true? A: No, we have put extremely high requirements and we keep increasing them since the group was first created. Q: Where are all clothes of Crazy Clothing™? A: All cc clothing is uploaded to the Crazy Clothing™ group store. Q: I filled in an application / report, but I did not get a reply? A: If you didn't get a reply, that means you have been denied or that your report has been ignored. This could be because your report didn't have enough evidence or if you do not fit the requirements to become a Crazy Clothing™ designer. Q: Do Crazy Clothing™ designers get paid? A: Currently there is no rule of Crazy Clothing™ designers getting paid, but designers can request payments by messaging the president, and will receive a portion of the groups earnings every 2 weeks (On Sunday-Canadian time) Q: if question is not in this thread, who can answer my question? A: You are always welcome to private message a Chief Design Officer with your question and they will reply within 48 hours. I hope this thread informed you enough about the Crazy Clothing™ Design Department. ~Tallajay11

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